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Search on : 'SIR' . 38 entries found in GANDSMUSICSCORES
CATNUM Composer Title Description Comment PICTURE Price Category Type
ALB1576   ALBUM OF 27 SONGS brown rexine cover with `SONGS' in gilt on spine and `E.S.M.' monogram on cover : CONTENTS:
1. THE LOST CHORD No.3 in A flat. Words by Adelaide Proctor. Music by Arthur Sullivan (1877)
2. LET ME DREAM AGAIN No.2 in D. Words by B.C. Stephenson. Music by Arthur Sullivan (1875)
3. LITTLE MAID OF ARCADEE. Words by W.S.Gilbert. Music by Arthur Sullivan (from THESPIS) (1872) rare
4. THE DISTANT SHORE. Words by W.S.Gilbert. Music by Arthur Sullivan (1874)
5. THE VILLAGE CHIMES. Written by C.J.Rowe. Music by Arthur S. Sullivan (1870) rare
6. THE CHILDREN'S HOME. Words by Fred. E. Weatherly. Music by Frederic H. Cowen
7. IT WAS A DREAM. Words by R.E. Francillon. Music by Frederic H. Cowen
8. ROBIN REDBREAST. Words by William Allingham. Music by Claribel
9. WHO'S THAT TAPPING. Written by J.Loker. Music by S.W.New (small b&w cameo of cottage)
10.A DAISY SONG. Words by S.H. Gatty. Music by A.Scott Gatty
11. NO SIR! by A.M.Wakefield
12. THE BRIDGE. Written by H.W. Longfellow. Music by Miss M. Lindsay ( ILLUSTRATED COLOURED MUSIC COVER)
13. MISERERE DOMINE. Poetry by Adelaide Proctor. Music by John Blockley (b&w ILLUSTRATED MUSIC COVER of ship during and after storm)
15. WHEN THE SHIP COMES HOME. Music by Mrs. J.Worthington Bliss
16. LOVE'S GOLDEN DREAM. Music by Lindsay Lennox
17. GATES OF THE WEST. Words by A.L. Music by Caroline Lowthian (stamped 19 Sept. 1883)
18. MARJORIE'S ALMANACK. Words by J.B. Aldrich. Music by Charlotte H. Sainton Dolby (stamped 30 April 1872)
19. UNCLE JOHN by F.E.Weatherly
20. TURNHAM TOLL. Words by F.E.Weatherly. Music by Milton Welling
21. A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS. Words by T. Malcolm Watson. Music by Cecile S. Hartog
22. THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE. Words by F.E.Weatherly. Music by Joseph L. Roeckel
24. Cunningham Boosey's UNIVERSAL Music Standard SCOTCH SONGS ed. Fpx and Clarke : Within a Mile of Edinburgh Town
25. CHE FARO SENZA EURIDICE ?Recit. & Air from Gluck's ORFEO
27. CAVATINA from IL TANCREDI by Rossini
Condition : Good   £90.00 GANDS ALBUM
SONG27   THE MUSIC LOVERS' ALBUM THE MUSIC LOVERS' ALBUM Part 23 Edited by Sir Landon Ronald. Nine complete gems of melody in each weekly part including O MISTRESS MINE in A flat major (see photocopied section), Amalgamated Press March 26 1935     £6.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
1115   THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE : in grey cloth library binding.Edited by E. Hatzfield Vol. I : January to June, 1895 pp484 (some light foxing on edges) pp21-27 SONG : EDWARD GRAY. Words by Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Music by Sir Arthur Sullivan/ pp83 - 89 The Royal College of Music/ p97 Hayden-Coffin/ pp169 - 174 Interviews with Eminent Musicians : Sir Arthur Sullivan/ p175 Miss Jessie Bond/ Plate p242: "THE LOST CHORD" From a photograph by W. & D. Downey/ p248 Edward Solomon (with photo.)/ p253 George Grossmith also SONG p279: My Lady Nature's Little Joke/ pp403-5 August Manns (includes references to Sullivan's orchestral output) (ex. college lib.)     £25.00 GANDS  
SONG47   THE SUNDAY ALBUM OF SACRED SONG Classical & Popular. Edited and Arranged with Pianoforte Accompaniments. Voice Part in Staff and Tonic Sol-fa. A HYMN OF THE HOMELAND (p.16). Words by the Rev. H.R.Haweis. Music by Sir Arthur Sullivan (written 1867).224pp. Bayley & Ferguson no date. Well-worn, but contents good within foxed paper covers     £8.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
