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Search on : 'COND.' . 31 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS
CATNUM Artist Title Description Media PICTURE SerialNum Price Category Type
CD62   THE MIKADO (1936) D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, cond. I. Godfrey. Arabesque Recordings Z8051-2 (USA 1980/1986/1995) 2 Compact Discs in case with notes by Reginald Allen       £12.00   RECORDING
RECO717   THE MIKADO Vol.III A MORE HUMANE MIKADO (Darrell Fancourt), THE FLOWERS THAT BLOOM IN THE SPRING (Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green), TIT WILLOW (Martyn Green), FOR HE'S GONE AND MARRIED YUM YUM (Joan Gillingham, Martyn Green, Margaret Mitchell, Leonard Osborn). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company cond. Isidore Godfrey Extended-play   REP 8012 (1950) MONO £10.00   RECORDING
CD683 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Highlights D'Oyly Carte Opera Company cond. John Pryce-Jones. Cast: Malcolm Rivers, Gareth Jones, Philip Creasy, Eric Roberts, Simon Masterton Smith, Marilyn Hill Smith, Pauline Birchall, Patricia Cameron, Juliet Arthur, Susan Gorton. Jay Productions (1989/94) 340 262     340 262 £10.00   CD
CD747 G&S GILBERT & SULLIVAN 26 of your favourite G&S Classics. Cassics for Pleasure (2005). Sir Malcolm Sargent cond. Pro Arte Orch. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus remastered compilation   72435 86655 2 9 £5.00   CD
CD728 GILBERT & SULLIVAN GILBERT & SULLIVAN FAVOURITES Hts GN/ PP/ PF/ MK. London Concert Orch. cond. Marcus DodDs. Cast: Marion Studholme, Jean Allister, Edmund Bohan, Ian Wallace. English Chorale. Hallmark Classics 350052 (1991)       £4.00   CD
CD765 GILBERT & SULLIVAN H.M.S. PINAFORE (1930) & THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929) Electrical sets late 1920’s/1930’s: DC OC (Recorded under the Personal Supervision of Rupert DC). Cond. Malcolm Sargent 4 CD BOX SET   PBXCD 468 1-4 (2003) £8.00   CD
CD770 GILBERT & SULLIVAN PATIENCE Cast : John Shaw, Trevor Anthony, Alexander Young, George Baker, John Cameron, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair, Elizabeth Harwood, Heather Harper. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Chorus Master – Peter Gellhorn. Pro Arte Orchestra. Conductor – Sir Malcolm Sargent (with SULLIVAN IRISH SYMPHONY in E. RPO cond. C.Groves). (1962/1968/1987) 2 CD BOX SET   EMI Classics CDS 7 47783 8 £10.00   CD
CD746 GILBERT & SULLIVAN RUDDIGORE D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Excerpts live from the Bristol Hippodrome 7th May 1957 with Donald Adams, George Cook, Peter Pratt, Leonard Osborn, John Banks, Cynthis Morey, Joyce Wright, Ann Drummond-Grant, Maureen Melvin, Beryl Dixon. Cond. Isidore Godfrey ©2014 2-disc set     £10.00   CD
CD769 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE MIKADO THE MIKADO. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra cond. Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, Sir Geraint Evans, Ian Wallace, John Cameron, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Jeanette Sinclair, Monica Sinclair. 2 CD set. HMV Classics HMVD 5 73059 2 (P)1957 © 1998     HMV Classics HMVD 5 73059 2 (P)1957/1998 £10.00   CD
CD760 Gilbert & Sullivan THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Robert Lloyd, Kurt Streit, Stafford Dean, Neil Mackie, Thomas Allen, Bryn Terfel, Anthony Michaels-Moore, Sylvia McNair, Jean Rigby, Anne Collins, Judith Howarth. Academy & Chorus of St Martin in the Fields cond. Sir Neville Marriner     Philips 438 138-2 (1993) £15.00   CD
  GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra cond. Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Denis Dowling, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, Alexander Young, Sir Geraint Evans, Owen Brannigan, John Carol Case, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair, Doreen Hume. 2 CD set. HMV Classics HMVD 5 73065 2 (P)1958 (C)1998       £10.00    
