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Search on : 'CHORUS' . 232 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS
CATNUM Artist Title Description Media PICTURE SerialNum Price Category Type
R7873X   H.M.S.PINAFORE H.M.S.PINAFORE : VOCAL GEMS Part 1/Part 2. Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra. V.G.C.(Vocalion Gramophone Co. Ltd.) `Broadcast' Twelve 5203-A/B (Published Jan. 1931)       £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
716   IOLANTHE. Highlights The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Chorus with the New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte.Cast: John Reed, Donald Adams, Mary Samsom, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford + A section of the Band of the Grenadier Guards Extended-Play : Decca Mono DFE 8631 (1960)   Decca Mono DFE 8631 £8.00 EP RECORDING
LP13b   THE GONDOLIERS (With COX and BOX) (1961) Colour Photographic Sleeve. With Complete dialogue. First record of a set of three,side 6: COX AND BOX by Burnand and Sullivan - The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Cox - Alan Styler. Box - Joseph Riordan. Bouncer - Donald Adams
First (side 1), Second and Third records: THE GONDOLIERS Cast: John Reed, Jeffrey Skitch, Kenneth Sandford, Thomas Round, Alan Styler, Michael Wakeham, Joseph Riordan, George Cook, Gillian Knight, Jennifer Toye, Mary Sansom, Joyce Wright, Dawn Bradshaw, Ceinwen Jones, Daphne Gill, Jeanette Roach. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte
3 LP set. Stereo ffss SKL 4138-40   Stereo ffss SKL 4138-40 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO733   THE MIKADO and H.M.S. PINAFORE THE MIKADO : (with H.M.S.PINAFORE : I'm Called Little Buttercup sung by Carrie Herwin) Lord High Executioner's Song. Harold Williams and Chorus. With Orchestra. Columbia (71779) 3150 (Speed 80) Pub. 10/22     Columbia (71779) 3150 £6.00   RECORDING
LP45   THE MIKADO Highlights THE MIKADO.Highlights from with Martyn Green actually singing, James Pease, Karl Brock. The London Savoyard Orchestra and Chorus Conducted by Nigel Lukas. SOC 989 (1965) (a curiosity, with 1960's arrangement/accompaniment)        £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP44   THE MIKADO Highlights THE MIKADO. Highlights. Orchestra and Chorus by the NATIONAL MUSICALE COMPANY. Allegro ALL 715 (1964) (American production)        £4.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP47   THE MIKADO Highlights THE MIKADO Highlights. Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra of the Opera Society Cond Boris Mersson. Concert Hall Synchro stereo SVSA 2768 (1972)       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP5a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company COX & BOX (with THE GONDOLIERS) (1961) Colour Photographic Sleeve. With Complete dialogue. First record of a set of three,side 6: COX AND BOX by Burnand and Sullivan - The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Cox - Alan Styler. Box - Joseph Riordan. Bouncer - Donald Adams
First (side 1), Second and Third records: THE GONDOLIERS Cast: John Reed, Jeffrey Skitch, Kenneth Sandford, Thomas Round, Alan Styler, Michael Wakeham, Joseph Riordan, George Cook, Gillian Knight, Jennifer Toye, Mary Sansom, Joyce Wright, Dawn Bradshaw, Ceinwen Jones, Daphne Gill, Jeanette Roach. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte
MONO   Decca Mono ffrr LK 4402-4 (1961) (a)£15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP5b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company COX & BOX (with THE GONDOLIERS) (1961) Colour Photographic Sleeve. With Complete dialogue. First record of a set of three,side 6: COX AND BOX by Burnand and Sullivan - The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Cox - Alan Styler. Box - Joseph Riordan. Bouncer - Donald Adams
First (side 1), Second and Third records: THE GONDOLIERS Cast: John Reed, Jeffrey Skitch, Kenneth Sandford, Thomas Round, Alan Styler, Michael Wakeham, Joseph Riordan, George Cook, Gillian Knight, Jennifer Toye, Mary Sansom, Joyce Wright, Dawn Bradshaw, Ceinwen Jones, Daphne Gill, Jeanette Roach. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte
STEREO   Decca Stereo ffss SKL 4138-40 (b)£15.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7857 B.B.C Wireless Singers THE NIGHT IS CALM from THE GOLDEN LEGEND THE NIGHT IS CALM from THE GOLDEN LEGEND (with INFLAMMATUS from Stabat Mater by Rossini). Florence Austral , soprano and the Royal Opera Orchestra & Chorus Cond John Barbirolli. Recorded at Covent Garden. HMV 12" D 1506 (Pub. Dec. 1928) (see : LP RDA 005 : FLORENCE AUSTRAL)       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
R787 British National Opera Company THE GOLDEN LEGEND THE GOLDEN LEGEND: O GLADSOME LIGHT/ GOD IS A SPIRIT (W. Sterndale Bennett). Choir from Chorus of the British National Opera Company Cond Albert Coates (unaccompanied Choral). HMV E 397 10" Pub. 9/25       £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP137 Columbia Operetta Chorus And Orchestra Cond Lehman Engel MARTYN GREEN'S GILBERT & SULLIVAN MARTYN GREEN'S GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The Columbia Operetta Chorus and Orchestra Cond Lehman Engel. Philips Classical Favourites GBL 5607 (no date) . Sleeve with photographs of Martyn Green as Sir Joseph Porter and The Lord Chancellor scarce     GBL 5607 (no date) £12.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
CD1l David Lyle IVANHOE. A Romantic Opera (l) IVANHOE. A Romantic Opera. Words by Julian Sturgis. Music by Arthur Sullivan. The three-act opera recorded complete by THE PRINCE CONSORT, with SOLOISTS, CHORUS & ORCHESTRA. DAVID LYLE, conductor. SHE CDS 9615 (1989) LAST OF REMAINING STOCK NEW     £31.50 last of remaining stock : IVANHOE has now been deleted from Pavilion Records catalogue) GANDS RECORDING
cas5 D'Oyly Carte H.M.S.PINAFORE H.M.S.PINAFORE (1959 recording WITH DIALOGUE) DC OC. Chorus Master, W.Cox-Ife. The New Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Isidore Godfrey, O.B.E. Recorded under the direction of Dame Bridget D'Oyly Carte, D.B.E. Cast: John Reed, Jeffrey Skitch, Thomas Round, Donald Adams, George Cook, Eric Wilson-Hyde, Jean Hindmarsh, Joyce Wright, Gillian Knight. Decca Stereo 414 283-4 (1959/84) CASSETTES     £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP24d D'Oyly Carte IOLANTHE (1952/79). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Eric Thornton, Leonard Osborn, Fisher Morgan, Alan Styler, Ella Halman, Ann Drummond-Grant, Joyce Hill, Yvonne Dean, Margaret Mitchell (d) Mono recordings electronically reprocessed to give stereo effect: 1952 recording enhanced 1979. Decca DPA 3055/6 (pictorial wallet)   Decca DPA 3055/6 (pictorial wallet) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789a D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (a) Black Label D 1334 - 1345 in Album Box No.48     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789b D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (b) Black Label D 1334 - 1345 without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789c D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (c) Red Label D 1334 - 1345 in Album Box No.48     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789f D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (f) as above but automatic couplings: Red Label D 7520 - 7531 (in box with wallet sleeve H.48 and original booklet)     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789g D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (g) as above but automatic couplings: Red Label D 7520 - 7531 without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789h D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (h) Black Label D 7011 - 7022 (automatic couplings) in Album Box No.48     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789e D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (e) as above but automatic couplings: Red Label D 7520 - 7531 (in plum Album Box No.48)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R789d D'Oyly Carte THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1927). HMV Album Series No.48. Electrically Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Black label D 1334 - 1345 (complete set on 12 records). With D'Oyly Carte Chorus, conductor Harry Norris. Cast: Henry Lytton, Arthur Hosking, Leo Sheffield, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Richard Walker, Herbert Aitken, Ronald Stear, Bertha Lewis, Mavis Bennett, Winifred Lawson, Aileen Davies, Sybil Gordon, Beatrice Elburn, Doris Hemingway : (d) Red Label D 1334 - 1345 (without box) (not automatic couplings)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851e D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (e) D.B. 8105 - 8115 (automatic couplings) (without album box)     £35.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851d D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (d) D.B. 8105 - 8115 (automatic couplings) in a special presentation album with leather clasp (dated Jan. 1948) VG+     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851b D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (b) D.B. 4038 - 4048 Red Label (album box well-worn)     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851a D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (a) D.B. 4038 - 4048 Red Label (album box 260 : with booklet)     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7851c D'Oyly Carte THE MIKADO HMV H260 THE MIKADO HMV H260 (1936) 11 Records. Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey. With photocopied booklet. Cast: Brenda Bennett, Josephine Curtis, Marjorie Eyre, Darrell Fancourt, L. Radley Flynn, Sydney Granville, Martyn Green, E. Nickell-Lean, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands: (c) D.B. 4038 - 4048 Red Label (without album box)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP86e D'Oyly Carte Opera Co. RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant. 2 LP SET Decca DPA 3061/2 Mono recording electronically reprocessed to give stereo effect on stereo equipment (1979)       (e)£20.00   RECORDING
