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Search on : 'COURT' . 103 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS
CATNUM Artist Title Description Media PICTURE SerialNum Price Category Type
LP82   PRINCESS IDA PRINCESS IDA. 1924 Recording. Henry Lytton, Bertha Lewis, Winifred Lawson, Leo Sheffield, Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Sydney Granville, Kathleen Anderson, Leo Darnton, Eileen Sharp, Leonard Hubbard, Edward Halland. Cond Harry Norris. Pearl 2 LP set GEMM 129/130 scarce       £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
R7810X   THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS Vocal Excerpts : “For the merriest fellows are we” & “Buon Giorno, Signorino”, “A right down regular Royal Queen”, “ I am a courtier grave and serious” & “Here we are, at the risk of our lives”. Savoy Light Opera Singers & Players. Edison Bell Winner Record (10”) 4944 (Published Dec. 1929)       £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO717   THE MIKADO Vol.III A MORE HUMANE MIKADO (Darrell Fancourt), THE FLOWERS THAT BLOOM IN THE SPRING (Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green), TIT WILLOW (Martyn Green), FOR HE'S GONE AND MARRIED YUM YUM (Joan Gillingham, Martyn Green, Margaret Mitchell, Leonard Osborn). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company cond. Isidore Godfrey Extended-play   REP 8012 (1950) MONO £10.00   RECORDING
R7824 Band Of H.M.coldstream Guards, George W. Byng IOLANTHE (1923) IOLANTHE (1923). Conducted by Geo. W.Byng. Cast: George Baker, Peter Dawson/Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Robert Radford, Nellie Walker, Sydney Granville, Edna Thornton, Bessie Jones, Evelyn Harding, Violet Essex. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. HMV Black Label D 632 - 641 in decorative album box by F.H.Ball (worn) scarce       £60.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
R7863 Court Symphony Orchestra PATIENCE - Selections PATIENCE - Selections. Part 1/2. Court Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Albert W.Ketelbey. Columbia (AX 1582) 997R (elecrical recording of Dec. 1924 publication)       £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7848 Court Symphony Orchestra THE MIKADO Selection THE MIKADO Selection (arr. Pougher). Court Symphony Orchestra Cond Clarence Raybould. Columbia D.X. 414 (Recorded. Sept. 1932/ Published 12/32)       £7.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7844 Court Symphony Orchestra THE MIKADO Selection THE MIKADO Selection Part 1/2 COURT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Cond Albert W.Ketelbey. Columbia 994R (electrical re-recording) (Pub. Nov. 1924) 12"       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7871 Court Symphony Orchestra, Albert Ketelby H.M.S.PINAFORE H.M.S.PINAFORE - SELECTION PART 1/2. Court Symphony Orchestra Cond Albert Ketelbey. Columbia 986 (AX 436/7) (Pub. 10/24) 12"       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7877 Court Symphony Orchestra, Albert Ketelby THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Selection Part 1 & 2. Court Symphony Orchestra (Cond Albert Ketelbey). Columbia 993 R (electrical re-recording) (published Nov. 1924) 12"       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7822 Court Symphony Orchestra, Clarence Raybould THE GONDOLIERS. THE GONDOLIERS. SELECTION. PARTS 1&2 (arr. C. Godfrey, Jnr.) Court Symphony Orchestra conducted by Clarence Raybould. D.X. 386 (Recorded 26/8/32. Published Dec. 1932)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
R785 D'Oyly Carte GILBERT & SULLIVAN FAVOURITES GILBERT & SULLIVAN FAVOURITES (c.1930) (4 12" Red Label discs D.B. 4029 - 4032). Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. D.B. 4029 : Bow, Bow Ye, Lower Middle Classes (1930)/ I am a courtier grave and serious : Lytton, Lewis, Bennett, Oldham & Baker (1927)/ A Wandr'ing Minstrel : Derek Oldham (1927); D.B. 4030 : Take a pair of sparkling eyes : Derek Oldham
Three Little Maids : Griffin, Hemingway & Elburn/ In enterprise of martial kind : Lytton, Lewis, Bennett & Hosking/ Dance a Cachucha; D.B. 4031: On a Tree : Lytton/ For he's gone and married Yum-Yum : Davies, Lytton, Oldham, Griffin, Elburn, Sheffield & Baker/ I'm called little Buttercup : Lewis (1930)/ When a wooer goes a wooing : Lawson, Briercliffe, Oldham & Baker (1929); D.B. 4032 : Brightly dawns our wedding day : Griffin, Hemingway, Oldham & Baker/ Here's a How-de-do : Griffin, Oldham & Lytton/ I have a song to sing, O! : Lawson & Baker (4 records in cardboard sleeves secured with strong tape)
      £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7875 D'Oyly Carte H.M.S.PINAFORE H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949). DC OC. Recorded under the supervision of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Conductor Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Ella Halman, Richard Walker, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Muriel Harding, Martyn Green, Joan Gillingham, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt. Decca AK.2261 - 68 (8 x 12" discs : automatic couplings) SCARCE       £60.00 SCARCE GANDS RECORDING