CD742 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Chorus & Orchestra cond. Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman. Naxos Historical (2004)     8.110293-94 £8.00   CD
CD726 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights Chorus and Orch. of the DC OC cond. John Owen Edwards. Cast: Donald Maxwell, David Fieldsend, Jill Pert, Carol Lesley-Green, Fenton Gray, Lesley Echo Ross, Gary Montaine, Terence Sharpe, Julian Jenson, Janine Roebuck. Jay Productions 340 312 (1989/94). Notes by Arthur Jacobs       £6.00   CD
LP671 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur RUDDIGORE (1924) The Light Opera Orch. and a DC Chorus of 12 unspecified singers (3 of each voice) cond. Harry Norris. Cast: George Baker, Derek Oldham, Leo Sheffield, Edward Halland, Darrell Fancourt, Elsie Griffin, Bertha Lewis, Eileen Sharp. Pearl Gem 133/4 wallet, VG   GEM 133/4 £30.00   RECORDING
LP672 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur THE GONDOLIERS (1927 Recording HMV D.1334-45 Electric) Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cond. Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Winifred Lawson, Derek Oldham, Aileen Davies, Leo Sheffield, Bertha Lewis, George Baker, Mavis Bennett, Arthur Hosking, Ronald Stear, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Beatrice Elburn, Sybil Gordon, Gwladys Gowrie, Doris Hemingway. Pearl GEM 141/2 Mono     GEM 141/2 £30.00    
CD720 Grundy, Sydney & Sullivan, Arthur HADDON HALL. An original light opera in three Acts Written by Sydney Grundy, composed by Arthur Sullivan performed complete (without spoken dialogue) by THE PRINCE CONSORT, EDINBURGH cond. David Lyle. The Divine Art Record Company 21201 (2000) Full libretto included   The Divine Art Record Company 21201 (2000) £20.00 2-CD set   CD
CD34c New London Orchestra, London Chorus THE GOLDEN LEGEND Janice Watson; Jean Rigby; Mark Wilde; Jeffrey Black; Jonathan Brown. The London Chorus, The New London Orchestra cond. Ronald Corp. Hyperion (2001)     CDA67280 £11.00 (secondhand copy VG) GANDS CD
LP109 Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Royston Nash TRIAL BY JURY. Centenary Recording. Overture MACBETH & Incidental Music to Shakespeare's HENRY VIII (1975) Royal Phil.Orchestra Cond. Royston Nash. Cast: John Reed, Michael Rayner, Colin Wright, John Ayldon, Kenneth Sandford, Julia Goss     Decca TXS 113 stereo (1975) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD738 Sounds on CD THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE DCOC The 1957 Decca recording. Cast : Pratt, Adams, Short, Round, Sandford, Hindmarsh, Dixon, Martin, Drummond-Grant. Cond. Isidore Godfrey. Sounds on CD VGS 236 (2002)       £20.00   CD
CD771 SULLIVAN, A. SULLIVAN : THE YEOMAN (sic) OF THE GUARD and other Overtures Scottish Chamber Orchestra cond. Alexander Faris. Nimbus (1986)/ Conifer (1991) CLASS 7010     CLASS 7010 £5.00   CD
CD764 SULLIVAN, A. SULLIVAN: Cello Concerto in D major (Reconstructed by Sir Charles Mackerras and David Mackie) (With ELGAR: Romance, Op.62/ HERBERT: Cello Concerto No.2 in E minor, Op.30). Julian Lloyd Webber cello. LSO cond. Sir Charles Mackerras. EMI Stereo/digital CDC 7 47622 2 (1986)     EMI Stereo/digital CDC 7 47622 2 (1986) £6.00   CD
CD681 SULLIVAN, Arthur FESTIVAL TE DEUM (1872) FESTIVAL TE DEUM (1872) Teresa Cahill (soprano), Margaret Phillips (organ); London Choral Society, BBC Concert Orchestra cond. Ronald Corp recorded 8 Dec. 1988 (with MACBETH Overture BBC SO cond. Charles Mackerras recorded live at the Proms 24 July 2000/ CELLO CONCERTO - Paul Watkins (cello) recorded 15 May 2000; BBC SO cond. Mackerras). BBC MM203 ADD/DDD stereo (P) & (C) 2001 BBC Vol.9 No.7     BBC MM203 £10.00   CD
