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Search on : 'S' . 464 entries found in GANDSBOOKS
CATNUM Author Title Description Comment PICTURE ISBN Price Category Type
BKS101X   LOFTING, Kitty (Arranged and Compiled by) THE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN BIRTHDAY BOOK.Being Musical and Vocal Selections for Every Day in the Year. PRESENTED TO THE AUDIENCE October 31st, 1896, in Commemoration of "THE MIKADO" having passed its 1,000th Performance at the Savoy Theatre. LOFTING, Kitty (Arranged and Compiled by) THE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN BIRTHDAY BOOK.Being Musical and Vocal Selections for Every Day in the Year. PRESENTED TO THE AUDIENCE October 31st, 1896, in Commemoration of "THE MIKADO" having passed its 1,000th Performance at the Savoy Theatre. Contains The Autographs of the Author, Composer, Artistes, and Manager of The Savoy Operas. Saxon Feb. 1895. 14 facsimile autographs : Jessie Bond, R.Scott Fische, W.H. Seymour, R. D'Oyly Carte, Walter Passmore, Arthur Sullivan, Fred Billington, Rosina Br     £200.00rare and in FINE condition GANDS BOOK
BOOK593   PLAY PICTORIAL : RED CLOTH worn and dull, some spine edges splitting, ow contents good PLAY PICTORIAL 8-9 : VOLUME EIGHT (1906) (with Index to Characters) Vol. VIII. No. 46 pp1-28 THE FASCINATING MR. VANDERVELDT; Vol. VIII. No.47 pp29-56 THE GIRL BEHIND THE COLUNTER; Vol. VIII. No.48 pp57-84 HIS HOUSE IN ORDER; Vol. VIII. No.49 pp85-112 SEE-SEE; Vol. VIII. No. 50. pp113-140 TRISTRAM AND ISEULT; Vol. VIII. No. 51 pp141-168 THE WINTER'S TALE. VOLUME NINE (1907) (with Index to Characters) Vol. IX. No. 52 pp169-196 THE MERVEILLEUSES (with colour plate); Vol. IX. No. 53 pp197-224 THE NEW ALADDIN; Vol. IX. No. 54 pp225-252 ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA (with colour plate); Vol. IX. No. 55 pp253-280 WHEN KNIGHTS WERE BOLD; Vol. IX. N.56 pp281-308 MISS HOOK OF HOLLAND; Vol. IX. No.57 pp309-332 MY DARLING (with Henry A. Lytton) (spine edges splitting) @ £20.00
PLAY PICTORIAL 10-11 : Vol.X No.58 pp1-164 (with Index to Characters) (1907) TOM JONES; THE GIRLS OF GOTTENBERG; THE TRUTH; THE MERRY WIDOW; BERNARD SHAW PLAYS; THE GAY GORDONS. Vol.XI No.64 pp1-84 (with Index to Characters) (1908) MRS WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH; THE CHRISTIAN; A WHITE MAN; THE THIEF; "MATT" OF MERRYMOUNT; A WALTZ DREAM (spine edges splitting) @ £15.00
      £15.00-£25.00 EACH GANDS BOOK
BKS146a   SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(a) (inscribed 18 March 1892) a.e.g., shaken, bevelled boards unevenly faded, 2 small stains on front boards, ow good
(a) (inscribed 18 March 1892) a.e.g., shaken, bevelled boards unevenly faded, 2 small stains on front boards, ow good       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK545 ADAIR FITZ-GERALD, S.J. THE STORY OF THE SAVOY OPERA Stanley Paul (1925) pp240 inscribed Ellen C Taylor 9.4.29 + IVANHOE review tipped in back endpapers (with worn/repaired dustwrapper)     £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS1a ADAIR FITZ-GERALD, S.J. THE STORY OF THE SAVOY OPERA. A Record of Events and Productions. With an Introduction by T.P.O'Connor, M.P. Stanley Paul & Co., Ltd.(1924) pp240 (1924 1st) no d/w     £18.00 GANDS BOOK
A Record of Events and Productions. With an Introduction by T.P.O'Connor, M.P. Stanley Paul & Co., Ltd.(1924) pp240 :
(b) (1924 reprint) no d/w
(1924 reprint) no d/w     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS2 AINGER, Michael. GILBERT and SULLIVAN A Dual Biography. The acclaimed NEW biography with many fresh insights and fascinating detail. OUP (2002) hardback, d/w pp504 as NEW     £30.50 GANDS BOOK
BKS3 ALDOUS, Richard. TUNES OF GLORY The Life of Sir Malcolm Sargent. The Life of Sir Malcolm Sargent. Hutchinson (2001) pp302. Section on Sargent's first season with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company, Prince's Theatre Season 1926 pp35-39 NEW NEW     £19.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS4a ALLEN, Reginald ALLEN, Reginald. THE FIRST NIGHT GILBERT and SULLIVAN.Containing Complete Librettos of the Fourteen Operas Exactly as presented at their Premiere Performances. Edited, with a Prologue and Copious Descriptive Particulars by Reginald Allen; and a Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Illustrated with Contemporary Drawings:
(a) THE FIRST NIGHT GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The Heritage Press, New York (1958). With facsimile programmes (in box with slipcase) conditon : good, if slightly worn boards
THE FIRST NIGHT GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The Heritage Press, New York (1958). With facsimile programmes (in box with slipcase) conditon : good, if slightly worn boards     £75.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS4b ALLEN, Reginald ALLEN, Reginald. THE FIRST NIGHT GILBERT and SULLIVAN.Containing Complete Librettos of the Fourteen Operas, Exactly as presented at their Premiere Performances. Edited, with a Prologue and Copious Descriptive Particulars by Reginald Allen; and a Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Illustrated with Contemporary Drawings:
(b) signed typed letter from Reginald Allen on Metropolitan Opera (New York) letterhead March 29, 1963 to Dr. John B. Goldborough re: the difficuties of collecting G&S memorabilia in the US
signed typed letter from Reginald Allen on Metropolitan Opera (New York) letterhead March 29, 1963 to Dr. John B. Goldborough re: the difficuties of collecting G&S memorabilia in the US     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS4e ALLEN, Reginald THE FIRST NIGHT GILBERT and SULLIVAN.Containing Complete Librettos of the Fourteen Operas Exactly as presented at their Premiere Performances. Edited, with a Prologue and Copious Descriptive Particulars by Reginald Allen; and a Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Illustrated with Contemporary Drawings. The Heritage Press, New York (1958) With facsimile programmes (in box with slipcase) NB : programme No. 2 (Royalty Theatre TRIAL BY JURY) (coffee stain on front) & 7 (Fifth Ave. Theatre, PIRATES) (foil, coloured one-sided : coffee stain on plain back), ow good     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS4c ALLEN, Reginald THE FIRST NIGHT GILBERT and SULLIVAN.Containing Complete Librettos of the Fourteen Operas, Exactly as presented at their Premiere Performances. Edited, with a Prologue and Copious Descriptive Particulars by Reginald Allen; and a Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Illustrated with Contemporary Drawings:
(b) signed typed letter from Reginald Allen on Metropolitan Opera (New York) letterhead March 29, 1963 to Dr. John B. Goldborough re: the difficuties of collecting G&S memorabilia in the US
CENTENNIAL EDITION. Chappell & Co. (1975) pp465 :(c) d/w VG copy     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS4d ALLEN, Reginald THE FIRST NIGHT GILBERT and SULLIVAN.Containing Complete Librettos of the Fourteen Operas, Exactly as presented at their Premiere Performances. Edited, with a Prologue and Copious Descriptive Particulars by Reginald Allen; and a Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Illustrated with Contemporary Drawings:
(b) signed typed letter from Reginald Allen on Metropolitan Opera (New York) letterhead March 29, 1963 to Dr. John B. Goldborough re: the difficuties of collecting G&S memorabilia in the US
CENTENNIAL EDITION. Chappell & Co. (1975) pp465 : (d) d/w sl. worn, ow good copy     £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS6 ALLEN, Reginald The Life and Work of SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Composer & Personage ALLEN, Reginald. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the Pierpont Morgan Collection. Chappell/Pierpont Morgan Library New York (1975 1st) d/w pp215 tall quarto VG       £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS5 ALLEN, Reginald W.S. GILBERT AN ANNIVERSARY SURVEY AND EXHIBITION CHECKLIST WITH THIRTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS. Charlottesville, Virginia The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia (1963) red cloth pp82 scarce scarce     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK518 ARCHER, William ENGLISH DRAMATISTS OF TO-DAY (1882) pp387 W. S. Gilbert pp148-181 Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington (1882) pp387. Binding : grubby, light blue cloth, with gilt lettering (dull) on spine. Evidence of a white label on the front board, now removed, with some traces of paper specks. On the back board there some blobs of red candle wax. Rest of binding : Good, no splitting, just the top and tail of spine strip sl. rubbed. Text block VG. No bookplates or writing within. The binding belies the VG contents which are clean and bright stain bottom right corner back endpaper and p387, ow good     £40.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS7d AYRE, Leslie AYRE, Leslie. THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN COMPANION. Foreword by Martyn Green. Allen (1972) pp485:
(d) 1986 reprint, d/w (red) VG
(d) 1986 reprint, d/w (red) VG     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS7e AYRE, Leslie AYRE, Leslie. THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN COMPANION. Foreword by Martyn Green. Allen (1972) pp485:
(e) Also paperback version (Pan) pp499 (1974)
paperback version (Pan) pp499 (1974)     £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS7a AYRE, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN COMPANION. Foreword by Martyn Green. Allen (1972) pp485:
(a) VG, d/w (prize label on pastedown)
(a) VG, d/w (prize label on pastedown)     £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS7b AYRE, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN COMPANION. Foreword by Martyn Green. Allen (1972) pp485:
(b) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns
(b) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS7c AYRE, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN COMPANION. Foreword by Martyn Green. Allen (1972) pp485:
(c) Reprinted, July 1972 d/w sl. Chipped
(c) Reprinted, July 1972 d/w sl. Chipped     £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS10 BAILY, Leslie BAILY, Leslie. GILBERT & SULLIVAN and their world pp128:
(a) Thames and Hudson (1973 1st) d/w repaired
(a) Thames and Hudson (1973 1st) d/w repaired       £13.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS10 BAILY, Leslie BAILY, Leslie. GILBERT & SULLIVAN and their world pp128:
(b) Thames and Hudson (1973 reprint) VG in slightly unevenly browned d/w
(b) Thames and Hudson (1973 reprint) VG in slightly unevenly browned d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS10 BAILY, Leslie BAILY, Leslie. GILBERT & SULLIVAN and their world pp128:
(c) Book Club Associates (1974) d/w VG
(c) Book Club Associates (1974) d/w VG       £10.50 GANDS BOOK
BKS11 BAILY, Leslie BAILY, Leslie. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Their Lives and Times (as above).