CD23 D'Oyly Carte H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) & THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929). The 1929
30 D'Oyly Carte recordings. Cast: Lytton, Baker, Goulding, Fancourt, Granville, Robertson, Griffin, Briercliffe, Lewis, Dawson, Oldham, Sheffield, Walker, Gill. Opera Magna (1996) Romophone 89002-2.
      £12.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7885 D'Oyly Carte RUDDIGORE (1924) RUDDIGORE (1924 Acoustic) IN PICTORIAL ALBUM BOX (S.T.C. Weeks) Black Label D. 878 - 886 (9 discs). Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Light Opera Orchestra. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Edward Halland, Derek Oldham, Leo Sheffield, Elsie Griffin, Bertha Lewis, Eileen Sharp SCARCE       £60.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846d D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (d) Red Label D 7697 - 7707 automatic couplings in Album Box     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846a D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (a) Black Label D 1172 - 82 (in an original version of the attractive decorative box from the 1918 acoustic recording : no cast list - just synopsis pasted inside the front board) VG     £60.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846b D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (b) Black Label D 1172 - 82 with album box     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7846c D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO (1927) THE MIKADO (1927) HMV Album Series No.38 . Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Henry A. Lytton, Leo Sheffield, George Baker, Elsie Griffin, Doris Hemingway, Aileen Davies, Beatrice Elbura, Bertha Lewis : (c) Red Label D 1172 - 82     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851e D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (e) D.B. 8105 - 8115 (automatic couplings) (without album box)     £35.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851d D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (d) D.B. 8105 - 8115 (automatic couplings) in a special presentation album with leather clasp (dated Jan. 1948) VG+     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851b D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (b) D.B. 4038 - 4048 Red Label (album box well-worn)     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851a D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (a) D.B. 4038 - 4048 Red Label (album box 260 : with booklet)     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851c D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (c) D.B. 4038 - 4048 Red Label (without album box)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7882 D'Oyly Carte THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1950). DC OC. Recorded under the direction of of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Joan Gillingham, Martyn Green, Ella Halman, Muriel Harding, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Joyce Wright. Decca AK. 2315 - 2325 (11 records). Act I: AK.2315-2320/ Act II: AK.2321-2325       £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP86e D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant. 2 LP SET Decca DPA 3061/2 Mono recording electronically reprocessed to give stereo effect on stereo equipment (1979)       (e)£20.00   RECORDING
CD2c D'Oyly Carte Opera Company G&S Vintage Collection : H.M.S.PINAFORE (Complete without dialogue) (recorded 28 July 1949) (c) G&S Vintage Collection : H.M.S.PINAFORE (Complete without dialogue) (recorded 28 July 1949) D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyCHORUS AND Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leslie Rands, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Richard Walker, Radley Flynn, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Ella Halman. RRC 1088 (12 page expert booklet)       £4.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD2f D'Oyly Carte Opera Company G&S Vintage Collection : THE GONDOLIERS (1950) (Complete without dialogue) (f) G&S Vintage Collection : THE GONDOLIERS (1950) (Complete without dialogue) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Yvonne Dean, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane/ THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) (Complete without dialogue) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ann Drummond-Grant, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow/ RUDDIGORE (1950) (Highlights) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant. RRC 3003 (2002) 3-CD set       £13.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD2d D'Oyly Carte Opera Company G&S Vintage Collection : THE MIKADO (1950) (Complete without dialogue) (d) G&S Vintage Collection : THE MIKADO (1950) (Complete without dialogue) D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyCond I.Godfrey. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn
TRIAL BY JURY (1949) D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyCond I. Godfrey. Cast: Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Radley Flynn, Donald Harris RRC 2041 2-CD set (10 page expert booklet)
LP55 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1924 HMV Acoustic D.724-31 )
TRIAL BY JURY (1928 HMV Electric D.1469-72)
H.M.S.PINAFORE (1924 HMV Acoustic D.724-31 )/ TRIAL BY JURY (1928 HMV Electric D.1469-72). Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. With D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus. PINAFORE: Cond George W. Byng. Cast: Frederic Ranalow, Sydney Granville, James Hay, Walter Glynne, Darrell Fancourt, Frederick Hobbs, Edward Halland, Violet Essex, Bessie Jones, Pamela Baselow, Bertha Lewis, Nellie Walker. TRIAL: Cond unidentified. Cast: Leo Sheffield, Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Winifred Lawson, T.Penny Hughes. Pearl Gemm 148/9 mono (2-LP wallet set) RARE       £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD38 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE PATIENCE (Recorded in London 1951) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I.Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget DC. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Leonard Osborn, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell. Naxos 8.110233 (2003)       £5.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD41 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant. Naxos 8.110295 (2004)       £5.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD22 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company 1927-1936.CDMOIR 413 AAD Memoir (c) 1992 : MK; YG; PF; PP; IO; TJ; GN. Cast includes: Marjorie Eyre, George Baker, Henry Lytton, Muriel Dickson, Aileen Davies, Nellie Briercliffe, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, Darrell Fancourt, Bertha Lewis, Sydney Granville, Elsie Griffin, Winifred Lawson, Leo Sheffield. Chorus & Orchestra conducted by Harry Norris and Malcolm Sargent       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP36 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1926) THE MIKADO (1926). Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Henry Lytton, Bertha Lewis, George Baker, Leo Sheffield, Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham. Pearl GEM 137/8 mono (1977) (wallet set with photos.) scarce     Pearl GEM 137/8 mono (1977) £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
CD46 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) THE MIKADO (1950) D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus & Orchestra CondI.Godfrey. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Naxos Historical Great Operetta Recordings ADD 8.110176-77 (2001)       £10.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
LP37a D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO Complete 1936 recording Complete 1936 recording on two LPs. D'Oyly Carte Recording. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Martyn Green, Sydney Granville, Leslie Rands, Radley Flynn, Brenda Bennett, Marjorie Eyre, Elizabeth Nickell-Lean, Josephine Curtis. Symphony Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey (a) very good records and sleeves, scarce   HMV ALP 1255/6 (1955) £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP37b D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO Complete 1936 recording Complete 1936 recording on two LPs. D'Oyly Carte Recording. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Martyn Green, Sydney Granville, Leslie Rands, Radley Flynn, Brenda Bennett, Marjorie Eyre, Elizabeth Nickell-Lean, Josephine Curtis. Symphony Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey (b) SLEEVE OF RECORD TWO DAMAGED, discs VG   HMV ALP 1255/6 (1955) £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP37c D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO: Highlights from the ORIGINAL 1936 (June) recording 1936 D'Oyly Carte Recording. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Martyn Green, Sydney Granville, Leslie Rands, Radley Flynn, Brenda Bennett, Marjorie Eyre, Elizabeth Nickell-Lean, Josephine Curtis. Symphony Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey     MFP Mono 2038 (1960's) £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD47 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1949) (and TRIAL BY JURY). D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus & Orchestra CondI.Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn. Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman. Naxos Great Operetta Recordings. 8.110196-97 (2002)       £10.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD2g D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1949) (Complete without dialogue) (g) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1949) (Complete without dialogue) Cast : Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman
PATEINCE Highlights (1951): Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell. D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. 12 Page expert booklet by Tony Watts. Regis RRC2061 (2003)
LP72d D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1950/79) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman (d) 1979 re-issue. Decca DPA 3051/2 MONO, VG (Goffin sleeve design)   Decca DPA 3051/2 MONO £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP71 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Highlights from the 1931 D'Oyly Carte Recording Orchestra conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Stuart Robertson, Derek Oldham, Sydney Granville, Stuart Robertson, Muriel Dickson, Bertha Lewis. MFP 2143     MFP MONO 2143 £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD40 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD* + Orchestral excerpts from G&S Operettas (*Recorded 18th July 1950, London). D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ann Drummond-Grant, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow. Naxos 8.110293-94 (2004)       £10.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD725 GILBERT & SULLIVAN PRINCESS IDA (1932) and PATIENCE (1930) First issued on HMV. This compilation and technical restoration (c) 1996. Conifer Records Happy Days 75605 52273 2. Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dr Malcolm Sargent. (Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte). PRINCESS IDA Cast: Richard Watson, Derek Oldham, Charles Goulding, George Baker, Sir Henry Lytton, Darrell Fancourt, Stuart Robertson, Edward Halland, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon, Nellie Briercliffe. PATIENCE Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Leslie Rands, Winifred Lawson, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Rita Mackay, Bertha Lewis       £14.00   CD
CD774 GILBERT & SULLIVAN SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN Volume 2 SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company 1927-1936.CDMOIR 441 ADD Memoir (c) 1998 : MK; YG; PC; PP; IO; RG; GN. Cast includes: George Baker, Henry Lytton, Muriel Dickson,Nellie Briercliffe, Derek Oldham, Darrell Fancourt, Bertha Lewis, Sydney Granville, Winifred Lawson, Martyn Green. Chorus & Orchestra conducted by Harry Norris, Malcolm Sargent and Isidore Godfrey.     CDMOIR 441 £12.00   CD
CD763 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929) & RUDDIGORE (1931) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929).George Baker,Peter Dawson,Stuart Robertson,Derek Oldham,Leo Sheffield,Elsie Griffin,Nellie Briercliffe,Nellie Walker,Dorothy Gill. RUDDIGORE (1931) with Sydney Granville, Muriel Dickson, Alice Moxon, Darreell Fancourt. D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus.Light Opera Orchestra conducted by Dr.Malcolm Sargent (Recorded under the supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte). (With:RUDDIGORE).Conifer Records Limited Mono CDHD 255/6 (1995)     CDHD 255/6 (1995) £15.00   CD
CD742 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Chorus & Orchestra cond. Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman. Naxos Historical (2004)     8.110293-94 £8.00   CD
CD745 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, A. Choice slections from Gilbert & Sullivan THE MIKADO and RUDDIGORE + Burnand and Sullivan's COX AND BOX. Charles Court Opera with the Eaton-Young piano duet : John Savournin, Elizabeth Menezes and David Menezes. Recorded at Trinity College of Music, 7 & 8 August, 2006       £6.00   CD
CD714 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur H.M.S.PINAFORE Original 1930 Recording H.M.S.PINAFORE: PRO-ARTE DIGITAL CDD 598 (1992). D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Supervised by Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Henry A Lytton, George Baker, Charles Goulding, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Stuart Robertson, Elsie Griffin, Nellie Briercliffe, Bertha Lewis     CDD 598 (1992) £15.00   CD
LP671 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur RUDDIGORE (1924) The Light Opera Orch. and a DC Chorus of 12 unspecified singers (3 of each voice) cond. Harry Norris. Cast: George Baker, Derek Oldham, Leo Sheffield, Edward Halland, Darrell Fancourt, Elsie Griffin, Bertha Lewis, Eileen Sharp. Pearl Gem 133/4 wallet, VG   GEM 133/4 £30.00   RECORDING
TAKE A PAIR OF SPARKLING EYES. Eric Courtland. Columbia 10" 3336 (Published Dec. 1923)
LP86d he D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE/THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights RUDDIGORE Highlights (1950) : The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant
THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights (1950) : The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Ann Drummond-Grant, Geoffrey Sanders, Ella Halman, Neville Griffiths, Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Deidrie Thurlow, Donald Harris, Richard Watson, Martyn Green, Muriel Harding