CD35b D'Oyly Carte Opera Company AVID ENTERTAINMENT (NEW) : (b) GILBERT & SULLIVAN Highlights (PF; RG; PC; MK; TJ; PP; IO; GN; YG; SO) and Overtures (PF; RG; PC; MK; PP; IO; GN; YG; SO; Di Ballo ). D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and The New Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey/ City of Birmingham Orchestra Cond George Weldon. Avid AMSC 800 (2004) (2 CDS)       £9.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD35d D'Oyly Carte Opera Company AVID ENTERTAINMENT (NEW) : (d) PRINCESS IDA The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Cond Isidore.Godfrey. Cast: Fisher Morgan, Thomas Round, Leonard Osborn, Jeffrey Skitch, Peter Pratt, Donald Adams, John Banks, Trevor Hills, Victoria Sladen, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Beryl Dixon, Cynthia Morey. Recorded 1955. With PATTER SONGS from Gilbert & Sullivan NELSON EDDY, Baritone with chorus and orchestra conducted by Robert Armbruster. Avid AMSC898 (2007) NEW       £8.50 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD35a D'Oyly Carte Opera Company AVID ENTERTAINMENT (NEW) : THE SORCERER (1953) D'Oyly Carte Opera Company (and patter songs by Martyn Green and Danny Kaye) THE SORCERER (1953) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and The New Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Fisher Morgan, Neville Griffiths, Jeffrey Skitch, Donald Adams, Peter Pratt, An Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Beryl Dixon, Yvonne Dean with patter songs by Martyn Green ( I am the vey model of a modern Major-General; When I was a lad I served a term; I've jibe and joke; The flowers that bloom in the Spring; There is beauty in the bellow of the blast; As some day it may happen (I've got a little list); On a tree by a river a little tom-tit (Willow, Tit-Willow); If you give me your attention; When'er I spoke; I have a song to sing, O!; Am I alone and unobserved?... If you're anxious for to shine; When I went to the bar as a very young man; The law is the true embodiment; When I, good friends, was called to the bar (The Judges Song); Oh! a private buffoon is a light-hearted loon; Love, unrequited, robs me of my rest... When you're lying awake with a dismal headache) and Danny Kaye (In enterprise of martial kind; When a felon's not engaged in his employment; When first my old, old love I knew; The sun, whose rays are all ablaze; My name is John Wellington Wells; When I was a lad I served a term; When you're lying awake with a dismal headache; If you're anxious for to shine; When I, good friends, was called to the bar). Avid AMSC 799 (2004) (2 CDS)       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP127 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company CHORUSES FROM THE SAVOY OPERAS CHORUSES FROM THE SAVOY OPERAS. D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyCond Isidore Godfrey. Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1198 (1965) RARE       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD2b D'Oyly Carte Opera Company G&S MORE VINTAGE FAVOURITES (b) G&S MORE VINTAGE FAVOURITES. D'Oyly Carte Opera Company26 Highlights Arias & Choruses from: IO; MK; YG; GN, PP, etc.Compiled & Produced by Tony Watts (includes expert 8 page booklet) RRC 1068       £4.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD2c D'Oyly Carte Opera Company G&S Vintage Collection : H.M.S.PINAFORE (Complete without dialogue) (recorded 28 July 1949) (c) G&S Vintage Collection : H.M.S.PINAFORE (Complete without dialogue) (recorded 28 July 1949) D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyCHORUS AND Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leslie Rands, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Richard Walker, Radley Flynn, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Ella Halman. RRC 1088 (12 page expert booklet)       £4.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD2f D'Oyly Carte Opera Company G&S Vintage Collection : THE GONDOLIERS (1950) (Complete without dialogue) (f) G&S Vintage Collection : THE GONDOLIERS (1950) (Complete without dialogue) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Yvonne Dean, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane/ THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) (Complete without dialogue) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ann Drummond-Grant, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow/ RUDDIGORE (1950) (Highlights) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant. RRC 3003 (2002) 3-CD set       £13.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD2e D'Oyly Carte Opera Company G&S Vintage Collection: IOLANTHE (1952) (Complete without dialogue) (e) G&S Vintage Collection: IOLANTHE (1952) (Complete without dialogue) . D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus & Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Eric Thornton, Leonard Osborn, Fisher Morgan, Alan Styler, Ella Halman, Ann Drummond-Grant, Joyce Hill, Yvonne Dean, Margaret Mitchell.
PINEAPPLE POLL Sadler's Wells Orchestra Cond Charles Mackerras (1951) (10 Page expert booklet). RRC 2049 2-CD set
LP128 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company GILBERT & SULLIVAN CHORUSES GILBERT & SULLIVAN CHORUSES. The Chorus of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with John Reed, John Webley & Clifford Parkes. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Cond James Walker. Decca Deram Deramic Sound System SML 722 stereo (1969)       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP55 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1924 HMV Acoustic D.724-31 )
TRIAL BY JURY (1928 HMV Electric D.1469-72)
H.M.S.PINAFORE (1924 HMV Acoustic D.724-31 )/ TRIAL BY JURY (1928 HMV Electric D.1469-72). Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. With D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus. PINAFORE: Cond George W. Byng. Cast: Frederic Ranalow, Sydney Granville, James Hay, Walter Glynne, Darrell Fancourt, Frederick Hobbs, Edward Halland, Violet Essex, Bessie Jones, Pamela Baselow, Bertha Lewis, Nellie Walker. TRIAL: Cond unidentified. Cast: Leo Sheffield, Arthur Hosking, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Winifred Lawson, T.Penny Hughes. Pearl Gemm 148/9 mono (2-LP wallet set) RARE       £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP24b D'Oyly Carte Opera Company IOLANTHE (1952) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Eric Thornton, Leonard Osborn, Fisher Morgan, Alan Styler, Ella Halman, Ann Drummond-Grant, Joyce Hill, Yvonne Dean, Margaret Mitchell automatic couplings, laminated sleeves VG+   Decca LK 4044/45 (b)£10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP24a D'Oyly Carte Opera Company IOLANTHE (1952). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Eric Thornton, Leonard Osborn, Fisher Morgan, Alan Styler, Ella Halman, Ann Drummond-Grant, Joyce Hill, Yvonne Dean, Margaret Mitchell Decca LK 4044/45 mono, automatic couplings/non-laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4044/45 mono (1952) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP24c D'Oyly Carte Opera Company IOLANTHE (1952). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Eric Thornton, Leonard Osborn, Fisher Morgan, Alan Styler, Ella Halman, Ann Drummond-Grant, Joyce Hill, Yvonne Dean, Margaret Mitchell (c) Decca Ace of Clubs (1962 re-issue) Mono ACL 1128/9 (1962)   Mono ACL 1128/9 (1962) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD38 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE PATIENCE (Recorded in London 1951) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I.Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget DC. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Leonard Osborn, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell. Naxos 8.110233 (2003)       £5.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD41 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant. Naxos 8.110295 (2004)       £5.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD22 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company 1927-1936.CDMOIR 413 AAD Memoir (c) 1992 : MK; YG; PF; PP; IO; TJ; GN. Cast includes: Marjorie Eyre, George Baker, Henry Lytton, Muriel Dickson, Aileen Davies, Nellie Briercliffe, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, Darrell Fancourt, Bertha Lewis, Sydney Granville, Elsie Griffin, Winifred Lawson, Leo Sheffield. Chorus & Orchestra conducted by Harry Norris and Malcolm Sargent       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD43 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1950) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget DC. Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Yvonne Dean, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Naxos Historical ADD 8.110209-10 (2002) condition : good     £8.00 secondhand GANDS RECORDING
CD46 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) THE MIKADO (1950) D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus & Orchestra CondI.Godfrey. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Naxos Historical Great Operetta Recordings ADD 8.110176-77 (2001)       £10.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
LP37a D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO Complete 1936 recording Complete 1936 recording on two LPs. D'Oyly Carte Recording. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Martyn Green, Sydney Granville, Leslie Rands, Radley Flynn, Brenda Bennett, Marjorie Eyre, Elizabeth Nickell-Lean, Josephine Curtis. Symphony Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey (a) very good records and sleeves, scarce   HMV ALP 1255/6 (1955) £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP37b D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO Complete 1936 recording Complete 1936 recording on two LPs. D'Oyly Carte Recording. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Martyn Green, Sydney Granville, Leslie Rands, Radley Flynn, Brenda Bennett, Marjorie Eyre, Elizabeth Nickell-Lean, Josephine Curtis. Symphony Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey (b) SLEEVE OF RECORD TWO DAMAGED, discs VG   HMV ALP 1255/6 (1955) £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP37c D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO: Highlights from the ORIGINAL 1936 (June) recording 1936 D'Oyly Carte Recording. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Martyn Green, Sydney Granville, Leslie Rands, Radley Flynn, Brenda Bennett, Marjorie Eyre, Elizabeth Nickell-Lean, Josephine Curtis. Symphony Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Isidore Godfrey     MFP Mono 2038 (1960's) £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
MP3 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE. Highlights. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and the New Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Peter Pratt, Donald Adams, Howard Short, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford, Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Marion Martin. Medium Play 10" long-playing record. Decca ffrr BR 3056 mono (1959) (NB: sleeve stained bottom right) (See: Complete recording LK 4249/50)   Decca ffrr BR 3056 mono (1959) £4.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD47 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1949) (and TRIAL BY JURY). D'Oyly Carte Opera CompanyChorus & Orchestra CondI.Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn. Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman. Naxos Great Operetta Recordings. 8.110196-97 (2002)       £10.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD2g D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1949) (Complete without dialogue) (g) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1949) (Complete without dialogue) Cast : Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman
PATEINCE Highlights (1951): Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell. D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond I. Godfrey. 12 Page expert booklet by Tony Watts. Regis RRC2061 (2003)
LP72d D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1950/79) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman (d) 1979 re-issue. Decca DPA 3051/2 MONO, VG (Goffin sleeve design)   Decca DPA 3051/2 MONO £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD48 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE SORCERER (1953) THE SORCERER (1953) D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and The New Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Fisher Morgan, Neville Griffiths, Jeffrey Skitch, Donald Adams, Peter Pratt, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Beryl Dixon, Yvonne Dean. Naxos Historical 8.110785-86 (2005)       £10.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