Penguin (1979) p/b pp119
Penguin (1979) p/b pp119       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9b BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (b) (First Edition 1952) pp443. Cassell & Company Ltd British Book Centre, Inc., New York, no d/w dust jacket information attached to front pastedown and flyleaf     (b)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9c BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (c) Cassell pp443 (First Edition February, 1952) back board ridged (with facsimile d/w)     (c)£16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9d BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (d) Cassell pp443 (First Edition February, 1952) no d/w new endpapers     (d)£18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9e BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (e) Cassell pp443 (Second Edition July, 1952) no d/w, VG copy       (e)£18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9f BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (f) Cassell pp443 (Second Edition July, 1952) no d/w spine faded, ow VG clean copy     (f)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9g BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (g) Cassell pp443 (Second Edition July, 1952) no d/w, spine faded, ow VG clean copy biro mark p63     (g)£12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9h BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (h) Cassell pp443 (Third Edition March, 1953) no d/w boards unevenly faded     (h)£12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9i BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (i) Cassell pp475 (Fourth Edition (enlarged and completely revised) October 1956) dustwrapper covered with clear sticky-backed plastic, attached to pastedowns     (i)£20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9j BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (j) Cassell pp475 (Fourth Edition (enlarged and completely revised) October 1956) with good d/w edges speckled with foxing marks     (j)£25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9k BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (k) Coward-McCann, Inc. New York. REVISED EDITION (no date : presumably 1956) d/w       (k)£25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9l BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (l) Spring Books edition (1966) pp475 d/w VG+       (l)£18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9r BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (r) Spring Books edition pp475 (1967 2nd Impression) d/w       (r)£20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9s BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (s) Spring Books edition pp475 (1967 2nd Impression) d/w repaired       (s)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9m BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (m) Spring Books (1966) pp475 d/w worn signed by Mike Leigh     (m)£16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9n BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (n) Spring Books (1966) pp475 d/w worn       (n)£16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9o BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (o) Spring Books (1966) pp475 d/w chipped on front     (o)£16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9p BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (p) Spring Books (1966) pp475 d/w worn       (p)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9q BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (q) Spring Books (1966) pp475 working copy only, no d/w     (q)£5.00 working copy GANDS BOOK
BKS9t BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (t) Spring Books (1967 2nd) pp475 d/w worn     (t)£14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9u BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (u) Spring Books (1967 2nd) pp475 Ex-Coll. Lib., d/w worn, badly chipped on back, d/w spine faded, signed by Mike Leigh     (u)£12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9v BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (v) Spring Books (1967 2nd) pp475 Ex-Pub. Lib., d/w worn     (v)£10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9cc BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (cc) Cassell & Company (1952 1st) pp443, no d/w front board lightly stained     (cc)£16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9dd BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (dd) Cassell & Company (1952 1st) pp443, no d/w Ex-Pub.Lib     (dd)£12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9ff BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK (ff) Cassell & Company (1952 July 2nd) pp443, no d/w new endpapers, boards faded and lightly spotted     (ff)£14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS9a BAILY, Leslie THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN BOOK. (a) Cassell pp443 (First Edition 1952), no d/w, With the Compliments of the Author slip       (a)£20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK527 BARRIE, J.M. THE GREENWOOD HAT Being A Memoir of James Anon 1885-1887(1937) Davies (1937) pp285 (with references to ‘Jane Annie’ at the Savoy Theatre) ex-Public Library, green cloth       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK621 BARTLETT, Nigel THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN QUIZ AND PUZZLE BOOk Abson Books pp44 (1985)     0 902920 64 2 £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK587 BASSUK, Albert O HOW TO PRESENT THE GILBERT and SULLIVAN OPERAS Bass, USA (1934) pp195 Author's presentation copy. Signed by ISIDORE GODFREY.     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
(b) (1989 1st) hardback, d/w repaired, ow VG
(b) (1989 1st) hardback, d/w repaired, ow VG     £18.00 GANDS BOOK
(c) (1998 reprint) hardback (dustwrapper scored and repaired with sellotape on back wrap), condition of book VG
(c) (1998 reprint) hardback (dustwrapper scored and repaired with sellotape on back wrap), condition of book VG     £17.00 GANDS BOOK
(d) (1998 reprint) softback
(d) (1998 reprint) softback     £20.00 GANDS BOOK
(a) (1989 1st) hardback, d/w, VG copy
(1989 1st) hardback, d/w, VG copy     £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK627 BENFORD, Harry THE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN LEXICON In Which Is Guilded the Philosphic Pill. Illustrations by Geoffrey Shovelton. Richards Rosen Press, Inc. New York New York 10010 ((1978 1st) pp142 h/b illustrated boards     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS15a BETTANY, Clemence BETTANY, Clemence. D'OYLY CARTE CENTENARY 1875-1975 laminated landscape booklet pp104 (a) VG copy       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS15b BETTANY, Clemence BETTANY, Clemence. D'OYLY CARTE CENTENARY 1875-1975 laminated landscape booklet pp104 (b) cover worn       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK583 BIANCOLLI, Louis and BAGAS, Robert THE VICTOR BOOK OF OPERAS Simon and Schuster, New York (1953) pp628. G&S operas included       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS15a BLASHFIELD, Jean (a) THE GONDOLIERS Told by Jean Blashfield, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1966) A Mikado Book (a) THE GONDOLIERS Told by Jean Blashfield, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1966) A Mikado Book with neat dedication     (a)20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS15b BLASHFIELD, Jean (b) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Told by Jean Blashfield, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1965) A Mikado Book (b) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE Told by Jean Blashfield, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1965). A Mikado Book       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK626 BLASHFIELD, Jean IOLANTHE Told by Jean Blashfield, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1966). A Mikado Book       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK623 BLASHFIELD, Joan IOLANTHE. Told by Jean Blashfield, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1966) A Mikado Book       £7.50 NB : professionally repaired GANDS BOOK
BKS16X BOND, Jessie BOND, Jessie: The life and reminiscences of the old Savoyard as told by herself to Ethel MacGeorge. With 15 illustrations. John Lane The Bodley Head Limited (1930) pp244 good clean copy, spine faded, some foxing on boards, ow VG scarce     £75.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS17a BOTSFORD, Ward. (adapted by) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE. The Story of the Gilbert & Sullivan Operetta . Illustrated by Edward Sorel. Random, USA (1981) pp26 VG decorated boards, d/w rubbed top and tail, ow VG     £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS17b BOTSFORD, Ward. (adapted by) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE. The Story of the Gilbert & Sullivan Operetta Illustrated by Edward Sorel. Random, USA (1981) pp26 no d/w, inside pastedown slightly damaged, otherwise VG copy     £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS17c BOTSFORD, Ward. (adapted by) THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE. The Story of the Gilbert & Sullivan Operetta Illustrated by Edward Sorel. Random, USA (1981) pp26 with VG d/w     £14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS18 BRACE, Geoffey THE STORY OF MUSIC with illustrations by Martin Aitchison. THE STORY OF MUSIC with illustrations by Martin Aitchison. A Ladybird Book Series 662 (1968) pp50 Includes reference to G&S + Full-page colour illustration from THE MIKADO with an insert of Peter Pratt as Ko-Ko pp44-45       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS20 BRADLEY, Ian BRADLEY, Ian. OH JOY! OH RAPTURE! The Enduring Phenomenon of Gilbert and Sullivan. The first significant and in-depth analysis of the enduring popularity of Gilbert & Sullivan by one of the world's leading authorities on their work. OUP (2005) d/w pp220 NEW NEW     £19.99 GANDS BOOK
BOOK594 BRADLEY, Ian LOST CHORDS AND CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS The Sacred Music of Arthur Sullivan. SCM Press (2013) 978-0-334-04421-5 NEW       (a)£25.00
(b)£20.00 unsigned
BOOK613 BRADLEY, Ian (ed. & intro) THE COMPLETE ANNOTATED GILBERT AND SULLIVAN One-Volume hardback : TJ/ SO/ PF/ PP/ PC/ IO/ PI/ MK/ RG/ YG/ GN/ UL/ GD. OUP (1996) pp1197
      £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS19a BRADLEY, Ian (ed. & intro.) (a) BRADLEY, Ian (ed. & intro) THE COMPLETE ANNOTATED GILBERT AND SULLIVAN (a) One-Volume softback : TJ/ SO/ PF/ PP/ PC/ IO/ PI/ MK/ RG/ YG/ GN/ UL/ GD. OUP (2001) pp1197
some sl. wear to outer laminated wraps, ow good copy     (a) £25.00 GANDS BOOK
(c) 2-Volume Set: Vol.1 (1982 1st) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN pp463 and Vol.2 (1984 1st): TJ/ SO/ PC/ PI/ RG/ YG pp515
(c) 2-Volume Set: Vol.1 (1982 1st) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN pp463 and Vol.2 (1984 1st): TJ/ SO/ PC/ PI/ RG/ YG pp515       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
(d) as above, neatly covered in sticky-backed plastic covering film
(d) as above, neatly covered in sticky-backed plastic covering film VOLUME TWO only       £9.00 GANDS BOOK
(e) 2-Volume Set: Vol.1 (1988 reprint with 1985 revisions) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN and Vol.2 (1984 1st): TJ/ SO/ PC/ PI/ RG/ YG signed by author
(e) 2-Volume Set: Vol.1 (1988 reprint with 1985 revisions) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN and Vol.2 (1984 1st): TJ/ SO/ PC/ PI/ RG/ YG signed by author       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
(f) 2-Volume Set: Vol.1 (1988 reprint with 1985 revisions) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN and Vol.2 (1984 1st): TJ/ SO/ PC/ PI/ RG/ YG VG+
(f) 2-Volume Set: Vol.1 (1988 reprint with 1985 revisions) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN and Vol.2 (1984 1st): TJ/ SO/ PC/ PI/ RG/ YG VG+       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
(g) Vol. 1 only of 2-Vol. set (1982 1st) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN
(g) Vol. 1 only of 2-Vol. set (1982 1st) PF/ MK/ IO/ PP/ GN       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS21 BRADSTOCK, Lillian BRADSTOCK, Lillian. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. A Romantic Prose Version of the Famous Operas. Palmer (1928) pp288 scarce BRADSTOCK, Lillian. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. A Romantic Prose Version of the Famous Operas. Palmer (1928) pp288 scarce       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS22a BRAHMS, Caryl BRAHMS, Caryl. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Lost Chords and Dischords. Foreword by John Betjeman (a) Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1975) pp264. Ex-Pub.Lib VG, d/w faded on spine       (a) £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS22b BRAHMS, Caryl BRAHMS, Caryl. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Lost Chords and Dischords. Foreword by John Betjeman (b) Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1975) pp264, without d/w, worn copy       (b) £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS22c BRAHMS, Caryl BRAHMS, Caryl. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Lost Chords and Dischords. Foreword by John Betjeman (c) Reader's Union edition (1975) pp264 VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns       (c)£14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS22d BRAHMS, Caryl BRAHMS, Caryl. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Lost Chords and Dischords. Foreword by John Betjeman (d) Little, Brown and Company, Boston/ Toronto. First American Edition (1975) pp264 d/w       (d) £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS22e BRAHMS, Caryl GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Lost Chords and Dischords. Foreword by John Betjeman (e) Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1975) pp264 d/w       (e) £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS23 BURGESS, A.J. BURGESS, A.J. (Notary Public of the City of London, Cheeswrights). THE NOTARY AND OTHER LAWYERS IN GILBERT & SULLIVAN. Pen drawings by Andrew Dodds and linocuts by James Dodds. Jardine Press (1997 1st. edition of 1500 numbered copies) pp575 d/w, (22 x 30.5 cms) : NEW BURGESS, A.J. (Notary Public of the City of London, Cheeswrights). THE NOTARY AND OTHER LAWYERS IN GILBERT & SULLIVAN. Pen drawings by Andrew Dodds and linocuts by James Dodds. Jardine Press (1997 1st. edition of 1500 numbered copies) pp575 d/w, (22 x 30.5 cms) : NEW NEW     £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK574 CARDUS, Neville SIR THOMAS BEECHAM Collins (1961 1st), d/w, flyleaf evidence of carefully removed label       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS24a CELLIER, Francois and BRIDGEMAN, Cunningham GILBERT, SULLIVAN, AND D'OYLY CARTE. Reminiscences of the Savoy and The Savoyards (a) (1914 1st edition).With 63 Portrait and other Illustrations and 6 facsimile letters. Pitman pp443 : professionally rebound in green cloth and green half-leather, gilt lettering t.e.g. FINE COPY       £75.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS24b CELLIER, Francois and BRIDGEMAN, Cunningham GILBERT, SULLIVAN, AND D'OYLY CARTE. Reminiscences of the Savoy and The Savoyards (b) (1914 1st edition).With 63 Portrait and other Illustrations and 6 facsimile letters. Pitman pp443 : boards dull t.e.g.       £75.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK597 CELLIER, Francois and BRIDGEMAN, Cunningham GILBERT, SULLIVAN, AND D'OYLY CARTE. Reminiscences of the Savoy and The Savoyards (1914 1st edition).With 63 Portrait and other Illustrations and 6 facsimile letters. Pitman pp443 Author's Presentation Copy : To Dawson Cloves with compls from Cunningham Bridgeman August 1916     £85.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS25 CHEIRO BOOK OF FATE AND FORTUNE CHEIRO BOOK OF FATE AND FORTUNE. Palmistry, Numerology, Astrology. Arthur Sullivan's hand-print and explanation : Plate II opposite p139. Barrie and Jenkins (1971) pp339 CHEIRO BOOK OF FATE AND FORTUNE. Palmistry, Numerology, Astrology. Arthur Sullivan's hand-print and explanation : Plate II opposite p139. Barrie and Jenkins (1971) pp339       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS26 CHEVALIER, Albert CHEVALIER, Albert. A Record by Himself. Biographical and other chapters by Brian Daly. John Macqueen (1895) pp295. Green decorative boards in good condition. Ex-Pub.Lib with bookplates on front and rear pastedowns, embossed stamp on title page (+ ink stamp on verso) and pp v - xii/ Part I.- ACTOR title page + pp1-12 and pp287-295.