(d) Decca RUDDIGORE/THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights LK 4069 (1950)   LK 4069 (1950) £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7888a Isidore Godfrey THE SORCERER THE SORCERER (1933) Abridged 6 x 10" discs. HMV B. 8054 - B. 8059 IN ALBUM BOX (dull), with original booklet. Orchestra & Chorus Cond I.Godfrey. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, Anna Bethell, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon SCARCE       £50.00 SCARCE GANDS RECORDING
R7888b Isidore Godfrey THE SORCERER (1933) (Abridged Version) 6 x 10" discs. HMV B.7018-7023 (automatic couplings) THE SORCERER (1933) Abridged 6 x 10" discs. HMV B. 7018-7023 (automatic couplings) IN ALBUM BOX 193, with original booklet. Orchestra & Chorus Cond I.Godfrey. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, Anna Bethell, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon SCARCE       £50.00    
R7873a Malcolm Sargent H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) (a)H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930). Electrically recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. HMV Album Series 100 D 1844-1852 Black Label 9 Discs. Plum box. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Charles Goulding, Sydney Granville, Henry A. Lytton, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Elsie Griffin, Bertha Lewis. Conductor: Malcolm Sargent       £30.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7873b Malcolm Sargent H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) (a)H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930). Electrically recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. HMV Album Series 100 D 1844-1852 Black Label 9 Discs. Plum box. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Charles Goulding, Sydney Granville, Henry A. Lytton, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Elsie Griffin, Bertha Lewis. Conductor: Malcolm Sargent (b) as above but automatic couplings: Red Label D 7511 - 7519 (in Album Series No.100 wallet sleeve box)     £30.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7873c Malcolm Sargent H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) (a)H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930). Electrically recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. HMV Album Series 100 D 1844-1852 Black Label 9 Discs. Plum box. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Charles Goulding, Sydney Granville, Henry A. Lytton, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Elsie Griffin, Bertha Lewis. Conductor: Malcolm Sargent (c) Red Label D 7511 - 7519 without box     £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7829d Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. D 7708 - 7718 Red Label automatic couplings without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7829c Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. (c) without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7829b Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. (b) in brown wallet album with leaflet     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7829a Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. (a) with plum Album Box No.89     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7862f Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1930) PATIENCE (1930). Electrical Recording. HMV Album Series No. 106. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Rita Mackay, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands (f) Red Label (automatic couplings) D 7844 - 7853 without album box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7862c Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1930) PATIENCE (1930). Electrical Recording. HMV Album Series No. 106. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Rita Mackay, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands (c) in plum Album Box (worn) Red Label D 1909 - 1918     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7862a Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1930) PATIENCE (1930). Electrical Recording. HMV Album Series No. 106. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Rita Mackay, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands (a) in plum Album Box No.106 Black Label D 1909 - 1918     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7862b Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1930) PATIENCE (1930). Electrical Recording. HMV Album Series No. 106. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Rita Mackay, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands (b) Black Label D 1909 - 1918 (without Album Box)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7862e Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1930) PATIENCE (1930). Electrical Recording. HMV Album Series No. 106. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Rita Mackay, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands (e) Black Label set (automatic couplings) D 7272 - 7282 set in Album Box 106 (spine strip missing) discs VG scarce     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7862d Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1930) PATIENCE (1930). Electrical Recording. HMV Album Series No. 106. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Rita Mackay, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands (d) Red Label D 1909 - 1918 (without Album Box)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD1e Malcolm Sargent PRINCESS IDA (1932) (e) PRINCESS IDA (1932) Cond Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Derek Oldham, George Baker, Henry Lytton, Darrell Fancourt, Muriel Dickson. Recorded under the personal direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte GEM 0144 (2 CDs)     £12.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7884 Malcolm Sargent PRINCESS IDA (1932) 78 rpm Album Series No. 169 PRINCESS IDA (1932). HMV Album Series No.169 DB 4016-4025. Electrically Recorded under the Personal Supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Richard Watson, Derek Oldham, Charles Goulding, George Baker, Henry Lytton, Darrell Fancourt, Stuart Robertson, Edward Holland, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon, Nellie Briercliffe RARE       £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886a Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (a) D.B. 4005 - 4013 9 x 12" Red Label discs in Album Box No.143     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886b Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (b) D.B. 4005 - 4013 9 x 12" Red Label discs within non-specific Album Box     £30.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886c Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (c) D.B. 7522-30 9 x 12" Red Label discs (automatic couplings) (within Album Series No. 143 brown wallet box, with leaflet)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886d Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (d) D.B. 7522 - 30 9 x 12" Red Label discs (automatic couplings) with plum Album Box No.143 without leaflet     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7881a Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1931) Abridged Version on 6 10" records. HMV Album Series 126. B 3846-51. Orchestra and Chorus Cond by Malcolm Sargent. Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Muriel Dickson, Bertha Lewis: (a) VG+ with booklet     £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7881b Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1931) Abridged Version on 6 10" records. HMV Album Series 126. B 3846-51. Orchestra and Chorus Cond by Malcolm Sargent. Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Muriel Dickson, Bertha Lewis: (b) Very good album box, (photocopied booklet), records VG     £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP71X Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929) and THE SORCERER (1933) (Abridged). Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, George Baker, Dorothy Gill, Muriel Dickson, Anna Bethell, Alice Moxon. conductors : Sargent/Godfrey. Retrospect Series SHB 75 (1982) scarce       £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
CD6 Malcolm Sargent VINTAGE GILBERT & SULLIVAN. H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) & THE MIKADO (1936) VINTAGE GILBERT & SULLIVAN. H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) with Lytton, Baker, Goulding, Fancourt, Granville, Robertson, Griffin, Briercliffe, Lewis. Symphony Orchestra Cond Dr Malcolm Sargent/ THE MIKADO (1936) with Fancourt, Oldham, Green, Granville, Rands, Bennett, Eyre, Nickell-Lean, Curtis. Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. (Both operas recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte). Happy Days Conifer CDHD 253/254 (2 CD set) (1994) (SEE: 78s - PINAFORE No.23/ MIKADO No.16 and POSTCARDS)     CDHD 253/254 £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP9 Malcolm Sargent,george Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Leonard Osborn, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Nellie Walker, Alice Moxon, Muriel Dickson, Phyllis Evens, Beatrice Elburn THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged). THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged). Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Leonard Hubbard, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Nellie Walker, Alice Moxon, Muriel Dickson, Phyllis Evens, Beatrice Elburn with PATIENCE (1931) (Complete) Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Rita Mackay, Bertha Lewis, Winifred Lawson.     EMI World Records Retrospect Series SHB 74 (1981) £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD1a Richard Temple, Henry Lytton, Rutland Barrington, Ilka Von Palmay, Walter Passmore, C.h.workman THE ART OF THE SAVOYARD (a) THE ART OF THE SAVOYARD. Recordings by singers who performed under the direction of G&S themselves: RICHARD TEMPLE, HENRY LYTTON, RUTLAND BARRINGTON, ILKA von PALMAY, WALTER PASSMORE, C.H.WORKMAN etc. GEMM CD 9991 (1993) :-
1. RICHARD TEMPLE - "The Mikado" : A more Humane Mikado 2. RICHARD TEMPLE - "The Pirates of Penzance" : I am a Pirate King