LP91 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE SORCERER (1953) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & New Symphony Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Fisher Morgan, Neville Griffiths, Jeffrey Skitch, Donald Adams, Peter Pratt, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Beryl Dixon, Yvonne Dean (1953) scarce (automatic couplings) laban designed sleeves   Decca LK 4070/1 mono £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP170 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE WORLD OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE WORLD OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN a gala miscellany of mirth and music presented by The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus abd Orchestra conductor Isidore Godfrey. Excerpts from 10 Operas made in the 1950's. Decca Ace of Clubs Mono ACL 1117 (1962)     Mono ACL 1117 (1962) £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD40 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD* + Orchestral excerpts from G&S Operettas (*Recorded 18th July 1950, London). D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ann Drummond-Grant, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow. Naxos 8.110293-94 (2004)       £10.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
LP2 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. BALLADS, SONGS AND SNATCHES The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. Soloists and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Chorus with Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey (Volume One). Decca Ace of Clubs mono ACL 1206 (1966)
(Volume Two) Decca Ace of Clubs mono ACL 1208 (1966)
    £10.00 each GANDS RECORDING
EP2 D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. THE GONDOLIERS. THE GONDOLIERS Highlights. D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and the New Symphony Orchestra of London Cond Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget DC. Cast: Alan Styler, Thomas Round, John Reed, Gillian Knight, Jennifer Toye, Jeffrey Skitch, Kenneth Sandford, Joyce Wright. Decca MONO DFE 8633 (1965) EXTENDED-PLAY RECORD   MONO DFE 8633 (1965) £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
EP5a D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. THE MIKADO. THE MIKADO. Highlights. D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and the New Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget DC. Cast: Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Jennifer Toye, Thomas Round, Peter Pratt. Decca (a) Stereo STO 116 (1959) scarce     £10.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
EP5b D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. THE MIKADO. THE MIKADO. Highlights. D'Oyly Carte Opera Comapany with Chorus and the New Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget DC. Cast: Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Jennifer Toye, Thomas Round, Peter Pratt. Decca (b) Mono DFE 6568 (1958) VG+     £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP3 Edingurgh G&S Society THE BEAUTY STONE THE BEAUTY STONE. Libretto by Arthur W. Pinero and J.Comyns Carr. Complete stereo recording by The Prince Consort (Directors: Alan Borthwick/ David Lyle). Chorus of Edingurgh G&S Society The Consort Orchestra Cond David Lyle. Pearl SHE 579/80 (1984)     Pearl SHE 579/80 (1984) £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
EP4 Embassy Light Opera Company THE MIKADO THE MIKADO Excerpts. Embassy Light Opera Company, Chorus and Orchestra. Embassy Records. WEP 1001 (1958) EXTENDED-PLAY RECORD   WEP 1001 (1958) £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP167 English Chorale GILBERT & SULLIVAN SPECTACULAR GILBERT & SULLIVAN SPECTACULAR: GN/ PP/ PF/ MK. Marion Studholme (sop.), Jean Allister (cont.), Edmund Bohan (ten.), Ian Wallace (bar.). The English Chorale: chorus master Robert Howes. London Concert Orchestra Cond Marcus Dods. Polydor Super 2383 366 (1975)     Polydor Super 2383 366 (1975) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP1Y Florence Austral Arias including : THE NIGHT IS CALM from THE GOLDEN LEGEND AUSTRAL, FLORENCE soprano. Arias including : THE NIGHT IS CALM from THE GOLDEN LEGEND, with the Royal Opera Orchestra & Chorus Cond John Barbirolli. Recorded at Covent Garden. (see : 78s : HMV 12" D 1506 Pub. Dec. 1928) Rubini RDA Series 005 (1983) (2 LPs)       £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD747 G&S GILBERT & SULLIVAN 26 of your favourite G&S Classics. Cassics for Pleasure (2005). Sir Malcolm Sargent cond. Pro Arte Orch. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus remastered compilation   72435 86655 2 9 £5.00   CD
LP123 G&S Festival Chorus THE BEST OF G&S THE BEST OF G&S. GOLDEN HOUR PRESENT. The G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Cast: Valerie Masterson, Thomas Round etc. Selections from: YG/ MK/ GN/ PP/ RG/ PF/ IO. Golden Hour GH 638 stereo (1975)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP108a G&S Festival Chorus TRIAL BY JURY/ COX AND BOX. Highlights TRIAL BY JURY/ COX AND BOX. Highlights Series (G&S for All series) G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Cast: Donald Adams. Gillian Humphrey, Lawrence Richard, Thomas Round, Michael Wakeham. Pye Records NSPH 15 (1975) with libretto scarce       £15.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP30c G&S Festival Chorus And Orchestra IOLANTHE IOLANTHE. G&S For All. Essential songs with complete libretto. The G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Cast: John Cartier, Donald Adams, Thomas Round, Lawrence Richard, Michael Wakeham, Helen Landis, Ann Hood, Joy Roberts, Vera Ryan, Gillian Humphreys. BASF BUK 17 25137-3 stereo (1973) : (c) IOLANTHE Highlights with complete libretto. Pye Records NSPH 11   BASF BUK 17 25137-3 stereo (1973) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP30b G&S Festival Chorus And Orchestra IOLANTHE IOLANTHE. G&S For All. Essential songs with complete libretto. The G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Cast: John Cartier, Donald Adams, Thomas Round, Lawrence Richard, Michael Wakeham, Helen Landis, Ann Hood, Joy Roberts, Vera Ryan, Gillian Humphreys. BASF BUK 17 25137-3 stereo (1973) : without complete libretto   BASF BUK 17 25137-3 stereo (1973) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP30a G&S Festival Chorus And Orchestra IOLANTHE IOLANTHE. G&S For All. Essential songs with complete libretto. The G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Cast: John Cartier, Donald Adams, Thomas Round, Lawrence Richard, Michael Wakeham, Helen Landis, Ann Hood, Joy Roberts, Vera Ryan, Gillian Humphreys. BASF BUK 17 25137-3 stereo (1973) : (a) with complete libretto scarce   BASF BUK 17 25137-3 stereo (1973) £15.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP80b G&S Festival Chorus And Orchestra THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE G& S For All. Essential songs (with libretto). Thomas Round, Donald Adams, Valerie Masterson, John Cartier, Helen Landis, Michael Wakeham, Anna Cooper, Vera Ryan. G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. BASF BUK 17 25135-7 (1973) stereo (b) without libretto     £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP80a G&S Festival Chorus And Orchestra THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE G& S For All. Essential songs (with libretto). Thomas Round, Donald Adams, Valerie Masterson, John Cartier, Helen Landis, Michael Wakeham, Anna Cooper, Vera Ryan. G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. BASF BUK 17 25135-7 (1973) stereo       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP49X G&S Festival Chorus And Orchestra, Peter Murray(cond) Mr. GILBERT & Mr. SULLIVAN ENTERTAIN Mr. GILBERT & Mr. SULLIVAN ENTERTAIN. The G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray: PF; PP; GN; YG. K-Tel NE 1052/1 1052/2 (1979) wallet set       £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP89 G&S Festival Chorus And Orchestra, Peter Murray(cond) RUDDIGORE. G&S For All RUDDIGORE. G&S forAll. Essential Songs (libretto missing). G&S Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Cast: John Cartier, Thomas Round, Lawrence Richard, John Banks, Gillian Humphreys, Ann Hood, Helen Landis, Joy Roberts, Donald Adams. BASF BUK 17-25 1086 stereo (1972) scarce       £12.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
RECO753 GILBERT & SULLIVAN H.M.S.PINAFORE TELARC 20 DIGITAL CD-80374 (1994). Running Time: 73:42. Orchestra & Chorus of the Welsh National Opera conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras. Cast: Richard Suart,Thomas Allen,Michael Schade,Rebecca Evans,Felicity Palmer,Donald Adams,Richard Van Allan     CD-80374 £8.00 seconhand   RECORDING
CD770 GILBERT & SULLIVAN PATIENCE Cast : John Shaw, Trevor Anthony, Alexander Young, George Baker, John Cameron, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair, Elizabeth Harwood, Heather Harper. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Chorus Master – Peter Gellhorn. Pro Arte Orchestra. Conductor – Sir Malcolm Sargent (with SULLIVAN IRISH SYMPHONY in E. RPO cond. C.Groves). (1962/1968/1987) 2 CD BOX SET   EMI Classics CDS 7 47783 8 £10.00   CD
CD774 GILBERT & SULLIVAN SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN Volume 2 SELECTION. THE VERY BEST OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company 1927-1936.CDMOIR 441 ADD Memoir (c) 1998 : MK; YG; PC; PP; IO; RG; GN. Cast includes: George Baker, Henry Lytton, Muriel Dickson,Nellie Briercliffe, Derek Oldham, Darrell Fancourt, Bertha Lewis, Sydney Granville, Winifred Lawson, Martyn Green. Chorus & Orchestra conducted by Harry Norris, Malcolm Sargent and Isidore Godfrey.     CDMOIR 441 £12.00   CD
CD769 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE MIKADO THE MIKADO. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra cond. Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, Sir Geraint Evans, Ian Wallace, John Cameron, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Jeanette Sinclair, Monica Sinclair. 2 CD set. HMV Classics HMVD 5 73059 2 (P)1957 © 1998     HMV Classics HMVD 5 73059 2 (P)1957/1998 £10.00   CD
CD724 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE MIKADO (Complete) (with IOLANTHE Highlights) Sadler's Wells Opera Orchestra & Chorus conducted by Alexander Faris. Cast: John Holmes, John Wakefield, Clive Revill, Denis Dowling, John Heddle-Nash, Marion Studholme, Patricia Kern, Dorothy Nash, Jean Allister. (May/June 1962). IOLANTHE Highlights. The Band of the Irish Guards. Conductor Alexanger Faris. Cast: Eric Shilling, Denis Dowling, Stanley Bevan, Leon Greene, Elizabeth Harwood, Julian Moyle, Heather Begg, Patricia Kern, Elizabeth Robson, Cynthia Morey (1962). EMI CLASSICS FOR PLEASURE CD-CFPD 4730 STEREO CDB 5 68000 2 (1993).       £12.00   CD
CD763 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929) & RUDDIGORE (1931) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929).George Baker,Peter Dawson,Stuart Robertson,Derek Oldham,Leo Sheffield,Elsie Griffin,Nellie Briercliffe,Nellie Walker,Dorothy Gill. RUDDIGORE (1931) with Sydney Granville, Muriel Dickson, Alice Moxon, Darreell Fancourt. D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus.Light Opera Orchestra conducted by Dr.Malcolm Sargent (Recorded under the supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte). (With:RUDDIGORE).Conifer Records Limited Mono CDHD 255/6 (1995)     CDHD 255/6 (1995) £15.00   CD
cas26 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE SORCERER. Decca Stereo 414 344-4 (1966/84) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. Soloists and Chorus - Chorus Master: James Walker with The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the supervision of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (without dialogue). Cast: Donald Adams, David Palmer, Alan Styler, Stanley Riley, John Reed, Christene Palmer, Valerie Masterson, Jean Allister, Ann Hood CASSETTES     £12.00   RECORDING
CD760 Gilbert & Sullivan THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Robert Lloyd, Kurt Streit, Stafford Dean, Neil Mackie, Thomas Allen, Bryn Terfel, Anthony Michaels-Moore, Sylvia McNair, Jean Rigby, Anne Collins, Judith Howarth. Academy & Chorus of St Martin in the Fields cond. Sir Neville Marriner     Philips 438 138-2 (1993) £15.00   CD
  GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra cond. Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Denis Dowling, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, Alexander Young, Sir Geraint Evans, Owen Brannigan, John Carol Case, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair, Doreen Hume. 2 CD set. HMV Classics HMVD 5 73065 2 (P)1958 (C)1998       £10.00    
CD742 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Chorus & Orchestra cond. Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman. Naxos Historical (2004)     8.110293-94 £8.00   CD
CD726 GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights Chorus and Orch. of the DC OC cond. John Owen Edwards. Cast: Donald Maxwell, David Fieldsend, Jill Pert, Carol Lesley-Green, Fenton Gray, Lesley Echo Ross, Gary Montaine, Terence Sharpe, Julian Jenson, Janine Roebuck. Jay Productions 340 312 (1989/94). Notes by Arthur Jacobs       £6.00   CD
LP16 Gilbert & Sullivan Festival Chorus And Orchestra, Thomas Round, John Cartier, Ann Hood, Gillian Humphreys, Donald Adams, Helen Landis, Michael Wakeham THE GONDOLIERS. THE GONDOLIERS Highlights (G&S For All) . Gilbert & Sullivan Festival Chorus and Orchestra Cond Peter Murray. Cast: Thomas Round, John Cartier, Ann Hood, Gillian Humphreys, Donald Adams, Helen Landis, Michael Wakeham. Pye NSPH 8 stereo LP (1975) wallet set with libretto scarce       £10.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP1 Gilbert Vinter And His Orchestra. THE ARCADIANS. THE ARCADIANS. Highlights. Cast: Cynthia Glover, Shirley Minty, Robert Bowman, John Lawrenson, Stanley Riley, Leslie Fyson. The Nigel Brooks Chorus. Gilbert Vinter and his Orchestra. MFP stereo LP 1323 (1969)     MFP stereo LP 1323 (1969) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD731 Gilbert, W.S. & SULLIVAN, A THE MIKADO. HIGHLIGHTS. The English National Opera Production Cast: Richard Angas, Bonaventura Bottone, Eric Idle, Richard Van Allan, Mark Richardson, Lesley Garrett, Jean Rigby, Susan Bullock, Felicity Palmer. English National Opera Orchestra and Chorus. Conductor Peter Robinson. KOCH International (P) 1986 © 1994 Total Time: 40:26     £5.00   CD
LP671 GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, Arthur RUDDIGORE (1924) The Light Opera Orch. and a DC Chorus of 12 unspecified singers (3 of each voice) cond. Harry Norris. Cast: George Baker, Derek Oldham, Leo Sheffield, Edward Halland, Darrell Fancourt, Elsie Griffin, Bertha Lewis, Eileen Sharp. Pearl Gem 133/4 wallet, VG   GEM 133/4 £30.00   RECORDING
CD19 Hawes, Terry and Gilbert, W.S. HIS EXCELLENCY. HIS EXCELLENCY. Libretto: W.S.Gilbert. New Music by Terry Hawes. Cast: David Luck, Paul Mills, Nova Skipp, Faith Stretton, Jean Aird, Chris Vincent, Leon Berger, Stan Wilson, Rosalind McCutcheon, Mick Wilson, Sarah Lodge, Peter Francis. Chorus & Orchestra directed the Composer. Members of the Royal Academy of Music. Produced, Recorded, Edited and Mastered by John Dervish. Adrenalin Music Productions Ltd.     AMP001 (2001) £20.00 NEW GANDS CD
LP86d he D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE/THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights RUDDIGORE Highlights (1950) : The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant
THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights (1950) : The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Ann Drummond-Grant, Geoffrey Sanders, Ella Halman, Neville Griffiths, Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Deidrie Thurlow, Donald Harris, Richard Watson, Martyn Green, Muriel Harding
(d) Decca RUDDIGORE/THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Highlights LK 4069 (1950)   LK 4069 (1950) £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7888a Isidore Godfrey THE SORCERER THE SORCERER (1933) Abridged 6 x 10" discs. HMV B. 8054 - B. 8059 IN ALBUM BOX (dull), with original booklet. Orchestra & Chorus Cond I.Godfrey. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, Anna Bethell, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon SCARCE       £50.00 SCARCE GANDS RECORDING
R7888b Isidore Godfrey THE SORCERER (1933) (Abridged Version) 6 x 10" discs. HMV B.7018-7023 (automatic couplings) THE SORCERER (1933) Abridged 6 x 10" discs. HMV B. 7018-7023 (automatic couplings) IN ALBUM BOX 193, with original booklet. Orchestra & Chorus Cond I.Godfrey. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, Anna Bethell, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon SCARCE       £50.00    
CD53 Kay Jordan, Stephen Anthony Brown, Jonathan Pugsley, John Molloy, Rebecca Rudge, George Hulbert, Annette Reis-dunne, Geoffrey Brocklehurst, John Elliott THE MAID OF ARTOIS THE MAID OF ARTOIS by Michael William Balfe (1808-70). A Romantic English Opera in Three Acts. Victorian Opera Company Chorus and Orchestra (Leader Pia Oliver). Conducted by Philip Mackenzie. Cast : Kay Jordan, Stephen Anthony Brown, Jonathan Pugsley, John Molloy, Rebecca Rudge, George Hulbert, Annette Reis-Dunne, Geoffrey Brocklehurst, John Elliott. Campion Records CAMEO 2042-3 (2-DISC SET) (2005). Booklet : Intoduction by Richard Bonynge. Notes by Ray Walker and Valerie Langfield       £25.00 NEW GANDS RECORDING
LP78 Knightsbridge Light Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE. Vocal Highlights. Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra of the Knightsbridge Light Opera Co. Cond Lionel Peterson . Pictorial sleeve of first American performance. Presto Pre 647 (1966) scarce VG+       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7841b Light Opera Chorus, Light Opera Orchestra, Dennis Noble The Yeomen of England (b)The Yeomen of England. Dennis Noble and Light Opera Chorus with The Light Opera Orchestra Cond Maurice Miles/ O Peaceful England Gladys Ripley. HMV C.3490       £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP133 London Operetta Ensemble And Chorus FAVOURITE SONGS FROM G&S FAVOURITE SONGS FROM G&S. The London Operetta Ensemble and Chorus. MER 435 Stereo Gold Award Damont Records (1978)       £4.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP110 Lyric Theatre Company,john Landis(cond) UTOPIA LIMITED. UTOPIA LIMITED. Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra of THE LYRIC THEATRE COMPANY - Cond John Landis. Pearl Stereo 3 LP Set in wallet. SHEZ 505/7 (early 1970's) RARE       £25.00 RARE GANDS RECORDING
R7829d Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. D 7708 - 7718 Red Label automatic couplings without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7829c Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. (c) without box     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7829b Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. (b) in brown wallet album with leaflet     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7829a Malcolm Sargent IOLANTHE (1930) IOLANTHE (1930) HMV 11 record set Red Label D 1785-95. Under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Beatrice Elburn, Winifred Lawson, Bertha Lewis, Alice Moxon, Nellie Walker. (a) with plum Album Box No.89     £50.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886a Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (a) D.B. 4005 - 4013 9 x 12" Red Label discs in Album Box No.143     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886b Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (b) D.B. 4005 - 4013 9 x 12" Red Label discs within non-specific Album Box     £30.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886c Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (c) D.B. 7522-30 9 x 12" Red Label discs (automatic couplings) (within Album Series No. 143 brown wallet box, with leaflet)     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7886d Malcolm Sargent RUDDIGORE (1931) RUDDIGORE (1931) HMV Electrically Recorded under the direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Nellie Briercliffe, Muriel Dickson, Dorothy Gill, Alice Moxon: (d) D.B. 7522 - 30 9 x 12" Red Label discs (automatic couplings) with plum Album Box No.143 without leaflet     £40.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7811c Malcolm Sargent THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged version). Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus Cond Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Muriel Dickson, Beatrice Elburn, Phyllis Evens, Lorna Hubbard, Alice Moxon. HMV Album Series No.127 B.3866-71 (6 x 10" records) (c) without album (with photocopied booklet)     £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7811a Malcolm Sargent THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged version). Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus Cond Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Muriel Dickson, Beatrice Elburn, Phyllis Evens, Lorna Hubbard, Alice Moxon. HMV Album Series No.127 B.3866-71 (6 x 10" records) (a) In Album No. 127 with booklet VG     £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7811b Malcolm Sargent THE GONDOLIERS THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged version). Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus Cond Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Muriel Dickson, Beatrice Elburn, Phyllis Evens, Lorna Hubbard, Alice Moxon. HMV Album Series No.127 B.3866-71 (6 x 10" records) (b) In Album No. 127 (with photocopied booklet) VG     £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7881a Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1931) Abridged Version on 6 10" records. HMV Album Series 126. B 3846-51. Orchestra and Chorus Cond by Malcolm Sargent. Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Muriel Dickson, Bertha Lewis: (a) VG+ with booklet     £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7881b Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1931) Abridged Version on 6 10" records. HMV Album Series 126. B 3846-51. Orchestra and Chorus Cond by Malcolm Sargent. Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Cast: George Baker, Darrell Fancourt, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Muriel Dickson, Bertha Lewis: (b) Very good album box, (photocopied booklet), records VG     £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7878a Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.83). Recorded on 11 x 12" records D. 1678 - 1688 under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Peter Dawson, Stuart Robertson, Derek Oldham, Leo Sheffield, Elsie Griffin, Nellie Briercliffe, Nellie Walker, Dorothy Gill: (a) Black Label in Album Box No.83     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7878b Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.83). Recorded on 11 x 12" records D. 1678 - 1688 under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Peter Dawson, Stuart Robertson, Derek Oldham, Leo Sheffield, Elsie Griffin, Nellie Briercliffe, Nellie Walker, Dorothy Gill: (b) Red Label in Album Box No.83     £45.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7878c Malcolm Sargent THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1929) HMV Album Series of Complete Works (No.83). Recorded on 11 x 12" records D. 1678 - 1688 under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte. Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Peter Dawson, Stuart Robertson, Derek Oldham, Leo Sheffield, Elsie Griffin, Nellie Briercliffe, Nellie Walker, Dorothy Gill: (c) Red Label without box     £25.00 GANDS RECORDING
