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Search on : 'HENRY' . 47 entries found in GANDSMUSICSCORES
CATNUM Composer Title Description Comment PICTURE Price Category Type
ALB1577   AN ALBUM OF 12 SONGS AN ALBUM OF 12 SONGS bound in leather with SONGS in gilt on cover : KING HENRY'S SONG (Youth will needs have dalliance) in E-flat major pp7. Words by HENRY VIII. Music by Arthur Sullivan/ THE PROMISE OF LIFE. Words by Clifton Bingham. Music by Frederic H. Cowen/ SLEEP MY LOVE, SLEEP (1874) No. 1 in D flat pp7. Song. The Words by G. Whyte Melville. The Music composed expressly for Madame Patey. Boosey & Arthur Sullivan
THE CARNIVAL Words & Music by J.L.Molloy/ HOME, DEARIE, HOME. Words by F.E.Weatherly. Music by J.L.Molloy/ THE STARS OF NORMANDIE. Words by F.E.Weatherly. Music by Stephen Adams/ A IVY SONG. Written by Sarah Doudney. Music by Allan Macbeth/ VINETA. Words from the Schleswig-Holstein poetry. Music by Henry Smart/ HUSH ME, O SORROW!. Words by Madame Darmesteter. Music by Lord Henry Somerset/ THE BIRDS GO NORTH AGAIN. Words by Ella Higginson. Music by Charles Willeby (1902)/ GOLDEN LOVE. Words by Mary Mark-Lemon. Music by Milton Wellings/ QUEEN OF THE EARTH (Man's Guardian Angel). The poetry by H.L. D'arcy Jaxone. Music by Ciro Pinsuti.
    £30.00 GANDS ALBUM
SONG29   THE LOST CHORD No.4 THE LOST CHORD No.4 in Ab. Album rebound in black cloth (1998). Indexed 1. UP FROM SOMERSET No.3 in D. Music by Wilfred Sanderson. Words by Fred. E. Weatherly. Boosey (c) 1913 .
2. UNTIL No.1 in D-flat. Music by Wilfred Sanderson. Words by Edward Teschemacher. Boosey (c) 1910
3. MY TREASURE No.2 in G. Music by by Joan Trevalsa. Words by Matthias Barr. Boosey (c) 1903
4. THE GIFT No.2 in E-flat. Music by by A.H. Behrend. Words by F.E. Weatherly. Boosey (n/d)
5. LOVES OLD SWEET SONG No.1 in E-flat. Music by  J.L. Molloy. Words by G. Clifton Bingham. Boosey (n/d)
6. WHEN YOU COME HOME No.3 in F. Music by W. H. Squire. Words by F.E. Weatherly. Boosey (c) 1912
7. SYMPATHY in D (Original). Music by Charles Marshall. Words by Mary L. Hay. Williams (1908)
8. THE LOST CHORD No.4 in A-flat. Music by Arthur Sullivan. Words by Adelaide A. Proctor. Boosey (n/d)
9. THE CHILDREN'S HOME in C. Music by Frederic H. Cowen. Poetry by F.E. Weatherly. Morley (n/d)
10. LILY OF MY HEART No.1 in D-flat. Music by H. Geehl. Words by Edward Teschemacher. Gould (c) 1912
11. SOMEWHERE A VOICE IS CALLING No.3 in F. Music by Arthur. E. Tate. Words by Eileen Newton. Larway (c) 1911
12. A SUMMER SHOWER in E-flat. Words & Music by Theo Marzials. Boosey (n/d)
13. THE HOLY CITY in A-flat. Music by Stephen Adams. Words by F.E. Weatherly. Boosey (1892)
14. GOOD-BYE No.1 in A-flat. Music by Paolo Tosti. Words by G.T. Whyte Melville. Ricordi (c) 1902 (stamped May 1911)
15. TIT FOR TAT in E-flat. Music by Henry Pontet. Words by "Nemo". Enoch (n/d)
16. ANCHORED in G. Music by Michael Watson. Written by Samuel K. Cowan M.A. Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew (n/d)
17. THE ROSARY in D-flat. Music by Ethelbert Nevin. Words by Robert Cameron Rogers. The Boston Music Company (c) 1912
ALBU475 BEECHAM, Adrian Wells THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert SET TO MUSIC (a)THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert including the author's illustrations. With original tunes by Adrian Wells Beecham. Foreword by Sir Henry Lytton. Hutchinson (1931) (a) Vol.I pp47, foxed paper wraps, contents VG   (a)£25.00 GANDS ALBUM
ALBU476 BEECHAM, Adrian Wells THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert SET TO MUSIC THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert including the author's illustrations. With original tunes by Adrian Wells Beecham. Foreword by Sir Henry Lytton. Hutchinson (1931) (b) Vol.II pp47, foxed paper wraps, contents VG   (b)£25.00 GANDS ALBUM