CD63 SULLIVAN, Arthur GILBERT & SULLIVAN Orchestral Selections Excerpts from THE GONDOLIERS, THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD, H.M.S. PINAFORE, PRINCESS IDA, IOLANTHE, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, THE MIKADO, PATIENCE. Court Symphony Orchestra, cond. Albert W. Ketelbey. Pickwick 790662 IMP Classics (2004) (discs supplied from the Collection of Christopher Browne) (original GN 979/ YG 984/ PF 986/ PI 987/ IO 992/ PP 993/ MK 994/ PC 997 Columbia Records Masterworks 8 records (1924))       £7.00 GANDS CD
LP178 SULLIVAN, Arthur PINEAPPLE POLL BALLET SUITE (arranged by Charles MacKerras) Pro Arte Orch. Cond. John Hollingsworth GSGC 15023 stereo (1958) Pye Collector. Re-issue: with photo. of BOUNTY on sleeve     GSGC 15023 £10.00   RECORDING
CD773 SULLIVAN, Arthur SULLIVAN OVERTURES PF; PP; MK; YG; IO; GN; Overture di Ballo. RPO & New SO. Cond. Godfrey, Sargent & Walker. (original recordings 1972), digitally remastered   IMPX 9014 £9.00   CD
CD743 SULLIVAN, Arthur THE HYMN MAKERS Nearer, my God, to Thee Onward! Christian soldiers; Hallelujah! Hallelujah!; Hushed was the evening hymn; To Thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise; Nearer, my God, to Thee; Lead, kindly light; Courage, brother! Do not stumble; `For My sake and the gospel's, go'; Safe home; Angel voices, ever singing; I'm but a stranger here; Lord, in this Thy mercy's day; Who trusts in God, a strong abode; The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended. The Scottish Festival Singers. Recorded at Greyfriars Kirk, Edinburgh. Cond. Ian McCrorie. Kingsway KMCD2277 (2000)     Kingsway KMCD2277 £12.00   CD
CD734 SULLIVAN, Arthur & GILBERT, W.S. IOLANTHE HIGHLIGHTS DC Opera Co. cond. John Pryce-Jones Cast: Richard Suart, Lawrence Richard, Philip Creasy, John Rath, Philip Blake-Jones, Jill Pert, Regina Hanley, Yvonne Patrick, Madeleine Mitchell, Louise Owen, Elizabeth Woollett. Jay Productions (1991) Koch International 340 282 (1986/1994) 44:47       £6.00 secondhand   CD
CD759 SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur IVANHOE. A Romantic Opera Adapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel. Words by Julian Sturgis Cast: Neal Davies, Stephen Gadd, James Rutherford, Peter Wedd, Peter Rose, Toby Spence, Matthew Brook, Leigh Melrose, Andrew Staples, Janice Watson, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Geraldine McGreevy. Adrian Partington Singers. BBC National Orchestra of Wales cond. David Lloyd-Jones. With booklet written by Martin T. Yates (2010)     CHAN 1057(3) £25.00   CD
LP73b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1958) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and the New Symphony Orchestra cond. Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Peter Pratt, Donald Adams, Howard Short, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford, Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Marion Martin, Ann Drummond-Grant automatic couplings   SKL stereo 4038/9 (1958) (b)£25.00 scarce   RECORDING
LP94 The G&S Festival Orchestra cond. Peter Murray SULLIVAN. The G&S Festival Orchestra cond. Peter Murray SULLIVAN.
The Grand Duke; Ivanhoe; The Yeomen of the Guard ( 3 lost songs);
The Rose of Persia; He will Return from The Contrabandista. Donald Adams, Thomas Round, John Cartier, Sylvia Eaves, Helen Landis. The G&S Festival Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Songs (Let Me Dream Again; O Mistress Mine; The Long Day Closes; Mary Morison; Sweet Day, So Cool; The Troubadour) accompanied by John Burrows. Pearl stereo SHE 509 (1972)
scarce   SHE 509 (1972) £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP138 Wingates Temperance Band, Hugh Parry(cond.) GILBERT & SULLIVAN IN BRASS GILBERT & SULLIVAN IN BRASS : WINGATES TEMPERANCE BAND.Conducted by Hugh Parry. Grand March from HENRY EIGHTH
OVERTURE : PIRATES OF PENZANCE. Arrangements by Drake Rimmer (his father a friend of Sullivan).Marble Arch MAL 803 (1968) scarce
      £10.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
Search on : 'COND.' . 31 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS

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