R78101 Malcolm Sargent,george Baker, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Edward Halland, Muriel Dickson, Beatrice Elburn, Nellie Walker THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (Abridged Version) (1931). Recorded under the personal supervision of Rupert D'Oyly Carte.  Orchestra and Chorus Cond Dr. Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Stuart Robertson, Edward Halland, Muriel Dickson, Beatrice Elburn, Nellie Walker. HMV Album Box 125 B.3799-3804 (6 x 10")       £30.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP9 Malcolm Sargent,george Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Leonard Osborn, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Nellie Walker, Alice Moxon, Muriel Dickson, Phyllis Evens, Beatrice Elburn THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged). THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged). Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Leonard Hubbard, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Nellie Walker, Alice Moxon, Muriel Dickson, Phyllis Evens, Beatrice Elburn with PATIENCE (1931) (Complete) Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Rita Mackay, Bertha Lewis, Winifred Lawson.     EMI World Records Retrospect Series SHB 74 (1981) £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
cas23 Marion Studholme, Jean Allister, Edmund Bohan, Ian Wallace, English Chorale G&S SPECTACULAR G&S SPECTACULAR Including: THE GONDOLIERS/ THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE/ H.M.S. PINAFORE/ THE MIKADO. Marion Studholme, soprano; Jean Allister, contralto; Edmund Bohan, tenor; Ian Wallace, baritone. The English Chorale (Chorus Master, Robert Howes), London Concert Orchestra Cond Marcus Dods. A Raymond Gubbay Production. Total Playing Time: 49' 22". Spot SPC 8536 (1975)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD12 Marion Studholme, Jean Allister, Edmund Bohan, Ian Wallace, English Chorale G&S SPECTACULAR G&S SPECTACULAR Including: THE GONDOLIERS/ THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE/ H.M.S. PINAFORE/ THE MIKADO. Marion Studholme, soprano; Jean Allister, contralto; Edmund Bohan, tenor; Ian Wallace, baritone. The English Chorale (Chorus Master, Robert Howes), London Concert Orchestra Cond Marcus Dods. A Raymond Gubbay Production. Pickwick Classics Fine Art Collection PWK 1157 (1991). Digitally remastered (from LP Spot SPC 8536 (1975)). Total Playing Time: 49' 22" NEW       £6.00 NEW GANDS RECORDING
cas7b National Musicale Company (a) H.M.S.PINAFORE (a) H.M.S.PINAFORE (with THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE : as LP ALL 716). The National Musicale Company Orchestra & Chorus (USA) (as LP ALL 723) Rec. first pub. 1964. Pickwick Ditto DTO 10011A/B (2 cassette pack in box) scarce (b) another set without box     £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
cas7a National Musicale Company (a) H.M.S.PINAFORE (a) H.M.S.PINAFORE (with THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE : as LP ALL 716). The National Musicale Company Orchestra & Chorus (USA) (as LP ALL 723) Rec. first pub. 1964. Pickwick Ditto DTO 10011A/B (2 cassette pack in box) scarce       £20.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP64 National Musicale Company H.M.S.PINAFORE (1964) H.M.S.PINAFORE. Orchestra and Chorus by the NATIONAL MUSICALE COMPANY ALL 723 (1964) (American production)     ALL 723 (1964) £3.00 GANDS RECORDING
EP8 National Musicale Company H.M.S.PINAFORE: H.M.S.PINAFORE: . Orchestra & Chorus Of The National Musicale Company
EP7 National Musicale Company THE MIKADO THE MIKADO Orchestra and Chorus by the NATIONAL MUSICALE COMPANY. Excerpts. Bravo mono BR 313 (1964)     Bravo mono BR 313 (1964) £4.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP76 National Musicale Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Orchestra and Chorus by the NATIONAL MUSICALE COMPANY. Allegro ALL 716 (1964) (American production)       £3.00 GANDS RECORDING
EP12 National Musicale Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Highlights THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Highlights : Poor Wandering One; I'm The Very Model of A Modern Major General; With Catlike Tread, Upon Our Prey We Steal; Finale.Orchestra & Chorus Of The National Musicale Company. Bravo BR 314 (1964)     Bravo BR 314 (1964) £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD34b New London Orchestra, London Chorus HYPERION TITLES (NEW): (b) THE GOLDEN LEGEND. Janice Watson; Jean Rigby; Mark Wilde; Jeffrey Black; Jonathan Brown. The London Chorus, The New London Orchestra Cond Ronald Corp. Hyperion CDA67280 (2001)       £13.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD34a New London Orchestra, London Chorus HYPERION TITLES (NEW): (a) THE CONTRABANDISTA (or The Law of the Ladrones) (1867). The New London Orchestra/ The London Chorus Cond Ronald Corp. Cast: Claire Rutter, Francis McCafferty, Ashley Catling, Donald Maxwell, Richard Suart, Geoffrey Moses, Justin Bindley. THE FORESTERS (or Robin Hood and Maid Marian) (1891). Cast: Claire Rutter, Frances McCafferty, Ashley Catling, Joanna Cohn, Catherine Hopper. Hyperion CDA67486 (Nov. 2004)       £14.00 NEW GANDS RECORDING
CD34c New London Orchestra, London Chorus THE GOLDEN LEGEND Janice Watson; Jean Rigby; Mark Wilde; Jeffrey Black; Jonathan Brown. The London Chorus, The New London Orchestra cond. Ronald Corp. Hyperion (2001)     CDA67280 £11.00 (secondhand copy VG) GANDS CD
CD1n Prince Consort THE BEAUTY STONE (n) THE BEAUTY STONE. Libretto by Arthur W. Pinero and J.Comyns Carr. Complete stereo recording by The Prince Consort (Directors: Alan Borthwick/ David Lyle). Chorus of Edingurgh G&S Society The Consort Orchestra Cond David Lyle. GEMS 0190 (1984/2003) (2CD set) (2 CDs)     £21.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD10 Pro Arte Orchestra FAVOURITE GILBERT & SULLIVAN. FAVOURITE GILBERT & SULLIVAN. 26 Best-Loved G&S Songs. Classics for Pleasure EMI CFP 7 67594 2 (P) 1992. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. The Pirates of Penzance (1961)/ H.M.S.Pinafore (1958)/ The Mikado (1957)/Iolanthe (1959)/ The Gondoliers(1959)/ Patience (1962)/ The Yeomen of the Guard (1958)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP142 Pro Arte Orchestra GILBERT & SULLI GILBERT & SULLIVAN HIGHLIGHTS. Number Two. MK, GN, PF, PP. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus and Soloists. Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. HMV ALP 1922 mono (1962)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD11 Pro Arte Orchestra GILBERT & SULLIVAN GILBERT & SULLIVAN Highlights from MK (1957), YG (1958), IO (1959), GN (1959), PP (1961), PF (1958). Soloists, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. CFP 4238 (1976 compilation, digitally remastered 1991)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
cas24 Pro Arte Orchestra GILBERT & SULLIVAN Highlights GILBERT & SULLIVAN Highlights from MK (1957), YG (1958), IO (1959), GN (1959), PP (1961), PF (1958). Soloists, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. TC CFP 40238 stereo       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP143 Pro Arte Orchestra GILBERT and SUL GILBERT and SULLIVAN Highlights No.3. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus and Soloists. Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. PIRATES/ YEOMEN/ IOLANTHE/ TRIAL BY JURY (rarer issue) EMI HMV ALP 1932 Mono (1962)       £20.00 (rarer issue) GANDS RECORDING
CD7 Pro Arte Orchestra H.M.S. PINAFORE H.M.S. PINAFORE & TRIAL BY JURY. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, James Milligan, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Singlair, Bernard Turgeon. HMV Classics HMVD 5 73056 2 (1958/1961/1967/1987/1998) (2 CD set in single case) NEW       £9.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
LP60 Pro Arte Orchestra H.M.S.PINAFORE (1958) H.M.S.PINAFORE (Cover design by W.Francis Phillipps). Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast:George Baker, John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, James Milligan, Bernard Turgeon, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair. EMI HMV ALP 1650/1 mono (1958) scarce     EMI HMV ALP 1650/1 mono (1958) £20.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
cas6 Pro Arte Orchestra H.M.S.PINAFORE/TRIAL BY JURY H.M.S.PINAFORE/ TRIAL BY JURY. Cast: George Baker, John Cameron; Richard Lewis; Owen Brannigan; James Milligan; Elsie Morison; Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair, Bernard Turgeon. The Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. TC SXDW 3034 (1958/61) 2 Cassette Box Set virtually new       £10.00 virtually new GANDS RECORDING
LP26b Pro Arte Orchestra IOLANTHE. Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, Ian Wallace, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, John Cameron, Monica Sinclair, Marjorie Thomas, April Cantelo, Heather Harper, Elsie Morison. HMV EMI : (decorative cover by Ernest Dudley Catley) ASD 323/4 stereo VG+ scarce   ASD 323/4 stereo £18.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP26d Pro Arte Orchestra IOLANTHE. Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, Ian Wallace, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, John Cameron, Monica Sinclair, Marjorie Thomas, April Cantelo, Heather Harper, Elsie Morison. HMV EMI : (d) HMV Concert Classics Series SXLP 30112/3 (1959) stereo (photographic sleeve)   SXLP 30112/3 (1959) stereo £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP26a Pro Arte Orchestra IOLANTHE. Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, Ian Wallace, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, John Cameron, Monica Sinclair, Marjorie Thomas, April Cantelo, Heather Harper, Elsie Morison. HMV EMI : (a) (decorative cover by Ernest Dudley Catley) mono ALP 1757/8 (1959)   mono ALP 1757/8 (1959) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
cas16 Pro Arte Orchestra Miles of Music : THE BEST OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Miles of Music : THE BEST OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. HMV EMI TC2 - MOM 106 stereo (double play). This compilation (1980) with SOLOISTS and GLYNDEBOURNE FESTIVAL CHORUS. PRO ARTE ORCHESTRA conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent : MK (1957); GN (1957); IO (1959); PP (1961); PF (1958) (with review)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD58 Pro Arte Orchestra RUDDIGORE: (with THE TEMPEST and THE MERCHANT OF VENICE) RUDDIGORE: (with THE TEMPEST Incidental Music and THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Suite (1972)) EMI Classics CMS 7 644122 STEREO. (1963). This compilation and digital remastering (P) 1987. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra coducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, Harold Blackburn, Elsie Morison, Pamela Bowden, Monica Sinclair, Elizabeth Harwood, Joseph Rouleau       £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP12c Pro Arte Orchestra THE GONDOLIERS The Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Geraint Evans, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, James Milligan, Monica Sinclair, Edna Graham, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Stella Hitchens, Lavinia Renton, Helen Watts : automatic couplings   ALP 1504/5 mono (1957) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP12b Pro Arte Orchestra THE GONDOLIERS. THE GONDOLIERS (1957). The Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Geraint Evans, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, James Milligan, Monica Sinclair, Edna Graham, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Stella Hitchens, Lavinia Renton, Helen Watts : (b) ASD 265/266 stereo (1957) scarce     £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP40 Pro Arte Orchestra THE MIKADO: THE MIKADO. The Pro Arte Orchestra conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, Geraint Evans, Ian Wallace, John Cameron, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Jeannette Sinclair, Monica Sinclair. HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3019 stereo (1957). In pictorial wallet     SXDW 3019 stereo (1957)  £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP41a Pro Arte Orchestra THE MIKADO: THE MIKADO. The Pro Arte Orchestra conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, Geraint Evans, Ian Wallace, John Cameron, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Jeannette Sinclair, Monica Sinclair. HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3019 stereo (1957). In pictorial wallet (a) 2 LP mono Set of above ALP 1485   SXDW 3019 stereo (1957)  £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP41b Pro Arte Orchestra THE MIKADO: THE MIKADO. The Pro Arte Orchestra conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, Geraint Evans, Ian Wallace, John Cameron, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Jeannette Sinclair, Monica Sinclair. HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3019 stereo (1957). In pictorial wallet (b) 2 LP stereo set of above ASD 256/7     £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP74b Pro Arte Orchestra THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1961). Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting The Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, James Milligan. John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, Elsie Morison, Heather Harper, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair : (b) ASD 381/2 stereo (illustrative front sleeve by E.D.Catley)     £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP74d Pro Arte Orchestra THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1961). Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting The Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, James Milligan. John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, Elsie Morison, Heather Harper, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair : (d) HMV Concert Classics 2 LP wallet SXDW 3041 stereo     £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
CD8 Pro Arte Orchestra THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (with OVERTURE IN C "IN MEMORIAM" City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Cond Sir Vivian Dunn). Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent (also Overtures: THE SORCERER, COX AND BOX, PRINCESS IDA) . Cast: George Baker, James Milligan, John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, Elsie Morison, Heather Harper, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair. EMI Classics CMS 7 64409 2 stereo ADD (1961/1972/1987/1992) (2 CD set) NEW       £20.99 NEW GANDS RECORDING
LP74c Pro Arte Orchestra THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1961). Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting The Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, James Milligan. John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, Elsie Morison, Heather Harper, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair : (c) HMV Concert Classics Series SXLP 30131/32 stereo     £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP74a Pro Arte Orchestra THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1961). Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting The Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, James Milligan. John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, Elsie Morison, Heather Harper, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair : (a) ALP 1801/2 mono (illustrative front sleeve by E.D.Catley)     £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP113a Pro Arte Orchestra THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra.Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: Denis Dowling, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, Alexander Young, Geraint Evans, Owen Brannigan, John Carol Case, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair, Doreen Hume (1958): (a) ALP 1601/2 Mono (illustrated colour sleeve)     £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP113b Pro Arte Orchestra THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra.Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: Denis Dowling, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, Alexander Young, Geraint Evans, Owen Brannigan, John Carol Case, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair, Doreen Hume (1958): (b) HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3033 2 LP Stereo Set (1958) in a pictorial wallet     £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
cas8 Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus IOLANTHE (1959) IOLANTHE (1959). Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Ian Wallace, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, John Cameron, Monica Sinclair, Marjorie Thomas, April Cantelo, Heather Harper, Elsie Morison. TC2 - SXDW 3047 (1959)       £7.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP104 Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus TRIAL BY JURY The Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. The Pro Arte Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Elsie Morison, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, Owen Brannigan, Bernard Turgeon
ASD 419 stereo (1961) (colour illustrative cover)
ALP 1851 mono (1961) (colour illustrative cover)
    ASD 419 stereo
ALP 1851 mono
LP106 Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus TRIAL BY JURY and H.M.S.PINAFORE TRIAL BY JURY and H.M.S.PINAFORE. Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, Elsie Morison, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, Owen Brannigan, Bernard Turgeon. HMV Concert Classics Series SXDW 3034 stereo 2 LP set (pictorial wallet) (1961/58 )       £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP105 Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus TRIAL BY JURY and H.M.S.PINAFORE TRIAL BY JURY and H.M.S.PINAFORE. Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, Elsie Morison, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, Owen Brannigan, Bernard Turgeon. HMV Concert Classics Series SXLP 30088/89 (1961/58 )     £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP26c Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus, George Baker, Ian Wallace, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, John Cameron, Monica Sinclair, Marjorie Thomas, April Cantelo, Heather Harper, Elsie Morison IOLANTHE Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, Ian Wallace, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, John Cameron, Monica Sinclair, Marjorie Thomas, April Cantelo, Heather Harper, Elsie Morison. HMV EMI : EMI HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3047 (1959) stereo (in pictorial wallet sleeve)   EMI HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3047 (1959) stereo £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
EP3a Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent THE MIKADO Excerpts from Act I. The Pro Arte Orchestra Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Lewis, Evans, Wallace etc. HMV 7ER 5174 (sleeve punched to left with two holes) (undated, but 1957) EXTENDED-PLAY RECORD   HMV 7ER 5174 £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
EP3b Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent THE MIKADO Excerpts from Act II. The Pro Arte Orchestra Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Lewis, Evans, Wallace etc. HMV 7ER 5177 EXTENDED-PLAY RECORD   HMV 7ER 5177 £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP12a Pro Arte Orchestra, Malcolm Sargent.geraint Evans, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, James Milligan, Monica Sinclair, Edna Graham, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Stella Hitchens, Lavinia Renton, Helen Watts THE GONDOLIERS. THE GONDOLIERS (1957). The Pro Arte Orchestra, Glyndebourne Festival Chorus conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Geraint Evans, Alexander Young, Owen Brannigan, Richard Lewis, John Cameron, James Milligan, Monica Sinclair, Edna Graham, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Stella Hitchens, Lavinia Renton, Helen Watts : (a) HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3027 2-LP wallet SET stereo      £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP88 Pro Arte Orchestra,glyndebourne Festival Chorus RUDDIGORE (1963) RUDDIGORE. Pro Arte Och. Cond Malcolm Sargent. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast: George Baker, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, Harold Blackburn, Elsie Morison, Pamela Bowden, Monica Sinclair, Elizabeth Harwood, Joseph Rouleau. EMI HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3029 2 LP set (wallet) (1963)     EMI HMV Concert Classics SXDW 3029 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP61 Pro Arte Orchestra,sir Malcolm Sargent Conducting,george Baker, John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, James Milligan, Bernard Turgeon, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair H.M.S.PINAFORE and TRIAL BY JURY. H.M.S.PINAFORE and TRIAL BY JURY. Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast:George Baker, John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, James Milligan, Bernard Turgeon, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair. HMV Concert Classics Series SXLP 30088/89 (1958/61 )     SXLP 30088/89 (1958/61 ) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP62 Pro Arte Orchestra,sir Malcolm Sargent Conducting,george Baker, John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, James Milligan, Bernard Turgeon, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair H.M.S.PINAFORE and TRIAL BY JURY. H.M.S.PINAFORE and TRIAL BY JURY. Sir Malcolm Sargent conducting the Pro Arte Orchestra. Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. Cast:George Baker, John Cameron, Richard Lewis, Owen Brannigan, James Milligan, Bernard Turgeon, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, Monica Sinclair. HMV Concert Classics Series SXDW 3034 stereo 2 LP set (pictorial wallet) (1958/61 )        £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP33 Rene Duclos Chorus and the Orchestra of the L'Association des Concerts Lamoureux Cond Igor Markevitch LA PERICHOLE LA PERICHOLE. Rene Duclos Chorus and the Orchestra of the L'Association des Concerts Lamoureux Cond Igor Markevitch. Cast: LaFaye, Amade, Noguera etc. World Records The World of Opera 2-OC 147/8. 2-LP wallet set (1966)       £12.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP66X Sadler's Wells H.M.S.PINAFORE H.M.S.PINAFORE (1987). New Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus and Orchestra Cond Simon Phipps. Cast: Nickolas Grace, Linda Ormiston, Elizabeth Ritchie, Gordon Sandison, Christopher Gillett, Thomas Lawlor, Janine Roebuck, Paul Parfitt, Paul Thomson. TER 2 1150     TER 2 1150 (1987) £20.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP42a Sadler's Wells THE MIKADO (1962) Sadler's Wells Opera Presents. Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Alexander Faris. Chorus Master David Tod-Boyd. Recording supervised by Norman Newell. Cast: John Wakefield, Marion Studholme, John Holmes, Clive Revill, Denis Dowling, John Heddle Nash, Patricia Kern, Dorothy Nash, Jean Allister: (a) World Record Club SOC 244/5 stereo in wallet      £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP42b Sadler's Wells THE MIKADO (1962) Sadler's Wells Opera Presents. Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Alexander Faris. Chorus Master David Tod-Boyd. Recording supervised by Norman Newell. Cast: John Wakefield, Marion Studholme, John Holmes, Clive Revill, Denis Dowling, John Heddle Nash, Patricia Kern, Dorothy Nash, Jean Allister: (b) HMV CLP 1592/93 mono, photographic laminated colour sleeves VG+     £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO713 Sadler's Wells Opera THE MIKADO (1962) Sadler's Wells Opera Presents THE MIKADO. Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Alexander Faris. Chorus Master - David Tod-Boyd. Recording supervised by Norman Newell. John Wakefield (Nanki-Poo), Marion Studholme (Yum-Yum), John Holmes (Mikado), Clive Revill (Ko-Ko), Dennis Dowling (Pooh-Bah), John Heddle Nash (Pish-Tush), Patricia Kern (Pitti-Sing), Dorothy Nash (Peep-Bo), Jean Allister (Katisha). scarce 2-LP stereo set   HMV CSD 1458/9 stereo £20.00   RECORDING