Albert Chevalier worked with the Kendals, John Hare, and later as a Music Hall artiste (see MUSIC HALL songs :
CHEVALIER, Albert. A Record by Himself. Biographical and other chapters by Brian Daly. John Macqueen (1895) pp295. Green decorative boards in good condition. Ex-Pub.Lib with bookplates on front and rear pastedowns, embossed stamp on title page (+ ink stamp on verso) and pp v - xii/ Part I.- ACTOR title page + pp1-12 and pp287-295.
Albert Chevalier worked with the Kendals, John Hare, and later as a Music Hall artiste (see MUSIC HALL songs :
      £65.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK535 COCHRAN, Charles B. COCK-A-DOODLE-DO. Memoirs of Charles B. Cockran Dent (1941 reprint) pp367 (black boards worn)       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS27a COFFIN, Hayden COFFIN, Hayden. HAYDEN COFFIN'S BOOK. Packed with Acts and Facts. Foreword by the late Rt.Hon.T.P.O'Connor M.P. Portrait frontispiece by Sir Bernard Partridge. Illustrations by John Hassell. Alston Rivers (1930) pp303:
(a) signed and dated 1931, good copy - signed copy
(a) signed and dated 1931, good copy - signed copy       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS27b COFFIN, Hayden COFFIN, Hayden. HAYDEN COFFIN'S BOOK. Packed with Acts and Facts. Foreword by the late Rt.Hon.T.P.O'Connor M.P. Portrait frontispiece by Sir Bernard Partridge. Illustrations by John Hassell. Alston Rivers (1930) pp303:
(b) blue boards stained and worn, spine faded
(b) blue boards stained and worn, spine faded       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS28 COLLINS, JOSE COLLINS THE MAID OF THE MOUNTAINS Her Story. The reminiscences of JOSE COLLINS. With 60 Illustrations. Hutchinson (1932 1st) pp287 plum boards speckled THE MAID OF THE MOUNTAINS Her Story. The reminiscences of JOSE COLLINS. With 60 Illustrations. Hutchinson (1932 1st) pp287 plum boards speckled       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK513 COMPTON, J. (selected by) SCENES AND SONGS FROM THE SAVOY OPERAS and SOME BAB BALLADS With illustrations by W.Russell Flint and Sir W.S.Gilbert. Macmillan (1930). Writers of To-day and Yesterday pp214       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK541 COWLEY, Janet HELEN'S BOOK Recipes contributed by members of the music profession in memory of Helen Beechinor. With special contributions by Miss Jo Brand & Senor Jose Carreras. Pp54       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK512 COWLEY, Janet THE MURGATROYD CODE and other IMAGININGS Playlets devised by Janet Cowley from the Works of W.S.Gilbert. Barden Print, Huddersfield (2011) pp50 (with handwritten biographical note by the author). ISBN 978-0-9566733-1-2 @ £5.00       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS29c COX-IFE, William (c) TRAINING THE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN CHORUS. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Chappell (1955) pp98 : original edition, buff paper wraps scarce         (c)£35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS29d COX-IFE, William (d) TRAINING THE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN CHORUS. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Chappell (1955) pp98 A4 spiral-bound booklet photocopied facsimile, with clear plastic cover       (d)£20.00 photocopied facsimile GANDS BOOK
BOOK536 COX-IFE, William COX-IFE, William. W.S.GILBERT stage director. Introduction by William Darlington. Dobson (1977) h/b pp112 VG condition       £22.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS29a COX-IFE, William HOW TO SING BOTH GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Foreword by Sir Thomas Armstrong. Chappell (1961) pp155 (a) original edition, hardback with d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic, and attached to pastedowns/       (a)£30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS29(b) COX-IFE, William HOW TO SING BOTH GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Foreword by Sir Thomas Armstrong. Chappell (1961) pp155 (b) A4 spiral-bound booklet photocopied facsimile, with clear plastic cover       (b)£25.00 photocopied facsimile GANDS BOOK
BKS30 CROWTHER, Andrew CROWTHER, Andrew. CONTRADICTION CONTRADICTED. The Plays of W.S.Gilbert Associated University Presses (2000) pp223 NEW NEW     £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK605 CROWTHER, Andrew GILBERT of GILBERT & SULLIVAN His Life and Character The History Press (2011) pp272 d/w NEW       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS31a DARK, Sidney and GREY, Rowland DARK, Sidney and GREY, Rowland. W.S.GILBERT HIS LIFE AND LETTERS. With eight full-page plates and some illustrations in the text. Methuen pp269:
(a) (1923 1st)
(a) (1923 1st)       £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK517 DARK, Sidney and GREY, Rowland W.S.GILBERT HIS LIFE AND LETTERS. With eight full-page plates and some illustrations in the text Methuen (1924 2nd) pp269 back board damaged by damp, ow good     £20.00 GANDS BOOK
(a) (1951 1st ed.) buff boards, slight foxing to endpapers and edges, ow good, no d/w
(a) (1951 1st ed.) buff boards, slight foxing to endpapers and edges, ow good, no d/w       £13.00 GANDS BOOK
(b) (1952 2nd ed.) spine and boards spotted, foxing to front and back endpapers. pp 1-6 foxed, no d/w
(b) (1952 2nd ed.) spine and boards spotted, foxing to front and back endpapers. pp 1-6 foxed, no d/w       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
(c) THE WORLD OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN A Key to the Savoy Operas. USA Edition: Crowell, New York (1950) pp209 (coloured top edge has sl. run pp v - xii ow VG) d/w
(c) THE WORLD OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN A Key to the Savoy Operas. USA Edition: Crowell, New York (1950) pp209 (coloured top edge has sl. run pp v - xii ow VG) d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
(a) (1952 1st) d/w, very good clean copy
(a) (1952 1st) d/w, very good clean copy       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
(b) (1952 1st) Ex-Lib VG (photocopied d/w)
(b) (1952 1st) Ex-Lib VG (photocopied d/w)       £14.00 GANDS BOOK
(c) (1952 1st) d/w worn/ chipped on spine
(c) (1952 1st) d/w worn/ chipped on spine       £13.00 GANDS BOOK
(d) (1953 2nd imp.) d/w (repaired), very clean copy
(d) (1953 2nd imp.) d/w (repaired), very clean copy       £13.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK514 DEGHY, Guy PARADISE IN THE STRAND. The Story of Roamano's The Richards Press, Royal Opera House (1958) pp256, worn d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS35b DIXON, Geoffrey DIXON, Geoffrey
(b) THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN SORTING SYSTEM a classification scheme for use with the materials of G. &. S. studies. Rhosearn Press, Ayr (2001) pp140
(b) THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN SORTING SYSTEM a classification scheme for use with the materials of G. &. S. studies. Rhosearn Press, Ayr (2001) pp140       £30.00 scarce GANDS BOOK
BKS36 DUNHILL, Thomas F. DUNHILL, Thomas F. SULLIVAN'S COMIC OPERAS. A Critical Appreciation Arnold pp256 (a) (1928 1st edition) @ £35.00
(b) (reprint February 1929) spine faded @ £25.00
© Reprinted 1944 (pocket-sized hardback)
      (a)£35.00 (1st edition)
(b) £25.00
© £15.00
BKS37a DUNN, George E. (compiled by) DUNN, George E. (compiled by) A GILBERT & SULLIVAN DICTIONARY. Allen (1936) pp175 :
(a) (1936 1st) edges, and front and back pages foxed, ow good
(a) (1936 1st) edges, and front and back pages foxed, ow good       £24.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS37b DUNN, George E. (compiled by) DUNN, George E. (compiled by) A GILBERT & SULLIVAN DICTIONARY. Allen (1936) pp175 :
(b) (1937 2nd imp.) d/w
(b) (1937 2nd imp.) d/w       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK599 EDEN, David GILBERT & SULLIVAN The Creative Conflict. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press (1986) pp224 d/w (signed and unsigned copies)       (a)£25.00 signed/ (b) £20.00 unsigned GANDS BOOK
BOOK509 EDEN, David SULLIVAN'S IVANHOE edited by David Eden. Sir Arthur Sullivan Society (2007) pp134 (laminated wraps) NEW         £10.00 NEW GANDS BOOK
BOOK628 Eden, David & Meinhard, Saremba THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Memorable melodies and fanciful worlds – the comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan remain as popular today as when they were first performed. This Companion provides a timely guide to the history and development of the collaboration between the two men, including a fresh examination of the many myths and half-truths surrounding their relationship. Written by an international team of specialists, the volume features a personal account from film director Mike Leigh on his connection with the Savoy Operas and the creation of his film Topsy-Turvy. Starting with the early history of the operatic stage in Britain, the Companion places the operas in their theatrical and musical context, investigating the amateur performing tradition, providing new perspectives on the famous patter songs and analysing their dramatic and operatic potential. Perfect for enthusiasts, performers and students of Gilbert and Sullivan's enduring work, the book examines their legacy and looks forward to the future.
