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Search on : 'C.H.WORKMAN' . 1 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS
CATNUM Artist Title Description Media PICTURE SerialNum Price Category Type
CD1a Richard Temple, Henry Lytton, Rutland Barrington, Ilka Von Palmay, Walter Passmore, C.h.workman THE ART OF THE SAVOYARD (a) THE ART OF THE SAVOYARD. Recordings by singers who performed under the direction of G&S themselves: RICHARD TEMPLE, HENRY LYTTON, RUTLAND BARRINGTON, ILKA von PALMAY, WALTER PASSMORE, C.H.WORKMAN etc. GEMM CD 9991 (1993) :-
1. RICHARD TEMPLE - "The Mikado" : A more Humane Mikado 2. RICHARD TEMPLE - "The Pirates of Penzance" : I am a Pirate King
3. COURTICE POUNDS - "Chu Chin Chow" : When a pullet is plump 4. ISABEL JAY - "The Prates of Penzance" : Poor Wand'ring One
5. RUTLAND BARRINGTON : The Moody Mariner 6. SCOTT RUSSELL - "Princess Ida" : Would you know the kind of maid
7. SCOTT RUSSELL - "Utopia Limited" : A tenor all singers above 8. SCOTT RUSSELL - "The Rose of Persia" : Drinking Song
9. RUTH VINCENT - "Tom Jones" : Waltz Song 10. LYTTON/HENRI - "Iolanthe" : None shall part us
11. HENRY LYTTON - "Merrie England" : Imagination 12. HENRY LYTTON - "Merrie England" - The Yeomen of England
13. HENRY LYTTON - "The Sorcerer" : The Curate's Song 14. WALTER PASSMORE - "The Sorcerer" : My name is John Wellington Wells 15. WALTER PASSMORE - "Patience" : If you're anxious for to shine 16. WALTER PASSMORE - "The Mikado" : As some day it may happen 17. WALTER PASSMORE - "The Mikado" : On a tree by a river 18. ROBERT EVETT - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : Is life a boon? 19. ROBERT EVETT - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : Free'd from his fetters grim 20. ILKA von PLAMAY : Butterfly (Folk Song) 21. AMY AUGARDE - "HMS Pinafore" : I'm called Little Buttercup 22. C.H.WORKMAN - "The Pirates of Penzance" : Major-General's Song 23. C.H.WORKMAM - "Princess Ida" : If you give me your attention" 24. C.H.WORKMAN - "Princess Ida" : Whene'er I spoke 25. C.H.WORKMAN - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : I have a song; with Elsie Spain, sop. 26. C.H.WORKMAN - "The Yeomen of the Guard" : I've jibe and joke" 27.C.H.WORKMAN - "The Yeomen of he Guard" : A Private Buffoon 28. C.H.WORKMAN - "Utopia Limited" : First you're born 29. SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN : Address to Thomas A. Edison scarce
D'Oyly Carte     £25.00 scarce GANDS RECORDING
Search on : 'C.H.WORKMAN' . 1 entries found in GANDSRECORDINGS

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