LP28a Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus IOLANTHE IOLANTHE (1962). Highlights. Sadler's Wells Opera Cond Alexander Faris. Cast: Patricia Kern, Elizabeth Harwood, Heather Begg, Julian Moyle, Eric Shilling, Denis Dowling, Stanley Bevan, Leon Greene, Elizabeth Robson, CYNTHIA MOREY. EMI HMV : CLP 1567 mono   CLP 1567 mono £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP28b Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus IOLANTHE (1962). Highlights IOLANTHE (1962). Highlights. Sadler's Wells Opera Cond Alexander Faris. Cast: Patricia Kern, Elizabeth Harwood, Heather Begg, Julian Moyle, Eric Shilling, Denis Dowling, Stanley Bevan, Leon Greene, Elizabeth Robson, CYNTHIA MOREY. EMI HMV : (b) CSD 1434 stereo   CSD 1434 stereo £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP34 Sadler's Wells Orchestra and Chorus MERRIE ENGLAND. MERRIE ENGLAND. Music by Edward German. Libretto by Basil Hood. Cast: William McAlpine, June Bronhill, Peter Glossop, Monica Sinclair, Patricia Kern., Howell Glynne. The Williams Singers. Michael Collins and his Orchestra. Recording produced by Norman Newell (Sadler's Wells version 1960) . HMV CLP 1376/7 mono (1960). Notes by Arthur Jacobs     HMV CLP 1376/7 mono (1960) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP50 Sir Malcolm Sargent PATIENCE (1931) PATIENCE (1931) (Complete) Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Martyn Green, Derek Oldham, George Baker, Leslie Rands, Nellie Briercliffe, Marjorie Eyre, Rita Mackay, Bertha Lewis, Winifred Lawson with THE GONDOLIERS (1931) (Abridged). Soloists & Chorus & Orchestra Cond Sir Malcolm Sargent. Cast: George Baker, Webster Booth, Sydney Granville, Derek Oldham, Leslie Rands, Leonard Osborn, Stuart Robertson, Essie Ackland, Nellie Walker, Alice Moxon, Muriel Dickson, Phyllis Evens, Beatrice Elburn. EMI World Records Retrospect Series SHB 74 (1981)       £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP18 Southern Festival Orchestra. Cheam Operatic Society Chorus. Cond David Harding THE GRAND DUKE THE GRAND DUKE All-British cast professional recording with Sullivan's own orchestrations. Full cast of soloists. Southern Festival Orchestra. Cheam Operatic Society Chorus. Cond David Harding. Pearl stereo SHE 516/7 (1974) with Illustrated Booklet scarce   Pearl stereo SHE 516/7 (1974) £20.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
R78102 SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur THE LOST CHORD: (Key E Flat) Dame Clara Butt THE LOST CHORD: (Key E-Flat) Dame Clara Butt. Contralto. With Piano and Organ.Columbia (6544) 7301/ THE HOLY CITY. (Stephen Adams) (Key A Flat). Dame Clara Butt and Chorus.With the Regimental Band of H.M.Grenadier Guards (75310) 7301 12" shellac disc : Speed 80     £10.00   RECORDING
RECO705 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company H.M.S. PINAFORE The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with The DC Opera Chorus (1959/84) Chorus Master, W.Cox-Ife. The New Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Isidore Godfrey, O.B.E. Recorded under the direction of Dame Bridget D'Oyly Carte, D.B.E. Cast: John Reed, Jeffrey Skitch, Thomas Round, Donald Adams, George Cook, Eric Wilson-Hyde, Jean Hindmarsh, Joyce Wright, Gillian Knight Decca Stereo 414 283-1 re-issue, 1984 (original recording 1959)   Decca Stereo 414 283-1 re-issue, 1984 £20.00   RECORDING
LP51c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE (1952) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Decca LK 4047/8 automatic couplings (Laban sleeve design) (c) set missing overprinting below `PATIENCE' (non-laminated)   Decca LK 4047/8 £12.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP51a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE (1952) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Decca LK 4047/8 automatic couplings (Laban sleeve design) (a) non-laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4047/8 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP51b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company PATIENCE (1952) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Peter Pratt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Alan Styler, Yvonne Dean, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Decca LK 4047/8 automatic couplings (Laban sleeve design) (b) laminated sleeves, VG+   Decca LK 4047/8 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP86a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (a) Decca LK 4027-8 automatic couplings/ non-laminated sleeves VG   Decca LK 4027-8 automatic couplings £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP86c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (c) Decca ACL 1193/4 mono (1965 re-issue) b&w photographic sleeve (Act I arrival of Dick Dauntless) scarce   Decca ACL 1193/4 mono (1965 re-issue) £15.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP86b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company RUDDIGORE (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Martyn Green, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Darrell Fancourt, Margaret Mitchell, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (b) Decca LK 4027/8 automatic couplings/laminated sleeves   Decca LK 4027/8 automatic couplings £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP10a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (a) automatic couplings, non-laminated sleeves, sleeves and discs good   Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) (a)£12.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP10g The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte g) wallet set/comb bound, automatic couplings (Made in South Africa) VG   Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) £20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP10d The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (d) laminated pictorial sleeves: VG   Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) (d)£10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP10e The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (e) VG set (laminate peeling)   Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP10b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (b) unlaminated pictorial sleeves: sleeves good, remains of sellotape repair to Record 2 sleeve   Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) (b)£10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP11b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS (1950/80) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte Mono recordings electronically reprocessed to give stereo effect: 1950 recording enhanced 1980. Decca DPA 3075/6 (pictorial wallet)   Decca DPA 3075/6 £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP13a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS (With COX and BOX) (1961) Colour Photographic Sleeve. With Complete dialogue. First record of a set of three,side 6: COX AND BOX by Burnand and Sullivan - The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Cox - Alan Styler. Box - Joseph Riordan. Bouncer - Donald Adams
First (side 1), Second and Third records: THE GONDOLIERS Cast: John Reed, Jeffrey Skitch, Kenneth Sandford, Thomas Round, Alan Styler, Michael Wakeham, Joseph Riordan, George Cook, Gillian Knight, Jennifer Toye, Mary Sansom, Joyce Wright, Dawn Bradshaw, Ceinwen Jones, Daphne Gill, Jeanette Roach. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus The New Symphony Orchestra of London conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte
3 LP set: Decca Mono ffrr LK 4402-4   Decca Mono ffrr LK 4402-4 (1961) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP10f The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS. Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte VG laminated set, but repair to Record 2 sleeve   Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP10c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS. Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) unlaminated pictorial sleeves: The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey Cast: Martyn Green, Henry Goodier, Richard Watson, Leonard Osborn, Alan Styler, Geoffrey Sanders, Tom Hancock, Radley Flynn, Stanley Youngman, Ella Halman, Margaret Mitchell, Muriel Harding, Yvonne Dean, Enid Walsh, Joyce Wright, Caryl Fane. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (c) unlaminated pictorial sleeves: rather worn set with damage to sleeves   Decca LK 4015/6 (1950) (c)£5.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP39b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and THE NEW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF LONDON conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Donald Adams, Thomas Round, Peter Pratt, Kenneth Sandford, Alan Styler, Owen Grundy, Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Jennifer Toye, Ann Drummond-Grant. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte automatic couplings   Decca Stereophonic SKL 4006/7 (1958) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP38a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (a) automatic couplings, laminated sleeves   Decca LK 4010/11 (1950) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP38b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (b) Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue of 1950 recording in BLUE laminated sleeves   Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP38c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Darrell Fancourt, Leonard Osborn, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Alan Styler, Margaret Mitchell, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman, Radley Flynn. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (c) Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue of 1950 recording in GREEN laminated sleeves   Decca Ace of Clubs ACL 1014/15 re-issue £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP39a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE MIKADO (1958) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and THE NEW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF LONDON conducted by ISIDORE GODFREY. Cast: Donald Adams, Thomas Round, Peter Pratt, Kenneth Sandford, Alan Styler, Owen Grundy, Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Jennifer Toye, Ann Drummond-Grant. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte MONO   Decca LK 4251/2 mono (a)£10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP72a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1950) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE. LK 4004/5 (1950). The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn,Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman (a) laminated sleeves and discs VG   Decca LK 4004/5 (1950) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO710 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1950/1958 re-issue) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Martyn Green, Darrell Fancourt, Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Richard Watson, Muriel Harding, Joan Gillingham, Joyce Wright, Ella Halman Decca ACE OF CLUBS re-issue, laminated sleeves   MONO ACL 1276/7 (1958) £20.00 scarce   RECORDING