ORCH68   THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD Overture. Arrangement for Brass Band by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Edition Molenaar N.V. Wormerveer - Holland. (1963/4): Score (ring-bound laminated landscape); Soprano Eb Cornet; Solo Bb Cornet (x4); Repiano Cornet/Flugel (x2); 2nd Bb Cornet (x2); 3rd Bb Cornet (x2); Solo Eb Horn; 1st Eb Horn; 2nd Eb Horn; 1st Bb Baritone; 2nd Bb Baritone; 1st Bb Trombone; 2nd Bb Trombone; Bass Trombone; Bb Euphonium (x2); Eb Basses (x2); Bb Basses (x2); Batterie (x2)   £35.00 GANDS orchestral
ALBU475 BEECHAM, Adrian Wells THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert SET TO MUSIC (a)THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert including the author's illustrations. With original tunes by Adrian Wells Beecham. Foreword by Sir Henry Lytton. Hutchinson (1931) (a) Vol.I pp47, foxed paper wraps, contents VG   (a)£25.00 GANDS ALBUM
ALBU476 BEECHAM, Adrian Wells THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert SET TO MUSIC THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert including the author's illustrations. With original tunes by Adrian Wells Beecham. Foreword by Sir Henry Lytton. Hutchinson (1931) (b) Vol.II pp47, foxed paper wraps, contents VG   (b)£25.00 GANDS ALBUM
ALBU1275 BEECHAM, Adrian Wells THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert SET TO MUSIC in Two Volumes THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert including the author's illustrations. With original tunes by Adrian Wells Beecham. Foreword by Sir Henry Lytton. Hutchinson (1931)
Vol.I pp47
Vol.II pp47
MINT set   £50.00 GANDS ALBUM
VOC32b GERMAN, Edward FALLEN FAIRIES or The Wicked World. FALLEN FAIRIES or The Wicked World. An Original Opera in Two Acts. Written by W.S. Gilbert. Composed by Edward German. Chappell (1909) pp263 (includes ADDENDUM Song (Selene) "Oh, love, that rulest in our land") (with cast list) (b) NEW SETTING OF FALLEN FAIRIES or The Wicked World by Sir William S.Gilbert. Music by Edward German. Arranged by Scott L. Farrell. This score contains the revised dialogue. Royal English Opera Publications (2002) pp298 with original cast list (1909). Notes on the opera by Scott Farrell. A4 spiral-bound booklet   (b) £40.00 new setting version GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC1b GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE IMMORTAL GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERAS Containing The Stories of the Plays and the Words and Music of Famous Numbers from each Opera. With an appreciation by Sir Henry Lytton. The`News Chronicle' Publications Dept. (c.1932) Issued as a part-work, (24 issues), and once completed returned for binding.
Vol.2 Famous Numbers from H.M.S. PINAFORE, SELECTION: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan. Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, THE SORCERER. 192pp
Vol.3 Famous Numbers from RUDDIGORE, PATIENCE, THE GRAND DUKE, TRIAL BY JURY. Selection: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan.Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson.192pp
Vol.4 Famous Numbers from IOLANTHE, UTOPIA LTD., PRINCESS IDA. 192pp
VOC1a GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERAS THE IMMORTAL GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERAS Containing The Stories of the Plays and the Words and Music of Famous Numbers from each Opera. With an appreciation by Sir Henry Lytton. The`News Chronicle' Publications Dept. (c.1932) Issued as a part-work, (24 issues), and once completed returned for binding.