Includes a fascinating contribution by film director Mike Leigh, offering insights into the creation of his film Topsy-Turvy
Presents a musical rather than a literary approach, treating Gilbert and Sullivan's works as operas, not as plays with music
Ideal for students, performers and enthusiasts alike
p/b (2009) pp292   ISBN: 9780521888493 £22.00 new GANDS BOOK
BKS38 EDEN, David J. EDEN, David J. W.S.GILBERT - APPEARANCE and REALITY. Essays in Clarification. SASS (2003) pp230 NEW (a)h/b with d/w (b)s/b NEW     (a)£35.00 h/b
(b)£10.00 s/b
BKS39a EVANS, Sir Geraint (with Noel Goodwin) EVANS, Sir Geraint (with Noel Goodwin). A KNIGHT AT THE OPERA. Joseph (1984) pp276 (re: Sargent G&S recordings pp216-17):
(a) very good copy (d/w and sleeve) with autographed inscription: "And Very Best Wishes from me. Geraint Evans" (with photocopied obituary from THE GUARDIAN 21 Sept. 1992)
(a) very good copy (d/w and sleeve) with autographed inscription: "And Very Best Wishes from me. Geraint Evans" (with photocopied obituary from THE GUARDIAN 21 Sept. 1992) autographed inscription     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS39b EVANS, Sir Geraint (with Noel Goodwin) EVANS, Sir Geraint (with Noel Goodwin). A KNIGHT AT THE OPERA. Joseph (1984) pp276 (re: Sargent G&S recordings pp216-17):
(b) VG+
(b) VG+       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS40a FFINCH, Michael FFINCH, Michael. GILBERT and SULLIVAN. Weidenfeld and Nicolson (1993) pp294:
(a) d/w sl. repair on front, ow VG copy (in plastic sleeve)
(a) d/w sl. repair on front, ow VG copy (in plastic sleeve)       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS40b FFINCH, Michael FFINCH, Michael. GILBERT and SULLIVAN. Weidenfeld and Nicolson (1993) pp294:
(b) VG, d/w with faded spine
(b) VG, d/w with faded spine       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS41b FINDON, B.W FINDON, B.W. SULLIVAN & HIS OPERAS (b) FINDON, B.W. SULLIVAN & HIS OPERAS : pink photographs: AS frontispiece; WSG facing p64; Bond/Brandram facing p96; Barrington/Grossmith facing p118. Sisley's nd (c.1908) pp198 : green boards, top of spin strip sl. rubbed (remarks about Stanford withdrawn in this later edition)       (b)£20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS41a FINDON, B.W SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN His Life and Music James Nisbet (1904) pp214 maroon cloth (WITH `Essays in RHYTHM’ facsimile between pp16/17) (pp165-166 contains critical remarks about Stanford which were withdrawn from later editions) (THIS IS THE ORIGINAL EDITION)       (a)£50.00 (1st edition) GANDS BOOK
BKS41c FINDON, B.W SULLIVAN & HIS OPERAS (c) FINDON, B.W. SULLIVAN & HIS OPERAS : pink photographs: AS frontispiece; WSG facing p76; Barrington/Grossmith facing p102; Bond/Brandram facing p106. Sisley's nd (c.1908) pp198 : green boards, white lettering, harp in gilt, top and bottom of spine strip sl. rubbed (remarks about Stanford withdrawn in this later edition)       (c)£20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS42 FISCHLER, Alan FISCHLER, Alan. MODIFIED RAPTURE. Comedy in W.S.Gilbert's Savoy Operas. The University Press of Virginia (1991) pp144 d/w FISCHLER, Alan. MODIFIED RAPTURE. Comedy in W.S.Gilbert's Savoy Operas. The University Press of Virginia (1991) pp144 d/w       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK578 FISHER, Hugh THE SADLER'S WELLS THEATRE BALLET A Pictorial Record of the Company, its Dancers and its Ballets Edited by Hugh Fisher with 90 Stage and Action Photographs. Black (1956) pp82 (includes PINEAPPLE POLL details and photos.) poor d/w in new library sleeve, contents good     £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK506 FITZGERALD, Percy THE SAVOY OPERA AND THE SAVOYARDS. A New Edition with 60 Portraits and Illustrations. Chatto & Windus (1899) pp248 Red cloth with decorative boards: boards unevenly faded and worn, spine strip small split at top (repaired), ow contents good       £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK505 FITZGERALD, Percy THE SAVOY OPERA AND THE SAVOYARDS. A New Edition with 60 Portraits and Illustrations. Chatto & Windus (1899) pp248 FINE COPY       £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS43c FLINT, W. Russell (c) FLINT, W. Russell. GILBERT, W.S. IOLANTHE AND OTHER OPERAS (THE MIKADO; RUDDIGORE; THE GONDOLIERS) by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by W.Russell Flint. Bell (1910) pp224 (c) FLINT, W. Russell. GILBERT, W.S. IOLANTHE AND OTHER OPERAS (THE MIKADO; RUDDIGORE; THE GONDOLIERS) by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by W.Russell Flint. Bell (1910) pp224. Green boards with gilt lettering. All the colour-plates (eight for each opera) are in excellent condition, t.e.g. Top of spine strip sl. split, some foxing, mainly at the beginning, and mostly to the page edges. Boards sl. worn, ow good copy scarce       £180.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS43d FLINT, W. Russell (d) FLINT, W. Russell. GILBERT, W.S. IOLANTHE AND OTHER OPERAS (THE MIKADO; RUDDIGORE; THE GONDOLIERS) by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by W.Russell Flint. Bell (1910) pp224. (d) FLINT, W. Russell. GILBERT, W.S. IOLANTHE AND OTHER OPERAS (THE MIKADO; RUDDIGORE; THE GONDOLIERS) by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by W.Russell Flint. Bell (1910) pp224. Green boards with gilt lettering (NB : front board marked/ and back board grease stain). Interior of book is good. All the colour-plates (eight for each opera) are in excellent condition, t.e.g. scarce (NB : front board marked/ and back board grease stain). Sl. repair to verso edge of MIKADO plate p96 (image not affected)     £150.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS49 FLINT, W. Russell FLINT, W. Russell . RUDDIGORE with eight colour plates. Bell (1912) pp111-164 (a)maroon boards (stained), origianl edition (b)maroon boards unevenly faded, professional spine repair with new endpapers       (a)£50.00 (b)£60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS44 FLINT, W. Russell FLINT, W. Russell . THE GONDOLIERS by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by W.Russell Flint with eight colour-plates. Bell (1912) pp169-224 navy boards (unevenly stained, gilt tooling dull, fly leaf slight tear bottom right, spine VG, ow good internally)       £35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS45b FLINT, W. Russell FLINT, W. Russell . THE MIKADO by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by W.Russell Flint with eight colour-plates. Bell (1911) pp52 (b)`silver' boards, foxing throughout, spine frail, clean       £40.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS43e FLINT, W. Russell FLINT, W. Russell. GILBERT, W.S. IOLANTHE AND OTHER OPERAS (THE MIKADO; RUDDIGORE; THE GONDOLIERS) by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by W.Russell Flint. Bell (1910) pp224.
(e) NB: Very good quality colour photocopies available of the eight operas illustrated by W. Russell Flint - 8 prints (approx. size 5" x 7") for each opera - THE GONDOLIERS; IOLANTHE; THE MIKADO; PATIENCE; THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE; PRINCESS IDA; RUDDIGORE; THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD @ £2.00 each 64 prints in total
(e) NB: Very good quality colour photocopies available of the eight operas illustrated by W. Russell Flint - 8 prints (approx. size 5" x 7") for each opera - THE GONDOLIERS; IOLANTHE; THE MIKADO; PATIENCE; THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE; PRINCESS IDA; RUDDIGORE; THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD @ £2.00 each 64 prints in total       NB: colour photocopies available of the 64 prints @ £2.00 each GANDS BOOK
BKS46c FLINT, W. Russell FLINT,W.Russell. THE MIKADO by W.S.Gilbert. With Eight Illustrations in Colour by W.Russell Flint & Drawings in Pen and Ink by Charles E. Brock R.I. Macmillan and Co. (1928) pp96 (c) black boards worn       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS48 FLINT, W. Russell . THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE green cloth, gilt decoration and lettering, with eight colour plates. Bell (1911) pp43 FLINT, W. Russell . THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE green cloth, gilt decoration and lettering, with eight colour plates. Bell (1911) pp43:
Spine replaced professionally with new gilt lettering and endpapers
Spine replaced professionally with new gilt lettering and endpapers       £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS47c FLINT, W. Russell and BROCK, Charles E. FLINT, W. Russell . and BROCK, Charles E, R.I. - THE MIKADO being a facsimile edition of the 1928 edition published by GODFREY CAVE ASSOCIATES in association with Macmillan (1979) (c) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS47b FLINT, W. Russell and BROCK, Charles E. FLINT, W. Russell . and BROCK, Charles E, R.I. - THE MIKADO being a facsimile edition of the 1928 edition published by GODFREY CAVE ASSOCIATES in association with Macmillan (1979).
(b) VG+ d/w
(b) VG+ d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS51a FLINT, W. Russell and BROCK, Charles E. FLINT, W. Russell . and BROCK, Charles E, R.I. - THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD being a facsimile edition of the 1929 edition published by GODFREY CAVE ASSOCIATES in association with Macmillan (1979)
(a) VG d/w
(a) VG d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS51b FLINT, W. Russell and BROCK, Charles E. FLINT, W. Russell . and BROCK, Charles E, R.I. - THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD being a facsimile edition of the 1929 edition published by GODFREY CAVE ASSOCIATES in association with Macmillan (1979)
(b) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns
(b) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS50a FLINT, W. Russell and BROCK, Charles E. FLINT, W. Russell . and BROCK, Charles E, R.I. THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD by Sir W.S.Gilbert. With Eight Illustrations in Colour by W.Russell Flint & Drawings in Pen and Ink by Charles E.Brock, R.I. Macmillan (1929) pp102
(a) red cloth, gilt lettering
(a) red cloth, gilt lettering       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS50b FLINT, W. Russell and BROCK, Charles E. FLINT, W. Russell . and BROCK, Charles E, R.I. THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD by Sir W.S.Gilbert. With Eight Illustrations in Colour by W.Russell Flint & Drawings in Pen and Ink by Charles E.Brock, R.I. Macmillan (1929) pp102
(b) black boards, slight bump to top right boards front and back ow VG
(b) black boards, slight bump to top right boards front and back ow VG       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS52a FORBES-WINSLOW, D. FORBES-WINSLOW, D. DALY'S The Biography of a Theatre. Allen (1944) pp220 (boards decorated)
(a) with d/w
(a) with d/w       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS52b FORBES-WINSLOW, D. FORBES-WINSLOW, D. DALY'S The Biography of a Theatre. Allen (1944) pp220 (boards decorated)
(b) without d/w
(b) without d/w       (b)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS53 FORD, Ernest FORD, Ernest. A SHORT HISTORY OF MUSIC IN ENGLAND. Illustrated. Sampson, Low, Marston & Co. (1912) pp272. Within Chapter IX `Distinguished Musicians': Sullivan p86 `The Golden Legend'/p190 `Ivanhoe'/pp227-243 his career (with b/w Millais portrait p228). Blue boards (worn), gilt lettering Blue boards (worn), gilt lettering       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS54 FORN, Ernie ERNIE FORD Shows : THE MIKADO pp43; PF pp44 (1959/60) typescript of TV shows ERNIE FORD Shows : THE MIKADO pp43; PF pp44 (1959/60) typescript of TV shows       £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS55A GANZL, Kurt GANZL, Kurt. MUSICALS. The complete illustrated story of the world's most popular live entertainment. Carlton :
(a) (1995) pp240: illustrated boards, d/w VG+ (as NEW). Chapter Three: MERRY ENGLAND pp38 - 53 well-illustrated G&S section + Savoy subsequent productions
(a) (1995) pp240: illustrated boards, d/w VG+ (as NEW). Chapter Three: MERRY ENGLAND pp38 - 53 well-illustrated G&S section + Savoy subsequent productions       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS55B GANZL, Kurt GANZL, Kurt. MUSICALS. The complete illustrated story of the world's most popular live entertainment. Carlton :
(b) (2001 edition) pp256 d/w (sl. score mark)
(b) (2001 edition) pp256 d/w (sl. score mark)       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS56 GATLIFF, Evelyn GATLIFF, Evelyn. THE SAVOY STORIES Transcribed fom the G&S Operas. Ilustrations by Wolfgang Cardamatis. Melbourne University Press (First published 1935, this edition,revised and reset, 1950) pp155 d/w (carefully repaired inside with sellotape) scarce scarce     £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS57 GEIS, Darlene THE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN OPERAS based on the Brent Walker TV videos (lavishly illustrated). New York: Abrams (1983) pp224 VG copy with d/w with extensive colour photographs from the Brent Walker made-for-TV productions made in the early 1980's     £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS62a GILBERT & SULLIVAN Catalogue GILBERT & SULLIVAN Catalogue of the Collection at the (Whitbread Public House) 28 John Adam Street, London W.C.2. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte; essay by Peter Goffin (XVI Plates in colour and b&w ) pp20:
(a) (July 1962 1st)
(a) (July 1962 1st)       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS62b GILBERT & SULLIVAN Catalogue GILBERT & SULLIVAN Catalogue of the Collection at the (Whitbread Public House) 28 John Adam Street, London W.C.2. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte; essay by Peter Goffin (XVI Plates in colour and b&w ) pp20:
(b) (1963 May 2nd imp.) pp20 (cover: small crease top right)
(b) (1963 May 2nd imp.) pp20 (cover: small crease top right)       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS61b GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF H.M.S.PINAFORE (b) GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF H.M.S.PINAFORE. Illustrated in colour and black and white by Alice B. Woodward. G. Bell and Sons, Ltd. (1913) pp131 scarce scarce, boards sunned on edges and back, ow good copy     £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS60a GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF THE MIKADO (told by WSG) . 6 colour plates by Alice Woodward. O'Connor (1921) pp115:
(a) VG+ with d/w