LP73a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1958) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and the New Symphony Orchestra Cond Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Peter Pratt, Donald Adams, Howard Short, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford, Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Marion Martin, Ann Drummond-Grant Decca LK 4249/50 (1959) mono (automatic couplings), scarce set   LK 4249/50 (1958) mono (a)£20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP73b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE (1958) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus and the New Symphony Orchestra cond. Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Peter Pratt, Donald Adams, Howard Short, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford, Jean Hindmarsh, Beryl Dixon, Marion Martin, Ann Drummond-Grant automatic couplings   SKL stereo 4038/9 (1958) (b)£25.00 scarce   RECORDING
RECO704 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE SORCERER (Recording without dialogue) (1953/1979) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & New Symphony Orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Fisher Morgan, Neville Griffiths, Jeffrey Skitch, Donald Adams, Peter Pratt, Ann Drummond-Grant, Muriel Harding, Beryl Dixon, Yvonne Dean Mono recordings electronically reprocessed to give stereo effect on stereo equipment. Decca DPA 3057/8 (1953/1979)   Decca DPA 3057/8 (1953/1979) £20.00   RECORDING
LP112b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (b) automatic couplings, red laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4029/30 mono (1950) (b) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO707 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD & TRIAL BY JURY. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with The D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Recorded under the direction of Dame Bridget D'Oyly Carte, D.B.E. Cast: Anthony Raffell, Philip Potter, Donald Adams, David Palmer, John Reed, Kenneth Sandford, David Palmer, Thomas Lawlor, Elizabeth Harwood, Ann Hood, Gillian Knight, Margaret Eales. WITH: TRIAL BY JURY The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Chorus and Orchestra of The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Dame Bridget D'Oyly Carte, D.B.E. Cast: Ann Hood, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford, John Reed, Donald Adams, Anthony Raffell Decca stereo Set 417 358-2 (1964, re-issue 1989)   Decca stereo Set 417 358-2 (1964, re-issue 1989) £20.00   RECORDING
LP112e The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (e) worn BOX SET with booklet   Decca LK 4029/30 (1950) (e)£18.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP112a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (a) automatic couplings, cream laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4029/30 mono (1950) (a) £15.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP112c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (c) non-laminated sleeves, VG   Decca LK 4029/30 (1950) (c)£15.00 GANDS RECORDING
RECO712 The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) Pictorial sleeve.The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidrie Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant Ace of Clubs re-issue   Decca ACL 1278/9 MONO (1951) £25.00 SCARCE   RECORDING
LP112d The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD (1950) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with chorus and orchestra conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: Donald Harris, Leonard Osborn, Darrell Fancourt, Neville Griffiths, Martyn Green, Richard Watson, Geoffrey Sanders, Muriel Harding, Ella Halman, Deidree Thurlow, Ann Drummond-Grant (d) BOX SET with booklet   Decca LK 4029/30 (1950) (d)£20.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP103a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company TRIAL BY JURY (1949) TRIAL BY JURY. The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & Orchestra Conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Muriel Harding, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Donald Harris.Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (a) London LLP 70 with libretto (USA pressing, 1949) scarce   London LLP 70 with libretto £20.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
LP103c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company TRIAL BY JURY (1949) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & Orchestra Conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Muriel Harding, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Donald Harris.Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (c) un-laminated sleeve   Decca LK 4001 (1949) £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP103d The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company TRIAL BY JURY (1949) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & Orchestra Conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Muriel Harding, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Donald Harris.Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (d) laminated sleeve   Decca LK 4001 (1949) £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP103c The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company TRIAL BY JURY (1949) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & Orchestra Conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Muriel Harding, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Donald Harris.Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Decca LK 4001 (1949) (e) pictorial cartoon sleeve   Decca LK 4001 (1949) £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP103b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company TRIAL BY JURY (1949) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company with Chorus & Orchestra Conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Cast: Richard Watson, Radley Flynn, Muriel Harding, Leonard Osborn, Leslie Rands, Donald Harris.Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte (b) 1st edition in strong cardboard original sleeve   Decca LK 4001 (1949) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP87a The D'Oyly Carte Opera Compny RUDDIGORE (1962) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Compny with Chorus of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: John Reed, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford, Stanley Riley, Donald Adams, Jean Hindmarsh, Gillian Knight, Mary Sansom, Jean Allister automatic couplings   LK 4504/5 mono £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP87b The D'Oyly Carte Opera Compny RUDDIGORE (1962) The D'Oyly Carte Opera Compny with Chorus of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden conducted by Isidore Godfrey. Recorded under the direction of Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Cast: John Reed, Thomas Round, Kenneth Sandford, Stanley Riley, Donald Adams, Jean Hindmarsh, Gillian Knight, Mary Sansom, Jean Allister (b) Decca SKL 4504/5 stereo   SKL 4504/5 stereo (1962) £10.00 GANDS RECORDING
LP129a Valerie Masterson, Gillian Knight, Thomas Round, John Cartier And Donald Adams GILBERT AND SULLIVAN FOR ALL (a) GILBERT AND SULLIVAN FOR ALL. Excerpts sung by Valerie Masterson, Gillian Knight, Thomas Round, John Cartier and Donald Adams with Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Michael Moores. Enterprise ENT 001 Volume 1 Stereo (1969)     ENT 001 Volume 1 Stereo (1969) £8.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7856 Walter Passmore MY NAME IS JOHN WELLINGTON WELLS MY NAME IS JOHN WELLINGTON WELLS from THE SORCERER Walter Passmore, in his Original Role. With Orchestra/ THE POLICEMAN'S SONG from THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Walter Passmore, in his Original Role. With Chorus and Orchestra Columbia 1866 Pub.2/12 10"       £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
R7872 Zonophone Light Opera Company H.M.S.PINAFORE. H.M.S.PINAFORE. VOCAL GEMS. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo & Chorus with Orchestra Zonophone A 317 (Published 5/27)       £7.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7826 Zonophone Light Opera Company IOLANTHE Vocal IOLANTHE Vocal Gems. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo and Chorus with Orchestra. Zonophone Two-Record Set: Part1/Part 2 Serial A 312 Z-044525/6 (Published 3/27). Part 3/4 Serial A 356 Z-044546/8 (Published 4/29) scarce       £15.00 2-disc set scarce GANDS RECORDING
R7827 Zonophone Light Opera Company IOLANTHE Vocal IOLANTHE Vocal Gems.Part 3/4 only. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo and Chorus with Orchestra. Zonophone Serial A 356 Z-044546/8 (Published 4/29)       £7.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7854 Zonophone Light Opera Company MIKADO VOCAL GEMS MIKADO VOCAL GEMS. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo and Chorus with Orchestra Zonophone A344 (Published Nov. 1928)       £5.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7866a Zonophone Light Opera Company PATIENCE/THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE PATIENCE/THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Vocal Gems. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo Chorus with Orchestra: PATIENCE: Zonophone A 336 Part 1/2 (Published 5/28) + A 353 Part 3 (Published 3/29)
    £20.00 for three-disc set GANDS RECORDING
R7867 Zonophone Light Opera Company PATIENCE: Vocal Gems PATIENCE: Vocal Gems. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo Chorus with Orchestra. Zonophone A 336 Part 1/2 only (Published 5/28)       £7.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7815b Zonophone Light Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS. THE GONDOLIERS. VOCAL GEMS. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo and Chorus with Orchestra: (b) A325 Part 1/2 only @ £6.00     £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7815a Zonophone Light Opera Company THE GONDOLIERS. THE GONDOLIERS. VOCAL GEMS. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo and Chorus with Orchestra: (a) A 325: Part 1/2 (Pub.11/27) + A 350 : Part 3/4 (Published 1/29) scarce     £15.00 2-disc set scarce GANDS RECORDING
R7845 Zonophone Light Opera Company THE MIKADO.Vocal Gems THE MIKADO.Vocal Gems. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo and Chorus with Orchestra.Parts 1/2 A323 Z04453; Parts 3/4 A344 Z044543/4 (Published 10/27) scarce scarce     £15.00 2-disc set GANDS RECORDING
R7868 Zonophone Light Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Vocal Gems THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Vocal Gems. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo Chorus with Orchestra. Zonophone A 332 Part 1/2 only (Published 3/28)       £7.00 GANDS RECORDING
R7876a Zonophone Light Opera Company THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE/PATIENCE. Vocal Gems. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo and Chorus with Orchestra: THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE : A 332 Part 1/2 (Published 3/28) + A 353 Part 3 (Published 3/29)       £20.00 for 3-disc set scarce GANDS RECORDING
R7893 Zonophone Light Opera Company TRIAL BY JURY TRIAL BY JURY Vocal Gems. Zonophone Light Opera Company. Solo & Chorus with Orchestra Zonophone A 363 (Published Sept. 1929)       £6.00 GANDS RECORDING
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