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Search on : 'GLYNNE' . 10 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS
CATNUM Artist Title Description Media PICTURE SerialNum Price Category Type
LP55 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1924 HMV Acoustic D.724-31 )
TRIAL BY JURY (1928 HMV Electric D.1469-72)
H.M.S.PINAFORE (1924 HMV Acoustic D.724-31 )/ TRIAL BY JURY (1928 HMV Electric D.1469-72). Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. With D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus. PINAFORE: Cond George W. Byng. Cast: Frederic Ranalow, Sydney Granville, James Hay, Walter Glynne, Darrell Fancourt, Frederick Hobbs, Edward Halland, Violet Essex, Bessie Jones, Pamela Baselow, Bertha Lewis, Nellie Walker. TRIAL: Cond unidentified. Cast: Leo Sheffield, Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Winifred Lawson, T.Penny Hughes. Pearl Gemm 148/9 mono (2-LP wallet set) RARE       £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD715 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Original 1928 recording PRO-ARTE DIGITAL CDD 3417 DDD DIGITAL (1992). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. Light Opera Orchestra Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Supervised by Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, Peter Dawson, Walter Glynne, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Dorothy Gill, Elsie Griffin.     CDD 3417 £20.00   CD
R7899f Malcolm Sargent THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.74). Recorded on eleven double-sided Black Label 12" records (D 1549 to 1559) under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, Peter Dawson, Walter Glynne, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Dorothy Gill, Elsie Griffin : (f) D 7719 - D 7729 Red Label (automatic couplings) without album box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7899a Malcolm Sargent THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.74). Recorded on eleven double-sided Black Label 12" records (D 1549 to 1559) under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, Peter Dawson, Walter Glynne, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Dorothy Gill, Elsie Griffin : (a) Black Label in plum Album Box (with photocopied colour leaflet)     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7899d Malcolm Sargent THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.74). Recorded on eleven double-sided Black Label 12" records (D 1549 to 1559) under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, Peter Dawson, Walter Glynne, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Dorothy Gill, Elsie Griffin : (d) Red Label D 1549 - 1559 without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7899c Malcolm Sargent THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.74). Recorded on eleven double-sided Black Label 12" records (D 1549 to 1559) under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, Peter Dawson, Walter Glynne, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Dorothy Gill, Elsie Griffin : (c) Red Label D 1549 - 1559 in plum Album Box   Red Label D 1549 - 1559 in plum Album Box £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7899b Malcolm Sargent THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.74). Recorded on eleven double-sided Black Label 12" records (D 1549 to 1559) under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, Peter Dawson, Walter Glynne, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Dorothy Gill, Elsie Griffin : (b) Black Label D 1549 - 1559 without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7899e Malcolm Sargent THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.74). Recorded on eleven double-sided Black Label 12" records (D 1549 to 1559) under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, Peter Dawson, Walter Glynne, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Dorothy Gill, Elsie Griffin : (e) D 7719 - D 7729 Red Label (automatic couplings) in worn Album Wallet (with photocopied colour leaflet)     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP34 Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus MERRIE ENGLAND. MERRIE ENGLAND. Music by Edward German. Libretto by Basil Hood. Cast: William McAlpine, June Bronhill, Peter Glossop, Monica Sinclair, Patricia Kern., Howell Glynne. The Williams Singers. Michael Collins and his Orchestra. Recording produced by Norman Newell (Sadler's Wells version 1960) . HMV CLP 1376/7 mono (1960). Notes by Arthur Jacobs     HMV CLP 1376/7 mono (1960) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
cas20 William Mcalpine, Peter Glossop, June Bronhill, Monica Sinclair, Patricia Kern, Howell Glynne MERRIE ENGLAND. MERRIE ENGLAND. Music by Edward German. Libretto by Basil Hood. Cast: William McAlpine, Peter Glossop, June Bronhill, Monica Sinclair, Patricia Kern, Howell Glynne. The Williams Singers. Michael Collins and his Orchestra. TC-CFPD 4710 stereo (1960) (double cassette)       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
Search on : 'GLYNNE' . 10 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS

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