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Search on : 'DAVIES' . 19 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS
CATNUM Artist Title Description Media PICTURE SerialNum Price Category Type
CD61   COX AND BOX COX AND BOX (premiere recording in original version : 35:38)
TRAIL BY JURY (32:36). BBC National Orchestra of Wales Cond Richard Hickox. Cast: Lames Gilchrist, Neal Davies, Donald Maxwell/ Rebecca Evans, James Gilchrist, Matthew Brook, Neal Davies, Donald Maxwell and David Thaxton. Chamber Choir of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Chandos. CHAN 10321 (2005) NEW
CD13 Arthur Davies, Gareth Jones, Gillian Knight, Valerie Masterson, Frances Mccafferty, Richard Suart. National Symphony Orchestra SULLIVAN & Co. The Operas That Got Away SULLIVAN & Co. The Operas That Got Away. Arias, Duets & Ensembles from Sir Arthur Sullivan's Operas: The Martyr of Antioch, Ivanhoe, Haddon Hall, The Chieftain, The Rose of Persia, The Beauty Stone, The Emerald Isle. Featuring: Arthur Davies, Gareth Jones, Gillian Knight, Valerie Masterson, Frances McCafferty, Richard Suart. National Symphony Orchestra Cond David Steadman. TER CDTER 1248 (1998).       £14.00 GANDS RECORDING
R785 D'Oyly Carte GILBERT & SULLIVAN FAVOURITES GILBERT & SULLIVAN FAVOURITES (c.1930) (4 12" Red Label discs D.B. 4029 - 4032). Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. D.B. 4029 : Bow, Bow Ye, Lower Middle Classes (1930)/ I am a courtier grave and serious : Lytton, Lewis, Bennett, Oldham & Baker (1927)/ A Wandr'ing Minstrel : Derek Oldham (1927); D.B. 4030 : Take a pair of sparkling eyes : Derek Oldham
Three Little Maids : Griffin, Hemingway & Elburn/ In enterprise of martial kind : Lytton, Lewis, Bennett & Hosking/ Dance a Cachucha; D.B. 4031: On a Tree : Lytton/ For he's gone and married Yum-Yum : Davies, Lytton, Oldham, Griffin, Elburn, Sheffield & Baker/ I'm called little Buttercup : Lewis (1930)/ When a wooer goes a wooing : Lawson, Briercliffe, Oldham & Baker (1929); D.B. 4032 : Brightly dawns our wedding day : Griffin, Hemingway, Oldham & Baker/ Here's a How-de-do : Griffin, Oldham & Lytton/ I have a song to sing, O! : Lawson & Baker (4 records in cardboard sleeves secured with strong tape)
      £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789a D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (a) Black Label D 1334 - 1345 in Album Box No.48     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789b D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (b) Black Label D 1334 - 1345 without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789c D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (c) Red Label D 1334 - 1345 in Album Box No.48     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789f D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (f) as above but automatic couplings: Red Label D 7520 - 7531 (in box with wallet sleeve H.48 and original booklet)     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789g D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (g) as above but automatic couplings: Red Label D 7520 - 7531 without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789h D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (h) Black Label D 7011 - 7022 (automatic couplings) in Album Box No.48     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789e D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (e) as above but automatic couplings: Red Label D 7520 - 7531 (in plum Album Box No.48)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789d D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (d) Red Label D 1334 - 1345 (without box) (not automatic couplings)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846d D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (d) Red Label D 7697 - 7707 automatic couplings in Album Box     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846a D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (a) Black Label D 1172 - 82 (in an original version of the attractive decorative box from the 1918 acoustic recording : no cast list - just synopsis pasted inside the front board) VG     £60.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846b D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (b) Black Label D 1172 - 82 with album box     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846c D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (c) Red Label D 1172 - 82     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD22 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company 1927-1936.CDMOIR 413 AAD Memoir (c) 1992 : MK; YG; PF; PP; IO; TJ; GN. Cast includes: Marjorie Eyre, George Baker, Henry Lytton, Muriel Dickson, Aileen Davies, Nellie Briercliffe, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, Darrell Fancourt, Bertha Lewis, Sydney Granville, Elsie Griffin, Winifred Lawson, Leo Sheffield. Chorus & Orchestra conducted by Harry Norris and Malcolm Sargent       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP672 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur THE GONDOLIERS (1927 Recording HMV D.1334-45 Electric) Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cond. Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Winifred Lawson, Derek Oldham, Aileen Davies, Leo Sheffield, Bertha Lewis, George Baker, Mavis Bennett, Arthur Hosking, Ronald Stear, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Beatrice Elburn, Sybil Gordon, Gwladys Gowrie, Doris Hemingway. Pearl GEM 141/2 Mono     GEM 141/2 £30.00    
CD759 SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur IVANHOE. A Romantic Opera Adapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel. Words by Julian Sturgis Cast: Neal Davies, Stephen Gadd, James Rutherford, Peter Wedd, Peter Rose, Toby Spence, Matthew Brook, Leigh Melrose, Andrew Staples, Janice Watson, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Geraldine McGreevy. Adrian Partington Singers. BBC National Orchestra of Wales cond. David Lloyd-Jones. With booklet written by Martin T. Yates (2010)     CHAN 1057(3) £25.00   CD
R7838 Tommy Handley Memorial Choir, Leslie Woodgate THE LONG DAY CLOSES THE LONG DAY CLOSES/ GOD BE IN MY HEAD (Walford Davies). The Tommy Handley Memorial Choir Cond Leslie Woodgate/ SOLEMN MELODY (Walford Davies). Organ Solo by Charles Smart. HMV C. 3844 Pub. 1949 (included in the choir were Parry Jones, Webster Booth, Dennis Noble & Norman Allin 12"       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
Search on : 'DAVIES' . 19 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS

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