Vol.2 Famous Numbers from H.M.S. PINAFORE, SELECTION: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan. Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, THE SORCERER. 192pp
Vol.3 Famous Numbers from RUDDIGORE, PATIENCE, THE GRAND DUKE, TRIAL BY JURY. Selection: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan.Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson.192pp
Vol.4 Famous Numbers from IOLANTHE, UTOPIA LTD., PRINCESS IDA. 192pp
PS18X GOSS, Sir John O SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD Full Anthem by Sir John Goss (1800-1880) (Sullivan's harmony teacher). Banks No.403 York Series Anthems & Glees pp4     £3.00 GANDS partsong
PS20 GOSS, Sir John SEE AMID THE WINTER'S SNOW. Composed by J. Goss (Sullivan's harmony teacher) Novello’s Christmas Carols No.30 (Oct., 1931) 4 copies @ £3.00 the set     £3.00 for set of four GANDS partsong
1113 GREEN, Martyn MARTYN GREEN’S TREASURY OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. Arrangements by Dr. Albert Sirmay A Fireside Book published by Simon and Schuster : modern facsimile of the original 1941/1961 edition (not date) pp717, b/w plates (lucille Corcos), laminated paper wraps     £35.00 GANDS ALBUM
ORCH16b GRUNDY, Sydney & SULLIVAN, Arthur HADDON HALL Full Score NEW: HADDON HALL Full Score - with such curiosities as two pieces of "Exit" and "Entry" music not in the vocal score, and extra verse for Sir George's song. Edited by Roger Harris. R.Clyde edition (2006). Issued in two volumes Vols.7a & b M-7-8011-94-1 spiral-bound   (b)£99.00 GANDS orchestral
VOC69 LECOCQ, Charles LA FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT LA FILLE DE MADAME ANGOT (1872). Comic Opera. The Words by Clairville, Siraudin, & Koning. Translated into English by H.J.Byron. Boosey & Co. pp276 (leather with gilt lettering: spine worn) (early run programmes available : see PROGRAMMES - also Illustrated Music Covers)   £45.00 GANDS VOCAL SCORE
SONG1361 Sir Arthur Sullivan Society THE ABSENT-MINDED BEGGAR Special Edition de Luxe. Being a fac-simile reproduction of the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Ridgways. 6 Nov. 1899 (landscape) music pp4 + outer wraps with lyrics on inside back page SASS souvenir issue (undated)   £4.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
SOLO1310 SULLIVAN, A. arr. Christopher Irvin A SAVOY OPERA MEDLEY for CLARINET in B-flat & PIANO Music by Sir Arthur Sullivan, arranged by Christopher Irvin. Four melodies arranged by Christopher Irvin for Clarinet in B-flat & Piano : "Faint heart never won fair lady" (Iolanthe), "In sailing o'er life's ocean wide" (Ruddigore), "The world is but a broken toy" (Princess Ida), and The Cachucha (The Gondoliers). Piano Score pp17 & Clarinet part pp6 Exclusive item   £8.00 GANDS SOLOINSTRUMENT
PS8b SULLIVAN, Arthur A HYMN OF THE HOMELAND in E-flat ("THE HOMELAND"). Words Rev. H.R.Haweis (b) for S.A.T.B. from the News Chronicle Book of Four-Part Songs for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass with accompaniments pp186-189. Introduction by Sir Walford Davies (c.1935). Boards and esp. spine faded., ow good contents (with O HUSH THEE, MY BABIE pp52-57) (   (b)£12.00 GANDS partsong
SONG44c SULLIVAN, Arthur ARTHUR SULLIVAN SONGS Book Three (c) Book Three: edited by Alan Borthwick & Robin Wilson. Contains: SIGH NO MORE, LADIES (Words by Shakespeare - 1866 in D major); COUNTY GUY (Sir Walter Scott - 1867 in G major); MARY MORISON (Robert Burns - 1874 in G major); EDWARD GRAY (Alfred, Lord Tennyson - 1880 in G major); THE DISTANT SHORE (W.S.Gilbert - 1874 in E flat major). Stainer & Bell (1988) pp31 laminated wraps NEW     (c) £8.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