ALBU1275 BEECHAM, Adrian Wells THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert SET TO MUSIC in Two Volumes THE BAB BALLADS by W.S.Gilbert including the author's illustrations. With original tunes by Adrian Wells Beecham. Foreword by Sir Henry Lytton. Hutchinson (1931)
Vol.I pp47
Vol.II pp47
MINT set   £50.00 GANDS ALBUM
VOC28 CARYLL, Ivan THE DUCHESS OF DANTZIC THE DUCHESS OF DANTZIC (1903) (SANS-GENE). A Romantic Light Opera in Three Acts. Written by Henry Hamilton. Composed by Ivan Caryll. Chappell pp239 : (a) (1st ed. - re-backed with title in gilt lettering)   (a)£40.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC28b CARYLL, Ivan THE DUCHESS OF DANTZIC THE DUCHESS OF DANTZIC (1903) (SANS-GENE). A Romantic Light Opera in Three Acts. Written by Henry Hamilton. Composed by Ivan Caryll. Chappell pp239 : (b) paper wraps, clean, sl. worn, ow good   (b)£20.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC134 CELLIER, Alfred THE SULTAN OF MOCHA THE SULTAN OF MOCHA (1874). Comic Opera in 3 Acts. Composed by Alfred Cellier. Enoch & Sons pp124 arranged for the Pianoforte by Henry Watson. Enoch & Sons, London and Henry Watson, Music Publishers, Manchester. (Performed with great success at the Prince's Theate, Manchester) Albion Music Reprints (A4 spiral-bound booklet )   £40.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
PIANO19 GERMAN, Edward Arrangements of music by EDWARD GERMAN by the Composer. Albion Music Reprints (a) CORONATION MARCH from HENRY VIII. Novello (1897) pp7. A4 stapled booklet     (a)£6.50 GANDS piano
ORCH18d GERMAN, Edward HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German. Composed for the Production of the Play at the Lyceum Theatre, London, January, 1892. Novello (1892) (d) Piano Solo (1892) pp16 (arranged by the composer) (1) original cover (but 1923 printed inside) (2) coloured cover   (d):(1)£10.00 (2)£15.00 GANDS orchestral
ORCH18c GERMAN, Edward HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German. Composed for the Production of the Play at the Lyceum Theatre, London, January, 1892. Novello (1893) (c) Violin - Piano (arranged by the composer) coloured cover edition   £20.00 GANDS orchestral
ORCH18b GERMAN, Edward HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German. Composed for the Production of the Play at the Lyceum Theatre, London, January, 1892. Novello (1892) (b) Piano Solo pp16 (arranged by the composer) + Strings only: Violino Primo x 2; Violino Secondo; Viola; Cello & Bass   (b) £25.00 GANDS orchestral
ORCH18e GERMAN, Edward HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German. Composed for the Production of the Play at the Lyceum Theatre, London, January, 1892. Novello (1892) (e) Piano Duet (1892) (1923/30 printed inside) scarce   (e)£20.00 scarce GANDS orchestral
ORCH18a GERMAN, Edward HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German HENRY VIII. Three Dances by Edward German. Composed for the Production of the Play at the Lyceum Theatre, London, January, 1892. Novello (1892) (a) Full Score (1901) (reduced to A4) pp51 (spiral bound photocopied booklet)   (a) £20.00 GANDS orchestral
VOC1b GILBERT & SULLIVAN THE IMMORTAL GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERAS Containing The Stories of the Plays and the Words and Music of Famous Numbers from each Opera. With an appreciation by Sir Henry Lytton. The`News Chronicle' Publications Dept. (c.1932) Issued as a part-work, (24 issues), and once completed returned for binding.