(a) VG+ with d/w       £35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS60b GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF THE MIKADO (told by WSG) . 6 colour plates by Alice Woodward. O'Connor (1921) pp115:
(b) good bright copy, no d/w
(b) good bright copy, no d/w       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS60c GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF THE MIKADO (told by WSG) . 6 colour plates by Alice Woodward. O'Connor (1921) pp115:
(c) good bright copy, no d/w (v. sl. watermark in centre of outside board), spine faded
(c) good bright copy, no d/w (v. sl. watermark in centre of outside board), spine faded       £28.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS60d GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF THE MIKADO (told by WSG) . 6 colour plates by Alice Woodward. O'Connor (1921) pp115:
(d) good copy, boards faded but no splitting or wear, MINT inside, very good decorative pastedowns, no d/w
(d) good copy, boards faded but no splitting or wear, MINT inside, very good decorative pastedowns, no d/w       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS60e GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF THE MIKADO (told by WSG) . 6 colour plates by Alice Woodward. O'Connor (1921) pp115:
(e) front orange boards stained, photocopied d/w supplied
(e) front orange boards stained, photocopied d/w supplied       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS60f GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF THE MIKADO (told by WSG) . 6 colour plates by Alice Woodward. O'Connor (1921) pp115:
(f) orange boards faded to yellow, no d/w, rear illustrated pastedowns split on spine, ow good
(f) orange boards faded to yellow, no d/w, rear illustrated pastedowns split on spine, ow good       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS60g GILBERT, Sir W.S. GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE STORY OF THE MIKADO (told by WSG) . 6 colour plates by Alice Woodward. O'Connor (1921) pp115:
(g) Facsimile version by Musical Collectables (1998) pp64, paper wraps NEW
(g) Facsimile version by Musical Collectables (1998) pp64, paper wraps NEW       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS61a GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE PINAFORE PICTURE BOOK. THE STORY OF H.M.S.PINAFORE. Told by Sir.W.S.Gilbert and Illustrated by Alice B.Woodward. London George Bell & Sons (1908 1st) pp131 (a) light blue decorative boards, slightly faded, slight foxing on prelims, edge of plate margin sl. damaged pp35/6, ow good copy, scarce scarce     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS61c GILBERT, Sir W.S. THE PINAFORE STORY BOOK Facsimile version by Musical Collectables (1998) pp64 (original 1908), paper wraps NEW (c) Facsimile version by Musical Collectables (1998) pp64 (original 1908), paper wraps NEW       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS43b GILBERT, W.S & FLINT, W. Russell FLINT, W. Russell. GILBERT, W.S. SAVOY OPERAS. With 32 illustrations in colour by W.Russell Flint. Foreword by Gilbert. Containing THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, PATIENCE, PRINCESS IDA and THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. London: George Bell & Sons, 1909; pp.xv.208. First edition combining Russell Flint's evocative watercolours and Gilbert's wit. Red cloth boards with gilt lettering, sl. worn, spine faded and sl. cracked at edges, contents VG, esp. plates spine frail, rubbed top and tail,ow good       £135.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS43f GILBERT, W.S and FLINT, W. Russell GILBERT, W.S & FLINT, W. Russell. SAVOY OPERAS. With 32 illustrations in colour by W.Russell Flint. Foreword by Gilbert. Containing THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, PATIENCE, PRINCESS IDA and THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. London: George Bell & Sons, 1909; pp.xv.208 spine strip faded & sl. split at edges, sl. worn, ow good copy       £140.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS58 GILBERT, W.S. GILBERT, W.S. FOGGERTY'S FAIRY and other tales. Routledge's Hearth & Home Library (1892 1st) pp366 red cloth, t.e.g. gilt lettering       £75.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK603 GILBERT, W.S. PRINCESS IDA or CASTLE ADAMANT by W.S. Gilbert with coloured illustrations by W. Russell Flint. Bell (1912) pp1-52 good copy, plates VG, some foxing to border edges further on. Green boards with gilt decoration. Gilt lettering to front board and spine     £55.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK550 GILBERT, W.S. RUDDIGORE with eight colour plates by Russell W. Flint Bell (1912) pp111-164, flyleaf removed, some light foxing, mainly to edges. Plates VG (due to tissue paper protectors) Maroon boards with good colour, and bright gilt tooling. Spine faded. Damp mark back board corner     £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS59 GILBERT, W.S. THE SAVOY OPERAS (Complete). 2 Vols in a single slipcase. Folio Society (1994). Introduced by Frederic Woodbridge Wilson. Slipcase and endpaper design by David Eccles A very fine pair       £85.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS43a GILBERT, W.S. & FLINT, W. Russell GILBERT, W.S & FLINT, W. Russell. SAVOY OPERAS. With 32 illustrations in colour by W.Russell Flint. Foreword by Gilbert. Containing THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE, PATIENCE, PRINCESS IDA and THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD. London: George Bell & Sons, 1909; pp.xv.208 First edition combining Russell Flint's fine watercolours and Gilbert's wit. Red cloth boards with gilt lettering very good condition, back board unevenly faded, spine sl. faded, ow gilt lettering bright     £200.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS13 Glinert, Ed. THE COMPLETE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. THE COMPLETE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. New hardback collector's edition. Includes woodcut illustrations from The Bab Ballads. With a preface written specially by Mike Leigh. Introductions with a stage history of each opera by Ed Glinert. The definitive edition of the Savoy Operas with whole sections reinstated - previous editions are incomplete. Includes: TJ; SO; PF; PP; IO; PI; MK; RG; YG; GN; UL; THESPIS; GD. Penguin Classics (2006) pp866 a.e.g. with bookmark ribbon, d/w NEW   £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS64a GODWIN, A.H. GODWIN, A.H. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN A Critical Appreciation of the Savoy Operas. With an introduction by G.K.Chesterton and Composite Photograph. Dent pp300:
(a) (1926 1st) VG copy
(a) (1926 1st) VG copy       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS64b GODWIN, A.H. GODWIN, A.H. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN A Critical Appreciation of the Savoy Operas. With an introduction by G.K.Chesterton and Composite Photograph. Dent pp300:
(b) (1926 reprint) VG, boards speckled
(b) (1926 reprint) VG, boards speckled       £19.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS64c GODWIN, A.H. GODWIN, A.H. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN A Critical Appreciation of the Savoy Operas. With an introduction by G.K.Chesterton and Composite Photograph. Dent pp300:
(c) (1927 reprint), boards speckled
(c) (1927 reprint), boards speckled       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS65 GOFFIN, Peter GOFFIN, Peter. THE ART AND SCIENCE OF STAGE MANAGEMENT,. Miller (1953) pp118 d/w, VG+, very scarce       £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS66a GOLDBERG, Isaac GOLDBERG, Isaac: THE STORY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN or The `Compleat' Savoyard. Simon and Schuster, New York pp588
(a) (1928 1st edition) green cloth (a few spots on spine) gilt lettering with DC crest ow VG
(a) (1928 1st edition) green cloth (a few spots on spine) gilt lettering with DC crest ow VG       £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS66b GOLDBERG, Isaac GOLDBERG, Isaac: THE STORY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN or The `Compleat' Savoyard. Simon and Schuster, New York pp588
(b) (1929 edition) blue cloth worn, bumped, ow contents good
(b) (1929 edition) blue cloth worn, bumped, ow contents good       £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS66c GOLDBERG, Isaac GOLDBERG, Isaac: THE STORY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN or The `Compleat' Savoyard. Simon and Schuster, New York pp588
(c) Little Blue Book No. 476 G&S A Handbook to the Famous Operettas by Isaac Goldberg (1923) pp86
(c) Little Blue Book No. 476 G&S A Handbook to the Famous Operettas by Isaac Goldberg (1923) pp86       £35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS67b GOODMAN, Andrew GOODMAN, Andrew. GILBERT and SULLIVAN'S LONDON. Edited and presented by Robert Hardcastle. Foreword by Sir Charles Mackerras. Spellmount (1988) pp192 :
(b) d/w sl. worn
(b) d/w sl. worn       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS67d GOODMAN, Andrew GOODMAN, Andrew. GILBERT and SULLIVAN'S LONDON. Edited and presented by Robert Hardcastle. Foreword by Sir Charles Mackerras. Spellmount (1988) pp192 :
(d) NEW EDITION (2000). Forewords by Mike Leigh and Sir Charles Mackerras. Faber pp192, decorated softback covers (sl. used )
(d) NEW EDITION (2000). Forewords by Mike Leigh and Sir Charles Mackerras. Faber pp192, decorated softback covers (used )       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS67 GOODMAN, Andrew GOODMAN, Andrew. GILBERT and SULLIVAN'S LONDON. Edited and presented by Robert Hardcastle. Foreword by Sir Charles Mackerras. Spellmount (1988) pp192 :
d/w (as new)
d/w (as new)       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS68 GOOSSENS, Eugene GOOSSENS, Eugene. OVERTURES AND BEGINNERS A Musical Autobiography. Methuen (1951) pp327 Ex-Lib. VG. `Plate of Queen Victoria's Silken Programme for a Command Performance in London at which my Grandfather conducted H.M.S. Pinafore (1878)' ; and reference to being conductor of the Comedy Opera Company Ltd. at the Opera Comique in the Strand. With press cuttings : Oratorio in Sydney (1954) and Obituary (1962 x 3) (front board stained) scarce     £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS69 GRATTON FLOOD GRATTON FLOOD, W.H. WILLIAM VINCENT WALLACE Composer, 1812-1865 A MEMOIR. Waterford (1912) pp32. A5 facsimile R.Walker (2001)         £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS71c GREEN, Martyn A TREASURY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN (c) A TREASURY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Edited by Deems Taylor. Arr Albert Sirmay. Illus Lucille Corcos. Simon and Schuster NY (1941) pp405 in slipcase, VG+       £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS71d GREEN, Martyn A TREASURY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN (d) A TREASURY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Edited by Deems Taylor. Arr Albert Sirmay. Illus Lucille Corcos. Simon and Schuster NY (1941) pp405 in worn slipcase       £55.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS70d GREEN, Martyn GREEN, Martyn. HERE'S A HOW-DE-DO Travelling with Gilbert and Sullivan Reinhardt pp210 (1952 1st) no d/w, ow good copy     (d)£20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS70b GREEN, Martyn GREEN, Martyn. HERE'S A HOW-DE-DO Travelling with Gilbert and Sullivan Reinhardt pp210: 1952 1st without d/w       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK528 GREEN, Martyn MARTYN GREEN’S TREASURY OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. Arrangements by Dr. Albert Sirmay A Fireside Book published by Simon and Schuster : modern facsimile of the original 1941/1961 edition (not date) pp717, b/w plates (lucille Corcos), laminated paper wraps       £35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS71a GREEN, Martyn MARTYN GREEN'S TREASURY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. The Complete Librettos of Eleven Operettas. The Words and Music of One Hundred and Two Favorite Songs. Edited and annotated by Martyn Green. Illustrated by Lucille Corcos. Arrangements by Dr. Albert Sirmay. Michael Joseph (1941/1961) pp717 :
(a) d/w damaged, repaired and presented in transparent sleeve, ow VG
(a) d/w damaged, repaired and presented in transparent sleeve, ow VG       £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS72c GROSSMITH, George and Weedon GROSSMITH, George and Weedon. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY (c) Folio Society pp165. Third impression (1973) (without slipcase: yellow decorative boards slightly dull)       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS72a GROSSMITH, George and Weedon GROSSMITH, George and Weedon. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY :
(a) With 29 Illustrations by Weedon Grossmith and an Introduction by J.C.Squire. Arrowsmith (Seventh Edition October, 1924) pp177
(a) Maroon boards unevenly faded, rough paper edges       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS72b GROSSMITH, George and Weedon GROSSMITH, George and Weedon. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY :
(b) With the original illustrations by Weedon Grossmith. Introduction by Sir John Squire. Pan (1946) pp171
(b) With the original illustrations by Weedon Grossmith. Introduction by Sir John Squire. Pan (1946) pp171       £16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS72bb GROSSMITH, George and Weedon GROSSMITH, George and Weedon. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY :
(bb) With the 32 original illustrations by Weedon Grossmith. Introduction by Sir John Squire
(bb) The Book Society (1946) pp171 d/w good, but worn     £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS72d GROSSMITH, George and Weedon GROSSMITH, George and Weedon. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY :
(d) (1969) Eleventh printing 1996 NEW in green slipcase
(d) (1969) Eleventh printing 1996 NEW in green slipcase NEW     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS72e GROSSMITH, George and Weedon GROSSMITH, George and Weedon. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY :
(e) Thirteenth impression (1999) NEW in green slipcase
(e) Folio Society pp165 Thirteenth impression (1999) NEW in green slipcase NEW     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS72f GROSSMITH, George and Weedon GROSSMITH, George and Weedon. THE DIARY OF A NOBODY :
(f) Elm Tree Books (1984) h/b decorated boards pp150 : with new illustrations by Paul Hogarth & Philip Hood.