SONG7 SULLIVAN, Arthur BASS SONGS including I WOULD I WERE KING BASS SONGS including I WOULD I WERE KING (1878) (V.Hugo trans. Sir Alexander Cockburn, Bart G.C.B) Boosey Imperial Edition pp204 (no date) (Ex-Pub.Lib hardback) condition: good     £8.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
SONG13 SULLIVAN, Arthur CHURCH HYMNS With Tunes CHURCH HYMNS With Tunes. Edited by the late Sir Arthur Sullivan. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (1914) pp528, boards dull and worn     £25.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
PIANO50 Sullivan, Arthur IVANHOE (a) IVANHOE A Romantic Opera adapted from Sir Walter Scott's novel. Arrangement for Pianoforte by ERNEST FORD. Chappell (1891) pp149. A4 spiral-bound booklet by Albion Music Reprints     (a)£40.00 GANDS piano
VOCA1367 SULLIVAN, Arthur IVANHOE A Romantic Opera. Adapted from Sir Walter Scott's Novel. Words by Julian Sturgis Chappell pp261 (1891) original wraps, sellotaped neatly inside, original spine strip intact, good condition   £50.00 GANDS VOCAL SCORE
VOC62 SULLIVAN, Arthur KING ARTHUR KING ARTHUR by J. Comyns Carr (1895). Incidental Music by Arthur Sullivan. Scenery and Costumes by Edward Burne-Jones. Sir Arthur Sullivan Society (2006) pp58 (A5 booklet with notes and vocal score)     £8.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
PS17c SULLIVAN, Arthur O HUSH THEE, MY BABY (1867). Words by Sir Water Scott York Series (Banks) No. 291 pp7     £4.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
PS17 SULLIVAN, Arthur O HUSH THEE, MY BABY (1867). Words by Sir Water Scott (a) S.A.T.B. Novello No. 151 pp7 (12 copies)     (a)£2.00 each GANDS partsong
PS17b SULLIVAN, Arthur O HUSH THEE, MY BABY (1867). Words by Sir Water Scott (b) Four-Part Song from the News Chronicle Book of Four-Part Songs for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass with accompaniments pp52-57. Introduction by Sir Walford Davies (c.1935). Boards and esp. spine faded., ow good contents (with HYMN OF THE HOMELAND pp186-189)     (b)£12.00 GANDS partsong
SING1348 SULLIVAN, Arthur THE ABSENT-MINDED BEGGAR Special Edition de Luxe. Being a fac-simile reproduction of the ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Ridgways. 6 Nov. 1899 (landscape: approx. 35 x 25 cms) (sepia colour: front and inside cover + inside back) music pp4 + outer wraps     £35.00 GANDS SINGLESHEET
PS1 SULLIVAN, Arthur THE BELEAGUERED (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868) (a) Arranged for Mixed Voices by Percy E.Fletcher. Words H.F.Chorley. Music by Sir Arthur Sullivan. Curwen Edition 60959 pp8 (punched for ring binding), some foxing SCARCE     (a)£10.00 GANDS partsong
VOC65d SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. An Oratorio. The words compiled from THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Composed by Sir Arthur S.Sullivan (First perf. Birmingham Music Festival Aug.27, 1873) Cramer pp259 (d) This new ed. prepared to celebrate the centenary of the death of Sir Arthur Sullivan on Nov.22, 1900 for a performance given by the North-West Region of the National Federation of Music Societies on Nov.25, 2000. Notes by Raymond Walker. Cramer (2000) pp276 laminated paper wraps   (d)£12.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC65b SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. An Oratorio. The words compiled from THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Composed by Sir Arthur S.Sullivan (First perf. Birmingham Music Festival Aug.27, 1873) Cramer pp259 (b) Second Edition (1873). Ex-Pub.Lib (trimmed) VG   (b)£35.