Vol.2 Famous Numbers from H.M.S. PINAFORE, SELECTION: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan. Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, THE SORCERER. 192pp
Vol.3 Famous Numbers from RUDDIGORE, PATIENCE, THE GRAND DUKE, TRIAL BY JURY. Selection: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan.Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson.192pp
Vol.4 Famous Numbers from IOLANTHE, UTOPIA LTD., PRINCESS IDA. 192pp
VOC1a GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERAS THE IMMORTAL GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERAS Containing The Stories of the Plays and the Words and Music of Famous Numbers from each Opera. With an appreciation by Sir Henry Lytton. The`News Chronicle' Publications Dept. (c.1932) Issued as a part-work, (24 issues), and once completed returned for binding.
Vol.2 Famous Numbers from H.M.S. PINAFORE, SELECTION: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan. Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson, THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, THE SORCERER. 192pp
Vol.3 Famous Numbers from RUDDIGORE, PATIENCE, THE GRAND DUKE, TRIAL BY JURY. Selection: Gems From Gilbert and Sullivan.Arranged for the Piano by Reg. H. Casson.192pp
Vol.4 Famous Numbers from IOLANTHE, UTOPIA LTD., PRINCESS IDA. 192pp
VOC122g GOUNOD (g) Gounod's MIRELLA Opera in Three Acts. With an English Adaptation by Henry F. Chorley (g) THE ROYAL EDITION. Boosey and Co. Edited by Arthur Sullivan and J.Pittman pp176 (g) a.e.g (printed list of Royal Edition March 1, 1881) VG   (g)£25.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
1124 HODSON, Henry Edward THE GOLDEN LEGEND. A Dramatic Cantata. Words from the poem of H.W. Longfellow THE GOLDEN LEGEND. First performed in Willis's Rooms, St. James's, on Monday, June 23, 1881. Novello (Fourth edition, catalogue date 12 March, 1906) pp134 (outer wraps missing)     £45.00 (A4 spiral-bound photocopied booklet) GANDS VOCAL SCORE
VOC146b MESSAGER, Andre VERONIQUE VERONIQUE. Comic Opera in Three Acts (Apollo Theatre 18 May 1904 with Rosina Brandram in cast : 495 nights). By A. Vanloo and G.Duval. Music by Andre Messager. English version by Henry Hamilton. Lyrics by Lilian Eldee. With alterations and additions by Percy Greenbank. Chappell pp244 (b) (New Edition 1904), laminated wraps, some operatic society stamps   (b)£40.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC146 MESSAGER, Andre VERONIQUE VERONIQUE. Comic Opera in Three Acts (Apollo Theatre 18 May 1904 with Rosina Brandram in cast : 495 nights). By A. Vanloo and G.Duval. Music by Andre Messager. English version by Henry Hamilton. Lyrics by Lilian Eldee. With alterations and additions by Percy Greenbank. Chappell pp244 (a) (1904 1st) with Illustrated Music Cover scarce   (a)£50.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC16 SOLOMON, Edward CLAUDE DUVAL CLAUDE DUVAL ; Love and Larceny. ROMANTIC COMIC OPERA IN THREE ACTS. Words by Henry P. Stephens. Music by Edward Solomon. Williams pp140. Albion Music Reprints (A4 spiral-bound booklet ) (first performed at the Olympic Theatre, London on 24th August, 1881)     £35.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC118 SOLOMON, Edward THE RED HUSSAR THE RED HUSSAR. A Comedy-Opera in Three Acts. Written by H.P. Stephens. Music by Edward Solomon. Metzler pp156 (First produced at the Lyric Theatre, London, under the management of Henry J. Leslie, on Saturday, November 23rd, 1889) Albion Music Reprints (A4 spiral-bound booklet )     £35.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC148 SOLOMON, Edward VIRGINIA AND PAUL VIRGINIA AND PAUL or, Changing The Rings. A New and Original Comic Ooera in Two Acts. Book by Henry P. Stephens. Music by Edward Solomon. Chappell pp182 (First produced at the Gaiety Theatre, London, under the management of Mr. John Hollingshead, July 16th, 1883) Albion Music Reprints (A4 spiral-bound booklet)     £35.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC13 STEPHENS, Henry P. & SOLOMON, Edward BILLEE TAYLOR BILLEE TAYLOR, or "The Reward of Virtue" Original Nautical Comic Opera in Two Acts by Henry P. Stephens and Edward Solomon. Williams pp168 Revised Edition (First performed at the Imperial Theatre, London on 30th October 1880) Albion Music Reprints (A4 spiral-bound booklet)     £35.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