(f) Elm Tree Books (1984) h/b decorated boards pp150 : with new illustrations by Paul Hogarth & Philip Hood.       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS73 GROVE, Sir George GROVE, Sir George. A DICTIONARY OF MUSIC AND MUSICIANS (A.D. 1450 - 1883) Vol. III P - S (Sullivan entry pp761-764). Macmillan (1883) pp768 black cloth rebound black cloth rebound       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK575 GUTHRIE, Tyrone A LIFE IN THE THEATRE. The Autobiography of Tyrone Guthrie Hamish Hamilton (1960) pp320 (with ALS x 2 (1963) and five press cuttings, incl. obituary 1970)       £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS74a HAINING, Peter.(ed.) HAINING, Peter.(ed.) THE LOST STORIES OF W.S.GILBERT. Robson (1982) pp255:
(a) h/b d/w VG+
(a) h/b d/w VG+       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS74b HAINING, Peter.(ed.) HAINING, Peter.(ed.) THE LOST STORIES OF W.S.GILBERT. Robson (1982) pp255:
(b) p/b VG
(b) p/b VG       £14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS75 HALL, Barrie HALL, Barrie. THE PROMS and the men who made them. Allen 1981) pp232 d/w (G&S references)         £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS76a HARDWICK, Michael HARDWICK, Michael. THE OSPREY GUIDE TO GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Osprey (1972) pp284 (a) hardback, d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS76b HARDWICK, Michael HARDWICK, Michael. THE OSPREY GUIDE TO GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Osprey (1972) pp284 (b) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS76X HARMAN, Lidsay A COMIC OPERA LIFE. West Hartlepool, William Barlow (1924) pp156 red cloth, black lettering on front and spine (with four plates) Presentation copy: "With all good wishes from the Author. Lindsay Haran 24/12/38. Eden Lodge Hunstanton Norfolk" RARE     £125.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK616 Hayes, Scott Your Affectionate A A Collection of Sir Arthur Sullivan's Letters to his Family. Selected and edited by W. Scott Hayes and Scott M. Hayes. The Sir Arthur Sullivan Society ISBN : 978-0-9932993-0-8 (June 2015) pp71 Inscribed and autographed by Scott Hayes     £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK504 HAYES, Scott UNCLE ARTHUR : THE CALIFORNIA CONNECTION Great-great-nephew of Sir Arthur Sullivan. (a) 1st edition pp38 (laminated wraps) (b) Revised Second Edition. Published 2009 by the Sir Arthur Sullivan Society pp75 (laminated coloured photographic wraps)       £10.00 each GANDS BOOK
BKS79a HENSCHEL, Helen HENSCHEL, Helen. WHEN SOFT VOICES DIE. A Musical Biography of George Henschel (friend of Arthur Sullivan). John Westhouse (1944), cream boards :
(a) with d/w
(a) with d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS79b HENSCHEL, Helen HENSCHEL, Helen. WHEN SOFT VOICES DIE. A Musical Biography of George Henschel (friend of Arthur Sullivan). John Westhouse (1944), cream boards :
(b) without d/w, clean boards
(b) without d/w, clean boards       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS79c HENSCHEL, Helen HENSCHEL, Helen. WHEN SOFT VOICES DIE. A Musical Biography of George Henschel (friend of Arthur Sullivan). John Westhouse (1944), cream boards :
(c) Methuen (1949) VG with green d/w
(c) Methuen (1949) VG with green d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS80 HEWITT, Tony HEWITT, Tony. THE SCHOOL G&S. A Producer's Handbook. The Albyn Press, Edinburgh (1949) pp48         £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS81 HIBBERT, H.G. HIBBERT, H.G. A PLAYGOER'S MEMORIES. Prefatory note by William Archer. With 12 Illustrations. Grant Richards (1920) pp303. Many references to G&S esp. p259 et seq. : Chapter XXXII Concerning Gilbert and Sullivan Pages roughly cut/ boards marked       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS82 HOLLINGSHEAD, John HOLLINGSHEAD, John. GOOD OLD GAIETY An Historiette and Remembrance "Whom the Gods love die young". Published by the Gaiety Theatre Company Ltd., London (1903) pp79. aeg, front board with gilt lettering and decoration. Maroon cloth spine strip professionally renewed (with gilt lettering), also new endpapers, VG     £70.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK520 HOWARD, Diana LONDON THEATRES AND MUSIC HALLS 1850-1950 The Library Association (1970) pp291, decorative boards, Fine copy       £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK589 HOWES, Frank FULL ORCHESTRA Secker & Warburg (1946 4th edition, reset) pp184 red cloth, spine lettering faded, ow good     £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS83b HUGHES, Gervase HUGHES, Gervase. THE MUSIC OF ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Macmillan (1960) pp180 :
(b) with lighter d/w; St Martin's Press Inc. New York USA
(b) with lighter d/w; St Martin's Press Inc. New York USA       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS83d HUGHES, Gervase SIDELIGHTS ON A CENTURY OF MUSIC (1825-1924). Macdonald (1969) pp204 (with references to Sullivan) (d) no d/w VG (with references to Sullivan)       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK586 HUGHES, Gervase THE MUSIC OF ARTHUR SULLIVAN Macmillan (1960) pp180 no d/w, ow VG copy     £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK581 HUROK, S IMPRESSARIO A Memoir Macdonald (1947) pp272       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS85a HYMAN, Alan HYMAN, Alan. SULLIVAN AND HIS SATELLITES. A survey of English operettas 1860-1914. Chappell Elm Tree Books (1978) pp224 :
(a) VG, d/w
(a) VG, d/w       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS85b HYMAN, Alan HYMAN, Alan. SULLIVAN AND HIS SATELLITES. A survey of English operettas 1860-1914. Chappell Elm Tree Books (1978) pp224 :
(b) VG with d/w (neatly covered with sticky-backed film and attached to pastedowns)
(b) VG with d/w (neatly covered with sticky-backed film and attached to pastedowns)       £16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS84 HYMAN, Alan HYMAN, Alan. THE GAIETY YEARS. Cassell (1975) pp230 VG with d/w       £16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS86 JACKSON, Stanley JACKSON, Stanley. THE SAVOY The Romance of a Great Hotel. Muller 1973 reprint pp320 d/w         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS88a JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. ARTHUR SULLIVAN A Victorian Musician. OUP pp470:
(a) (1984 1st ed.) h/b with d/w, condition good
(a) (1984 1st ed.) h/b with d/w, condition good       £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS88b JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. ARTHUR SULLIVAN A Victorian Musician. OUP pp470:
(b) (1984 1st ed.) h/b with d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic attached to pastedowns
(b) (1984 1st ed.) h/b with d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic attached to pastedowns       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS88d JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. ARTHUR SULLIVAN A Victorian Musician. OUP pp470:
(d) paperback OUP (1986) pp470 (covers worn)
(d) paperback OUP (1986) pp470 (covers worn)       £7.50 GANDS BOOK
BKS88e JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. ARTHUR SULLIVAN A Victorian Musician. OUP pp470:
(e) The Scolar Press. SECOND EDITION h/b with d/w NEW pp494 (1992)
(e) The Scolar Press. SECOND EDITION h/b with d/w NEW pp494 (1992) NEW     £52.50 GANDS BOOK
BKS87a JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. With 33 Illustrations in Photogravure. Parrish (1951) pp66. The World of Music series:
(a) VG copy without dustwrapper
(a) VG copy without dustwrapper       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS87b JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. With 33 Illustrations in Photogravure. Parrish (1951) pp66. The World of Music series:
(b) d/w worn top and tail ow good
(b) d/w worn top and tail ow good       £14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS87c JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. With 33 Illustrations in Photogravure. Parrish (1951) pp66. The World of Music series:
(c) Ex-Boots Lib., spine frail, no d/w
(c) Ex-Boots Lib., spine frail, no d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS87d JACOBS, Arthur JACOBS, Arthur. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. With 33 Illustrations in Photogravure. Parrish (1951) pp66. The World of Music series:
(d) VG contents, boards warped, foxing & browning of edges, very poor d/w
(d) VG contents, boards warped, foxing & browning of edges, very poor d/w       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK584 JACOBS, Arthur THE MUSIC LOVER’S ANTHOLOGY. Winchester Publications (1948) pp240. Signed by Sir Malcolm Sargent Savoy 1951       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS89 JAMES, Dr. Alan JAMES, Dr. Alan. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. Opera synopses by Andrew Codd. The Illustrated Lives of the Great Composers. Omnibus Press (1989) pp240:
hardback, laminated d/w, VG
also softback available @ £8.00       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
(a) good copy with d/w
(b) Ex-Pub.Lib. shaken, top right edge throughout worn, d/w (worn)
BKS91 JOHNSON, A.E JOHNSON, A.E. Brush, Pen and Pencil THE BOOK OF DUDLEY HARDY Containing 56 examples of the artist's work in brush, pen, and pencil. Black (1930 reprint) pp55. Includes colour plate of THE CHIEFTAIN and b&w Savoy Theatre Posters : The Grand Duke,The Grand Duchess, His Majesty and The Yeomen of the Guard         £35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS92 JONES, Brian JONES, Brian. LYTTON Gilbert and Sullivan's Jester. New insight into the life of the famous Savoyard. Includes 26 rare photographs. Basingstoke Books (2005) pp235 (laminated paper wraps) NEW   NEW     £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK570 JOSEPH, Tony AILEEN DAVIES 1920s Soubrette D'Oyly Carte Personalities Series, 3. Bunthorne Books (2003) pp92, laminated wraps       £6.00 secondhand GANDS BOOK
BKS93b JOSEPH, Tony JOSEPH, Tony :
(b) EVELYN GARDINER (1894-1970) Flying Opera Singer. Bunthorne Books (2004) pp108
(b) EVELYN GARDINER (1894-1970) Flying Opera Singer. Bunthorne Books (2004) pp108. D'Oyly Carte Personalities Series, 4. 1920's/1930's D'Oyly Carte chorister and principal contralto + Williamson Opera Company, Australia and New Zealand NEW
(bb)secondhand copy @£5.00
NEW     £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS93c JOSEPH, Tony JOSEPH, Tony :
(c) GEORGE GROSSMITH Biography of a Savoyard. Bunthorne Books (1982 - Reprinted 2000) pp212, laminated paper wraps NEW
(c) GEORGE GROSSMITH Biography of a Savoyard. Bunthorne Books (1982 - Reprinted 2000) pp212, laminated paper wraps NEW NEW     £10.50 GANDS BOOK
BKS93e JOSEPH, Tony JOSEPH, Tony :
(e) CHARLES GOULDING (mid - 1880s to 1939). Bristol Tenor. D'Oyly Carte Personalities Series, 2. Bunthorne Books, Bristol 2001 pp60 , laminated wraps NEW
(e) CHARLES GOULDING (mid - 1880s to 1939). Bristol Tenor. D'Oyly Carte Personalities Series, 2. Bunthorne Books, Bristol 2001 pp60, laminated wraps NEW
(ee)sl. worn copy at £4.00
Born in the 1880s, joined the DC OC in 1919. With company 17 years, played leading tenor parts: esp. distinguished as Dick Dauntless in RUDDIGORE, Fairfax in YEOMEN, and Marco in THE GONDOLIERS     £5.00 NEW GANDS BOOK
BKS93h JOSEPH, Tony JOSEPH, Tony :
(h) EMMIE OWEN and FLORENCE PERRY "Maidenly Perfection" (soprano members of the DC OC for most of the 1890s). D'Oyly Carte Personalities Series, 5. Bunthorne Books (2005) pp123; 23 illustrations (small creases to back wraps on corners, ow as new)
(h) EMMIE OWEN and FLORENCE PERRY "Maidenly Perfection" (soprano members of the DC OC for most of the 1890s). D'Oyly Carte Personalities Series, 5. Bunthorne Books (2005) pp123; 23 illustrations (small creases to back wraps on corners, ow as new)       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS93i JOSEPH, Tony JOSEPH, Tony :
(i) LEONARD OSBORN "Dauntless he..." (2007) pp160 ; 41 illustrations. ISBN : 978-0-9507992-8-5. Leonard Osborn's D'Oyly Carte career spanned no fewer than forty-three years (1937-1980) and fell into three distinct phases. From 1937 to 1940 he was a chorister and small-part player. Then in 1946, after a gap necessitated by war service in the RAF, he was promoted to principal tenor, a position he retained until 1959. Finally, after another, much longer gap, he went back between 1977 and 1980 for a spell as the Company's Director of Productions NEW
(i) LEONARD OSBORN "Dauntless he..." (2007) pp160 ; 41 illustrations. ISBN : 978-0-9507992-8-5. Leonard Osborn's D'Oyly Carte career spanned no fewer than forty-three years (1937-1980) and fell into three distinct phases. From 1937 to 1940 he was a chorister and small-part player. Then in 1946, after a gap necessitated by war service in the RAF, he was promoted to principal tenor, a position he retained until 1959. Finally, after another, much longer gap, he went back between 1977 and 1980 for a spell as the Company's Director of Productions NEW NEW     £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK551 JOSEPH, Tony MAY FORTESCUE "Substantial Damages" May Fortescue (1859-1950) was born Emily May Finney, the daughter of a London coal merchant.