3. COURTICE POUNDS - "Chu Chin Chow" : When a pullet is plump 4. ISABEL JAY - "The Prates of Penzance" : Poor Wand'ring One
5. RUTLAND BARRINGTON : The Moody Mariner 6. SCOTT RUSSELL - "Princess Ida" : Would you know the kind of maid
7. SCOTT RUSSELL - "Utopia Limited" : A tenor all singers above 8. SCOTT RUSSELL - "The Rose of Persia" : Drinking Song
9. RUTH VINCENT - "Tom Jones" : Waltz Song 10. LYTTON/HENRI - "Iolanthe" : None shall part us
11. HENRY LYTTON - "Merrie England" : Imagination 12. HENRY LYTTON - "Merrie England" - The Yeomen of England
13. HENRY LYTTON - "The Sorcerer" : The Curate's Song 14. WALTER PASSMORE - "The Sorcerer" : My name is John Wellington Wells 15. WALTER PASSMORE - "Patience" : If you're anxious for to shine 16. WALTER PASSMORE - "The Mikado" : As some day it may happen 17. WALTER PASSMORE - "The Mikado" : On a tree by a river 18. ROBERT EVETT - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : Is life a boon? 19. ROBERT EVETT - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : Free'd from his fetters grim 20. ILKA von PLAMAY : Butterfly (Folk Song) 21. AMY AUGARDE - "HMS Pinafore" : I'm called Little Buttercup 22. C.H.WORKMAN - "The Pirates of Penzance" : Major-General's Song 23. C.H.WORKMAM - "Princess Ida" : If you give me your attention" 24. C.H.WORKMAN - "Princess Ida" : Whene'er I spoke 25. C.H.WORKMAN - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : I have a song; with Elsie Spain, sop. 26. C.H.WORKMAN - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : I've jibe and joke" 27.C.H.WORKMAN - "The Yeomen of he Guard" : A Private Buffoon 28. C.H.WORKMAN - "Utopia Limited" : First you're born 29. SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN : Address to Thomas A. Edison scarce
D'Oyly Carte     £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP50 Sir Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1931) PATIENCE (1931) (Complete) Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Rita Mackay, Bertha Lewis, Winifred Lawson with THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged). Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Leonard Osborn, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Nellie Walker, Alice Moxon, Muriel Dickson, Phyllis Evens, Beatrice Elburn. EMI World Records Retrospect Series SHB 74 (1981)       £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD63 SULLIVAN, Arthur GILBERT & SULLIVAN Orchestral Selections Excerpts from THE GONDOLIERS, THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD, H.M.S. PINAFORE, PRINCESS IDA, IOLANTHE, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, THE MIKADO, PATIENCE. Court Symphony Orchestra, cond. Albert W. Ketelbey. Pickwick 790662 IMP Classics (2004) (discs supplied from the Collection of Christopher Browne) (original GN 979/ YG 984/ PF 986/ PI 987/ IO 992/ PP 993/ MK 994/ PC 997 Columbia Records Masterworks 8 records (1924))       £7.00 GANDS CD
LP58b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949). Conductor Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Ella Halman, Richard Walker, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Muriel Harding, Martyn Green, Joan Gillingham, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt (b) LK 4002-3 RARE WALLET SET   LK 4002-3 £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP58d The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949/61) H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949/61). Conductor Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Ella Halman, Richard Walker, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Muriel Harding, Martyn Green, Joan Gillingham, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt (d) Ace of Clubs ffrr ACL 1054/55 (1961 re-issue) in blue photographic sleeve   ACL 1054/55 (1961 re-issue) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP57 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930 recd.) with TRIAL BY JURY (1927 recd.) H.M.S. PINAFORE with Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. (Recorded under the supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte February, March and June 1930). Cast : Henry A. Lytton, George Baker, Charles Goulding, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Stuart Robertson, Elsie Griffin, Nellie Briercliffe, Bertha Lewis
TRIAL BY JURY with Orchestral Accompaniment. (Recorded under the supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte, September, 1927). Cast : Leo Sheffield, Winifred Lawson, Derek Oldham, Arthur Hosking, George Baker