PIAN1399 STUART, Leslie THE SCHOOL GIRL Piano Score Musical Play. Book by Henry Hamilton and Paul Potter. Lyrics by Chas. H. Taylor. Music by Leslie Stuart. Francis, Day & Hunter (1903) pp108 navy blue cloth with gilt lettering on spine. VG   £25.00   piano
SONG4 SULLIVAN, Arthur CHRISTMAS CAROLS NEW AND OLD : includes ALL THIS NIGHT BRIGHT ANGELS SING CHRISTMAS CAROLS NEW AND OLD. The words edited by Rev. Henry Ramsden Bramley, M.A.. The Music edited by John Stainer. Novello pp184 (includes Arthur S. Sullivan's ALL THIS NIGHT BRIGHT ANGELS SING) c. 1902, green cloth with gilt decoration on front board, sl. worn     £15.00 GANDS SONGSHEET
VOC47b SULLIVAN, Arthur HENRY VIII Incidental Music Incidental Music to Shakespeare's HENRY VIII (1877) piano/vocal score arr. Berthold Tours. Facsimile reprint R. Clyde (2003) pp20 (b) (softback) (comb bound) NEW   (b)£4.00 NEW GANDS VOCALSCORE
VOC47 SULLIVAN, Arthur HENRY VIII Incidental Music Incidental Music to Shakespeare's HENRY VIII (1877) piano/vocal score arr. Berthold Tours. Facsimile reprint R. Clyde (2003) pp20 (a) (hardback) NEW   (a)£29.00 NEW GANDS VOCALSCORE
ORCH19 SULLIVAN, Arthur HENRY VIII. Incidental Music HENRY VIII. Incidental Music Composed by Arthur Sullivan. Metzler. No.1 Allegro Moderato alla Marcia; No.2 Song and Chorus: King Henry's Song "Youth Will Needs Have Dalliance"; No.3 Graceful Dance; No.4 Water Music. Photocopied Piano score (arr. Berthold Tours) pp20 + Complete set of Photocopied Orchestral Parts: Violino I x 6/ Violino II x 5/ Viola x 4/ Cello & Basso x 3/ Bass x 2/ Flute & Piccolo/ Oboi/ Clarinetti in A and Bb/ Fagotti/ Corni I & II in D/ Corni III & IV in E and D/ Cornets in A/ Solo Bb Trumpet (No.2) (manuscript copy)/ Tromboni I & II/ Bass Trombone/ Timpani in D and A/ Triangolo and Tambour     £40.00 GANDS orchestral
ORCH28 SULLIVAN, Arthur KENILWORTH KENILWORTH. A Masque of the days of Queen Elizabeth. Words by Henry F. Chorley. Full Score edited by Robin Gordon-Powell. The Amber Ring (2002) M-708031-71-0 pp238 h/b NEW     £75.00 NEW GANDS orchestral
VOC61 SULLIVAN, Arthur KENILWORTH. A Masque of the days of Queen Elizabeth As performed at The Birmingham Festival. Words by Henry F. Chorley. Music by Arthur S. Sullivan. Chappell. (Restored facsimile of the 1864 edition by Raymond Walker, 2012: reduction 90%) with pp4 of commentary. A4 laminated wraps, pp44     £12.00 GANDS VOCAL SCORE
PS16 SULLIVAN, Arthur O GLADSOME LIGHT (Evening Hymn) from THE GOLDEN LEGEND Arr. Henry Geehl. Ashdown Vocal Duets No.270 (1955) pp8     £6.00 GANDS partsong
PS18 SULLIVAN, Arthur ORPHEUS WITH HIS LUTE. In B flat. Words by Shakespeare. Music by Arthur S. Sullivan Arranged as a Two-part Song by HENRY GEEHL. The Enoch Two Part Songs No.157. Ashdown (1947) pp8 (46 copies available) (some spines sellotaped, ow VG)     £3.00 each (20% discount for 20 copies or more) GANDS partsong
SSH47 SULLIVAN, Arthur ORPHEUS WITH HIS LUTE. Words from "HENRY VIII" by Shakespeare. Music by Arthur S. Sullivan ORPHEUS WITH HIS LUTE No.3 in B-flat. Cramer (n/d) pp8     £3.00 GANDS SINGLESHEET
SSH32 SULLIVAN, Arthur OVER THE ROOF from the opera THE SAPPHIRE NECKLACE OVER THE ROOF from the opera THE SAPPHIRE NECKLACE .Written by Henry F. Chorley. Music by Arthur Sullivan (one of two original songs from the opera, modern resetting) A4 stapled booklet pp6     £3.00 GANDS SINGLESHEET