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC65a SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. An Oratorio. The words compiled from THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Composed by Sir Arthur S.Sullivan (First perf. Birmingham Music Festival Aug.27, 1873) Cramer pp259 (a) Second Edition (1873) Ex-Public Music Reference Library (navy boards, rebound Jan 1932), pp259, VG   (a)£40.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC65c SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. An Oratorio. The words compiled from THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. Composed by Sir Arthur S.Sullivan (First perf. Birmingham Music Festival Aug.27, 1873) Cramer pp259 (c) 2nd edition (1873) original wraps (chipped), neat blue cloth repair to spine, some light foxing on early pages, ow good   (c)£30.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
SONG2 SULLIVAN, Arthur TWELVE ANTHEMS OF SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN TWELVE ANTHEMS OF SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN ed. Ian Harrold (with notes). IHM Sullivan Church Music Series pp101 A4 spiral-bound booklet with card covers and acetate front cover: 1. O LOVE THE LORD (1864) from Psalm 31. Full anthem for chorus (SATB) and optional organ
2. I WILL MENTION THE LOVING-KINDNESSES (1875) from Isaiah ch.63 7-9 14-16. Anthem for tenor solo, chorus (SATB) and organ
3. O TASTE AND SEE (1867) from Psalm 34. Anthem for chorus (SATB) and organ
4. HEARKEN UNTO ME, MY PEOPLE (1877) from Isaiah Ch. 51 4-6. Anthem for chorus (SATB) and organ
5. I WILL SING OF THY POWER (1877) from Psalm 59. Anthem for tenor solo, chorus (SATB) and organ
6. EVENING HYMN (from the 3rd century Greek): O GLADSOME LIGHT (from THE GOLDEN LEGEND 1886) for chorus (SATB) unaccompanied
7. SING, O HEAVENS (1869) (from Isaiah 49, 25 Psalms 85, 45). Festival anthem for tenor solo, chorus (SATB) and organ
8. REJOICE IN THE LORD (1869) (Psalm 33 vv. 1, 19-21). Full anthem for chorus (SATB) and organ ad lib.
9. LEAD KINDLY LIGHT (1871) Sacred part song for unaccompanied chorus
10.COME, YE CHILDREN (from THE PRODIGAL SON) (1869) for soprano (or tenor) solo, chorus and organ
11. HARK! WHAT MEAN THOSE HOLY VOICES? (1883) (John Cawood, 1819 for chorus (SATB) and organ
12. THE STRAIN UPRAISE (1874) (trans. Rev. J.M.Neale) Hymn-anthem for chorus (SATB) and organ
VOC58 SULLIVAN, Arthur and STURGIS, Julian IVANHOE A Romantic Opera. Adapted from Sir Walter Scott's Novel. Words by Julian Sturgis. Music by Arthur Sullivan (1891). Arranged for the Pianoforte by Ernest Ford. Chappell pp261
(a) Original paper wraps edition in good condition @ £90.00
(b) Ex-Pub. Lib, blue cloth, gilt lettering on spine, light foxing pp1-4, ow good copy @ £50.00
(c) photocopy also available: A4 spiral-bound booklet pp261 + advertisements @ £40.00
(a) Original paper wraps edition
(b) Ex-Pub. Lib, blue cloth, gilt lettering on spine, light foxing pp1-4, ow good copy
(c) photocopy also available: A4 spiral-bound booklet pp261 + advertisements
  (a) £90.00
(b) £50.00
(c) photocopy also available: A4 spiral-bound booklet pp261 + advertisements @ £40.00
ALBU1355 SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur THE HYMN TUNES of Sir Arthur Sullivan Researched and Collated by Richard Cockaday. The Norwich G&S Society. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged (2019) pp120 spiral bound, landscape, laminated wraps   £6.00 GANDS ALBUM
VOCA1280 SULLIVAN, Sir Arthur & GILBERT, Sir William THE GONDOLIERS Decorated boards 1889/1898 Cast Lists. Chappell pp185 (c.1908) (personal inscription) boards sl. worn, contents good   £25.00 GANDS VOCAL SCORE
Search on : 'SIR' . 38 entries found in GANDSMUSICSCORES

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