She joined the D'Oyly Carte Gilbert and Sullivan Company in 1881 for the initial run of PATIENCE, in which she created the small part of Lady Ella. When IOLANTHE replaced PATIENCE she created the small part of Celia. She left D'Oyly Carte in 1883. In 1885 she formed - and found fame with - her own theatrical company.
Meanwhile, though, she had taken her first step into the limelight by becoming engaged to a young aristocrat, Arthur Cairns, Viscount Garmoyle. When, a few months later, Garmoyle jilted her, it made her a celebrity. And when, shortly after that, she sued him for breach of promise, her celebrity status became tinged with noteriety.
"When a woman brings an action of this sort, having for its object the acquisition of hard cash, she place herself beyond the pale of delicacy and sympathy.
She cannot serve sentiment and mammon.
The indignation which one feels against the faithless deceiver is very much moderated when the forlorn maiden takes upon herself to revenge her own woes." (The Era, 1884)
It was like TRIAL BY JURY being played out in real life.
D'Oyly Carte Personalities Series, 9 pp128. Published 2011. 30 Illustrations
      £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS93a JOSEPH, Tony THE D'OYLY CARTE OPERA COMPANY 1875-1982 an unofficial history (a) Bunthorne Books (1994) pp388 good s/h condition     £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS120Xc JUST A SONG AT TWILIGHT (b) JUST A SONG AT TWILIGHT. The Second Parlour Song Book. Edited and Introduced by Michael R. Turner and Antony Miall. Joseph (1975) pp288 (includes George Grossmith's See Me Dance the Polka in D ) d/w VG (b) JUST A SONG AT TWILIGHT. The Second Parlour Song Book. Edited and Introduced by Michael R. Turner and Antony Miall. Joseph (1975) pp288 (includes George Grossmith's See Me Dance the Polka in D ) d/w VG       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS96 KUHE, Ernest KUHE, Ernest. ARTICLE ON ARTHUR SULLIVAN: The Triumph of Sullivan pp XXXIX - XL (photo: Millais portrait) FROM: The Music Lovers' Portfolio Edited by Landon Ronald. Vol. 2 (part of four volume set). Waverley Book Co. (1921) Complete set (Songs: Vol 1: Orpheus with his Lute/ Vol 3 The Willow Song/ Vol 4 Sigh No More Ladies)         £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS98 LAWRENCE, Arthur LAWRENCE, Arthur. SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Life Story Letters and Reminiscences. Bowden (1899) pp360 t.e.g. :
(a) VG copy
VG copy     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK510 LAWRENCE, Robert (adaptor) GILBERT AND SULLIVAN'S H.M.S.PINAFORE. Adapted by Robert Lawrence GILBERT AND SULLIVAN'S H.M.S.PINAFORE. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1940. 48pp. Colour Illustrations by Sheilah Beckett. Authorized by the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company h/b, d/w       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK585 LAWSON, Winifred A SONG TO SING-O! Foreword by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Michael Joseph (1955) pp238 no d/w, spine dull, ow good copy     £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS99 LAWSON, Winifred LAWSON, Winifred (1894-1961). A SONG TO SING-O! Foreword by Sir Malcolm Sargent. Michael Joseph (1955) pp238 (a) with d/w
(b) without d/w, front endpapers pasted to front board, boards faded, ow good clean copy
BKS100 LEBRECHT, Norman LEBRECHT, Norman. MUSIC IN LONDON A History and Handbook. Aurum (1992) pp183 (laminated wraps) (many G&S references)         £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK618 LEIGH, Mike TOPSY-TURVY filmscript by Mike Leigh Introduction by Mike Leigh. Faber and Faber (1999) laminated wraps pp139       (a)£8.99 NEW
(b)£15.00 signed (NEW)
BKS101a LEWIS, Ross (ed.) LEWIS, Ross (ed.) THE CORGI BOOK OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. (1964) pp397 p/b:
(a) red background, with 5 G&S characters in a row (FG7505)
(a) red background, with 5 G&S characters in a row (FG7505)       £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS101b LEWIS, Ross (ed.) LEWIS, Ross (ed.) THE CORGI BOOK OF GILBERT & SULLIVAN. (1964) pp397 p/b:
(b) sl. different cover design using the same 5 characters as above (FG1542)
(b) sl. different cover design using the same 5 characters as above (FG1542)       £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS102a LUBIN, L.B. LUBIN, L.B. GILBERT WITHOUT SULLIVAN. Libretti by WSG. Illustrations by L.B.Lubin: Pinafore/ Pirates/ Mikado/ Gondoliers. The Viking Press, New York (1981) pp112 :
(a) with d/w
(a) with d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS102b LUBIN, L.B. LUBIN, L.B. GILBERT WITHOUT SULLIVAN. Libretti by WSG. Illustrations by L.B.Lubin: Pinafore/ Pirates/ Mikado/ Gondoliers. The Viking Press, New York (1981) pp112 :
(b) without d/w
(b) without d/w       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK547 LYTTON, Henry A WANDERING MINSTREL Jarrolds (1933) pp287 with VG dustwrapper “There is humour in all things, even in this” (Yeomen) All good wishes from very sincerely Henry Lytton 9.9.33 one of the autographed books to his later girlfriend Ellen Taylor     £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS104 LYTTON, Henry LYTTON, Henry. A WANDERING MINSTREL. Reminiscences. Foreword by the Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin. Jarrolds (1933 - 1st edition) pp287. Blue boards unevenly faded, esp. spine, ow good       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK544 LYTTON, Henry THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD Ex-The Gilbert and Sullivan Society library : very worn copy with many press cuttings tipped in throughout 1922 – 1933 + Martyn Green changeover photos.       £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK546 LYTTON, Henry THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD Jarrolds pp191. Inscribed Ellen C. Taylor February, 1930 with an inscription : My love to you from one of the worst to one of the best Henry Lytton one of the autographed books to his later girlfriend Ellen Taylor (with worn dustwrapper)     £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK548 LYTTON, Henry THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD Jarrolds pp191 with pasted note (faded) from Lytton to recipient inscribed Feb. 1922     £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK276 LYTTON, Henry A. THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD. Jarrolds (1922) pp191:
(a) Author's Presentation copy (with b&w photograph)."Yours very sincerely, Henry A. Lytton In friendships Name" (Iolanthe) undated
(a) Author's Presentation copy (with b&w photograph)."Yours very sincerely, Henry A. Lytton In friendships Name" (Iolanthe) undated       (a) £35.00 Author's Presentation copy GANDS BOOK
BKS103b LYTTON, Henry A. THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD. Jarrolds (1922) pp191:
(b) Undated - b&w portrait of Lytton
(b) Undated - b&w portrait of Lytton       (b) £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS103c LYTTON, Henry A. THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD. Jarrolds (1922) pp191:
(c) Undated - (Jack Point colour portrait) signed below portrait
(c) Undated - (Jack Point colour portrait) signed below portrait       (c) £20.00 signed GANDS BOOK
BKS103d LYTTON, Henry A. THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD. Jarrolds (1922) pp191:
(d) March, 1922 3rd reprint (Jack Point colour portrait)
(d) March, 1922 3rd reprint (Jack Point colour portrait)       (d) £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS103e LYTTON, Henry A. THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD. Jarrolds (1922) pp191:
(e) possibly 1st edition (Jack Point colour portrait), foxed throughout
(e) possibly 1st edition (Jack Point colour portrait), foxed throughout       (e) £7.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS103f LYTTON, Henry A. THE SECRETS OF A SAVOYARD. Jarrolds (1922) pp191:
(f) n/d; b&w portrait (with Jarrolds Spring 1927 pp12 catalogue inserted at end with details of `New Revised Edition entirely brought up to date')
(f) n/d; b&w portrait (with Jarrolds Spring 1927 pp12 catalogue inserted at end with details of `New Revised Edition entirely brought up to date')       (f) £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK579 LYTTON, Sir Henry A A WANDERING MINSTREL. Reminiscences. Foreword by the Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin, P.C., M.P. Jarrolds (1933) autographed Frederick Sinden, D’Oyly Carte Opera Company, 1953 boards dull     £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS134 MACKENZIE, Compton THE SAVOY - LONDON by Compton Mackenzie. Harrap (1953) pp142 (with colour and b&w illustrations) h/b + b&w postcard of hotel from The Embankment Gardens         £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK531 MACKENZIE, Sir Alexander Campbell A MUSICIAN'S NARRATIVE With Four Plates (a)Cassell (1927) pp270, blue cloth, good clean copy
(b)edges foxed, bookplate.
Mackenzie was a personal friend of Arthur Sullivan     (a)£32.00
BOOK537 MACKIE, David ARTHUR SULLIVAN AND THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS OF GREAT BRITAIN. Proceedings of the Society's 145th Anniversary Festival Dinner (1883) and other papers relating to Arthur Sullivan and the Society. London 2005 Laminated paper wraps pp148. Inscribed : To my very good friend Maurice Farrar - from one author to another. David Mackie Sep. 15, 2008. Published by The Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain. Registered Charity Number 208879.       £15.00 signed GANDS BOOK
BKS105 MacPHAIL, Ralph Jr. Additional Adventures of Messrs. BOX and COX. W.S.Gilbert.