SOLO1278 SULLIVAN, Arthur RUDDIGORE Fantasia for Violin and Piano RUDDIGORE Fantasia for Violin and Piano by Henry Farmer. Chappell pp15 (separate part pp6) Quality copy   £8.00 GANDS SOLOINSTRUMENT
PIAN1306 SULLIVAN, Arthur Selection of AIRS from ARTHUR SULLIVAN'S OPERA THE SORCERER Arranged by Henry W. Goodban. Cramer pp15 A4 photocopied stapled booklet   £5.00 GANDS piano
PS11g SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LONG DAY CLOSES (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868). Words by Henry F.Chorley (g) in A major. Four-part song Arr. S.A.T.B. (within The Song Service Reporter No. 354 October, 1953) pp3 scarce     (g)£6.00 scarce GANDS partsong
PS11f SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LONG DAY CLOSES (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868). Words by Henry F.Chorley (f) In B flat. Two-part song Arr. H.Geehl. Ashdown's Series of Vocal Duets for Class Singing, No. 189 (1940) pp4     (f)£5.00 GANDS partsong
PS11e SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LONG DAY CLOSES (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868). Words by Henry F.Chorley (e) In A flat. Four-part song Arr. S.A.T.B. (1902) The Novello Series of Short Choral Compositions P.S.B. 894 58 (1965) pp37-41 (one marked copy @ £1.00)     (e) one marked copy @ £1.00 GANDS partsong
PS11d SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LONG DAY CLOSES (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868). Words by Henry F.Chorley (d) In A flat. Four-part song Arr. S.A.T.B. (1902) The Novello Series of Short Choral Compositions P.S.B. 894 pp37-41 (punched for ring binder)     (d)£1.00 (punched for ring binder) GANDS partsong
PS11c SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LONG DAY CLOSES (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868). Words by Henry F.Chorley (c) In A flat. Four-part song Arr. S.A.T.B. (1902) The Novello Series of Short Choral Compositions P.S.B. 894 pp37-41     (c)£2.00 GANDS partsong
PS11b SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LONG DAY CLOSES (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868). Words by Henry F.Chorley (b) In A flat. Four-part song Arr. S.A.T.B. No.894 Novello's part-song book (second series) pp7 (c)1902 (6-9-15)     (b) £6.00 GANDS partsong
PS11 SULLIVAN, Arthur THE LONG DAY CLOSES (part of `Seven Part-Songs', pub. 1868). Words by Henry F.Chorley (a) In C major. Arranged for Mixed Voices by Percy E. Fletcher. Curwen Edition 60955 (c)1910 pp4 (punched for ring binder), worn     (a) £6.00 GANDS partsong
VOC127b SULLIVAN, Arthur THE SAPPHIRE NECKLACE THE SAPPHIRE NECKLACE or, The False Heiress. An Original Comic Opera in Two Acts. Originally by Henry F.Chorley and Arthur Sullivan. Completed by Scott Farrell. Published privately by Scott L. Farrell, USA : (b) Also : CURTAIN-RAISER VERSION (including dialogue) (2001) pp85. A4 spiral bound booklet, card wraps with clear plastic cover (see: plays/libretti)   (b)£15.00 GANDS VOCALSCORE
ORCH62 SULLIVAN, Arthur THE TEMPEST. A4 Facsimile FULL SCORE (held in the Henry Watson Library, Manchester) THE TEMPEST. FULL SCORE A4 spiral bound double-sided photocopy of Presentation Copy : `Joseph Bennett from his old friend Arthur Sullivan 29. Sept: 1892'. Novello (1891) pp204 (proof copy). Bennett (the music critic) worked with Sullivan adapting THE GOLDEN LEGEND from the poem by Longfellow Novello, Ewer & Co.,1891   £30.00 GANDS orchestral
SSH46 SULLIVAN, Arthur WHEN LOVE & BEAUTY from the opera THE SAPPHIRE NECKLACE WHEN LOVE & BEAUTY from the opera THE SAPPHIRE NECKLACE. Written by Henry F. Chorley. Music by Arthur Sullivan (one of two original songs from the opera, modern resetting) A4 stapled booklet pp6     £3.00 GANDS SINGLESHEET
Search on : 'HENRY' . 47 entries found in GANDSMUSICSCORES

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