attractive decorative sleeves (laminated) rare set   HMV ALP 1293/4 (1955) £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP56 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1930) Highlights from the Original 1930 D'Oyly Carte Recording with Symphony Orchestra conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Henry A. Lytton, George Baker, Charles Goulding, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Stuart Robertson, Elsie Griffin, Nellie Briercliffe, Bertha Lewis     MFP MONO 2070 £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP58c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949) H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949). Conductor Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Ella Halman, Richard Walker, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Muriel Harding, Martyn Green, Joan Gillingham, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt (c) LK 4002/3 automatic couplings, laminated sleeves MINT   LK 4002/3 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP58a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949) H.M.S.PINAFORE (1949). Conductor Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Ella Halman, Richard Walker, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Muriel Harding, Martyn Green, Joan Gillingham, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt (a) LK 4002/3 automatic couplings, non-laminated sleeves (excellent quality) LK 4002/3 (a)£15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP51c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE (1952) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Decca LK 4047/8 automatic couplings (Laban sleeve design) (c) set missing overprinting below `PATIENCE' (non-laminated)   Decca LK 4047/8 £12.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP51a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE (1952) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Decca LK 4047/8 automatic couplings (Laban sleeve design) (a) non-laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4047/8 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP51b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE (1952) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Decca LK 4047/8 automatic couplings (Laban sleeve design) (b) laminated sleeves, VG+   Decca LK 4047/8 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP86a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (a) Decca LK 4027-8 automatic couplings/ non-laminated sleeves VG   Decca LK 4027-8 automatic couplings £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP86c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (c) Decca ACL 1193/4 mono (1965 re-issue) b&w photographic sleeve (Act I arrival of Dick Dauntless) scarce   Decca ACL 1193/4 mono (1965 re-issue) £15.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP86b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (b) Decca LK 4027/8 automatic couplings/laminated sleeves   Decca LK 4027/8 automatic couplings £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP38a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (a) automatic couplings, laminated sleeves   Decca LK 4010/11 (1950) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP38b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (b) Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue of 1950 recording in BLUE laminated sleeves   Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP38c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (c) Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue of 1950 recording in GREEN laminated sleeves   Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP72a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1950) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE. LK 4004/5 (1950). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn,Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman (a) laminated sleeves and discs VG   Decca LK 4004/5 (1950) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO710 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1950/1958 re-issue) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman Decca ACE OF CLUBS re-issue, laminated sleeves   MONO ACL 1276/7 (1958) £20.00 scarce   RECORDING
LP112b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (b) automatic couplings, red laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4029/30 mono (1950) (b) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP112e The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (e) worn BOX SET with booklet   Decca LK 4029/30 (1950) (e)£18.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP112a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (a) automatic couplings, cream laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4029/30 mono (1950) (a) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP112c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (c) non-laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4029/30 (1950) (c)£15.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO712 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) Pictorial sleeve.The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidrie Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant Ace of Clubs re-issue   Decca ACL 1278/9 MONO (1951) £25.00 SCARCE   RECORDING
LP112d The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (d) BOX SET with booklet   Decca LK 4029/30 (1950) (d)£20.00 GANDS RECORDING
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