With an Introduction by Ralph MacPhail, Jr. pp74. The Parenthesis Press, Bridgewater, Virginia, USA)  (1974)       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS106 MACQUEEN-POPE, W. MACQUEEN-POPE, W. NIGHTS OF GLADNESS with chapter on the G&S partnership (with Savoyard photos). Hutchinson (1956) pp268 no d/w         £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK591 MANDER, Raymond & MITCHENSON, Joe A PICTURE HISTORY OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Vista Books (1962) slight traces of watermark bottom right pp1-8, d/w in library protective sleeve, ow good     £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS109 MANDER, Raymond and MITCHENSON, Joe. MANDER, Raymond & MITCHENSON, Joe. THE THEATRES OF LONDON. Illustrated by Timothy Birdsall. A Harvest Book (2nd revised ed. 1963) p/b pp292 + St. James's Theatre. Its Strange & Complete History 1835-1957 advertising booklet by Barry Duncan. Foreword by Allardyce Nicoll (1964)         £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS108a MANDER, Raymond and MITCHENSON, Joe. MANDER, Raymond and MITCHENSON, Joe. A PICTURE HISTORY GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Vista (1962) pp160 :
(a) d/w
(a) d/w       £35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS108b MANDER, Raymond and MITCHENSON, Joe. MANDER, Raymond and MITCHENSON, Joe. A PICTURE HISTORY GILBERT AND SULLIVAN. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Vista (1962) pp160 :
(b) no d/w
(b) no d/w       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS111 MAYHEW, Henry MAYHEW, Henry (and other writers) LONDON CHARACTERS Illustrations of the HUMOUR, PATHOS, AND PECULIARITIES OF LONDON LIFE. With numerous illustrations by W.S.Gilbert and others. Chatto and Windus (1874) pp477 illustrated front board and spine, gilt lettering (some flecks of ink to spine and outer back board ow VG copy)         £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK625 MEARNS, Martha H.M.S.PINAFORE Told by Martha Mearns, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1966) A Mikado Book - h/b, decorative boards       £7.50 NB : professionally repaired GANDS BOOK
BKS110a MEARNS, Martha H.M.S.PINAFORE Told by Martha Mearns Told by Martha Mearns, drawings by Anne and Janet Grahame Johnstone. Nelson (1966) A Mikado Book - h/b, decorative boards       (a)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
(a) Introduction by Dorothy Raedler, Producer-Director, The American Savoyards. Arthur Barker Ltd., London (1962) pp264 no d/w
(a) Introduction by Dorothy Raedler, Producer-Director, The American Savoyards. Arthur Barker Ltd., London (1962) pp264 no d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
(b) CROWELL'S HANDBOOK OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Introduction by Dorothy Raedler, Producer-Director, The American Savoyards (1962) pp264. Crowell, New York d/w VG
(b) CROWELL'S HANDBOOK OF GILBERT AND SULLIVAN Introduction by Dorothy Raedler, Producer-Director, The American Savoyards (1962) pp264. Crowell, New York d/w VG       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK515 MORELL, Parker LILLIAN RUSSELL. The Era of Plush Random, USA (1940) pp319 no d/w     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK620 MOREY, Cynthia A WORLD THAT'S ALL OUR OWN a novel Paragon Publishing (2006) pp207     ISBN 1-899820-28-0 £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS113 MOREY, Cynthia INCLINED TO DANCE AND SING. A D'Oyly Carte Journal of the 1950's. Foreword by John Reed O.B.E. Prospero Books (1998) pp127 paper wraps NEW (a) signed by John Reed and Cynthia Morey
(b) signed by Cynthia Morey
BKS126 MOREY, Cynthia JOHN REED : NOTHING WHATEVER TO GRUMBLE AT His Story as told to Cynthia Morey. Xlibris (2006) pp147 (laminated warps)       £14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS113c MOREY, Cynthia MOREY, Cynthia :
(c) A SET OF CURIOUS CHANCES A Sequel to Inclined to Dance and Sing. Foreword by Valerie Masterson C.B.E. Prospero Books (2001) pp156 paper wraps NEW
(c) A SET OF CURIOUS CHANCES A Sequel to Inclined to Dance and Sing. Foreword by Valerie Masterson C.B.E. Prospero Books (2001) pp156 paper wraps NEW signed copy     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS114 MORLEY, Sheridan. MORLEY, Sheridan. ROBERT My Father. Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1993) pp240 d/w VG. Includes paragraph on THE STORY GILBERT AND SULLIVAN film p122, and a small b/w photograph as WSG (between pp112-3)         £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK572 MORRELL, Roberta KENNETH SANDFORD `Merely corroborative detail' Published by K.Sandford. Produced by Ron Billings. (1999) pp214 (laminated paper wraps sl. worn) good s/h condition     £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS115 MOZART, W.A. MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. THEMATIC CATALOGUE IN HIS OWN HAND. Facsimile of the Autograph in the British Library. Edited and with a commentary by Albi Rosenthal & Alan Tyson. Publisher : Barenreiter. ISBN : 3761809808 pp57; 90 facsimiles, hardback (1992). Language: German NEW         £55.00 NEW GANDS BOOK
BKS117 NAUMANN, Emil NAUMANN, Emil (trans. F. Praeger/ edited by F.A. Gore Ouseley). THE HISTORY OF MUSIC Vols. I - V pp1332. Cassell (undated, c. 1886) a.e.g. decorated blue bevilled boards. Good (Vol. I : some slight staining to bottom edge of pages, ow good/ Vol III : some slight staining to top edge of pages, ow good/ Vol IV sl. stain to top edge near front only, ow good). Engraving of Sir Arthur Sullivan (from a photograph by Elliott & Fry) at the front of Vol. IV NAUMANN, Emil (trans. F. Praeger/ edited by F.A. Gore Ouseley). THE HISTORY OF MUSIC Vols. I - V pp1332. Cassell (undated, c. 1886) a.e.g. decorated blue bevilled boards. Good (Vol. I : some slight staining to bottom edge of pages, ow good/ Vol III : some slight staining to top edge of pages, ow good/ Vol IV sl. stain to top edge near front only, ow good). Engraving of Sir Arthur Sullivan (from a photograph by Elliott & Fry) at the front of Vol. IV       £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS118 NETTEL,Reginald NETTEL,Reginald. THE ORCHESTRA IN ENGLAND A Social History. References to Sullivan's attitude to Sterndale Bennett (p.214) and Richter (p.223). Cape pp296:
(1946 1st ed.) d/w VG
NETTEL,Reginald. THE ORCHESTRA IN ENGLAND A Social History. References to Sullivan's attitude to Sterndale Bennett (p.214) and Richter (p.223). Cape pp296:
(1946 1st ed.) d/w VG
      £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK522 O'BRIEN, R. Barry THE LIFE OF LORD RUSSELL OF KILLOWEN (1902) (1902 3rd impression - second edition) Smith, Elder, & Co., ex.Pub.Lib., red cloth. Legal friend of Gilbert & Sullivan       £35.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS119c OPERA AT HOME OPERA AT HOME The Gramophone Co. (1928 Fourth Edition) pp527 green cloth, gilt lettering (spine faded). Includes synopses and recording details of : GN; IO; Ivanhoe; MK; PC; PF; PP; RG; YG (indicates introduction of the new electrical recordings) (c) OPERA AT HOME The Gramophone Co. (1928 Fourth Edition) pp527 green cloth, gilt lettering (spine faded). Includes synopses and recording details of : GN; IO; Ivanhoe; MK; PC; PF; PP; RG; YG (indicates introduction of the new electrical recordings)       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS119a OPERA AT HOME OPERA AT HOME. HMV catalogue pp382 (1921 Library Edition (Revised and Enlarged)). Preface by H.V.Higgins (6 G&S/ Sullivan recordings listed) (includes photo. of the Company's Milestones 1907-1921) (a) OPERA AT HOME. HMV catalogue pp382 (1921 Library Edition (Revised and Enlarged)). Preface by H.V.Higgins (6 G&S/ Sullivan recordings listed) (includes photo. of the Company's Milestones 1907-1921)       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS119b OPERA AT HOME OPERA AT HOME. HMV catalogue pp463 (1925 3rd). Preface by Sir Hugh Allen (9 G&S/ Sullivan recordings listed) (b) OPERA AT HOME. HMV catalogue pp463 (1925 3rd). Preface by Sir Hugh Allen (9 G&S/ Sullivan recordings listed)       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK533 OREL, Harold (Ed.) GILBERT and SULLIVAN Interviews and Recollections (1994) University of Iowa pp214 p/b       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS120 OSBORNE, Charles OSBORNE, Charles. THE OPERA HOUSE ALBUM. A Collection of turn-of-the-century (Eurpoean) Postcards. Robson (1979) pp128 d/w (sl. chip at back) OSBORNE, Charles. THE OPERA HOUSE ALBUM. A Collection of turn-of-the-century (Eurpoean) Postcards. Robson (1979) pp128 d/w (sl. chip at back)       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
(a) VICTORIAN POPULAR MUSIC. David & Charles (1973) pp240 p/b
(a) VICTORIAN POPULAR MUSIC. David & Charles (1973) pp240 p/b       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK519 PEARSON, Hesketh GILBERT His Life and Strife Methuen (1957) pp276 : good, no d/w (signed presentation copy)       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121a PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(a) 1935 1st pp319 black cloth, red lettering: (i) clean copy @ £16.00 (ii) dull copy with `Boots Booklending Library' green label on front @ £14.00
(a) 1935 1st pp319 black cloth, red lettering: (i) clean copy @ £16.00 (ii) dull copy with `Boots Booklending Library' green label on front @ £14.00       £16.00(ii)£14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121b PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(b) PEARSON, Hesketh: GILBERT AND SULLIVAN A Biography. USA Edition 1935 pp317 (T:£15.00)
(b) PEARSON, Hesketh: GILBERT AND SULLIVAN A Biography. USA Edition 1935 pp317 (T:£15.00)       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121c PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(c) 1946 (2nd ed.) smaller format of Hamish Hamilton 1st edition
(c) 1946 (2nd ed.) smaller format of Hamish Hamilton 1st edition       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121d PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(d) 1947 (Oct. 3rd imp.). Hamish Hamilton pp319, black cloth boards clean
(d) 1947 (Oct. 3rd imp.). Hamish Hamilton pp319, black cloth boards clean       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121e PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(e) c.1949 The Right Book Club h/b
(e) c.1949 The Right Book Club h/b       £9.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121f PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(f) 1950 1st edition Penguin Books Paperback
(f) 1950 1st edition Penguin Books Paperback       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121g PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(g)1954 reprint p/b
(g)1954 reprint p/b       £4.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121h PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(h) (1954 reprint) p/b working copy (grubby), without half title page
(h) (1954 reprint) p/b working copy (grubby), without half title page       £2.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121i PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(i) 1975) Macdonald and Jane's. Intro. by Malcolm Muggeridge. pp319 h/b, good copy with sl. worn d/w
(i) 1975) Macdonald and Jane's. Intro. by Malcolm Muggeridge. pp319 h/b, good copy with sl. worn d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121j PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(j) (1975) Macdonald and Jane's. Intro. by Malcolm Muggeridge. pp319 h/b, VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns
(j) (1975) Macdonald and Jane's. Intro. by Malcolm Muggeridge. pp319 h/b, VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS121k PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT and SULLIVAN The story of the partnership (and quarrels) of this famous pair whose operas are a well-loved national institution:-
(k) (1985) with illustrated cover : Millais/Holl portraits. Penguin 251 p/b
(k) (1985) with illustrated cover : Millais/Holl portraits. Penguin 251 p/b       £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS122a PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT His Life and Strife. Methuen (1957) pp276 :
(a) worn d/w
(a) worn d/w       £16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS122b PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT His Life and Strife. Methuen (1957) pp276 :
(b) good, no d/w
(b) good, no d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS122c PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. GILBERT His Life and Strife. Methuen (1957) pp276 :
(c) USA Edition : Harper, New York (1957) d/w
(c) USA Edition : Harper, New York (1957) d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS123 PEARSON, Hesketh PEARSON, Hesketh. LIVES OF THE WITS : Swift; Johnson; Sheridan; Smith; Disraeli; Labouchere; Whistler; WSG; Tree; Wilde; Shaw; Belloc; Beerbohm; Chesterton. Harper & Row, N.Y. (1962 1st ed.) pp334 d/w         £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS124 PEMBERTON, T. Edgar PEMBERTON, T. Edgar. JOHN HARE Comedian 1865-1895 A Biography. Routledge (1895) pp202, green boards with gilt embossed autograph on front board, VG VERY SCARCE (worked with WSG on BROKEN HEARTS (1875) p53 and Manager of WSG's Garrick Theatre 1889 Chapter IV)         £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK588 PESKETT, S. John THIS MUSIC BUSINESS from Nero to Wienerschnitzel Thornton Butterworth (1934) pp127       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS125c PLAY PICTORIAL (c)A bound edition (red cloth/ half leather binding) of PLAY PICTORIAL Volume 1 (1908: Nos. VI - X pp201 - 400) : Monsieur Beaucaire; If I were King; A Country Girl (with photos. of Rutland Barrington); The Light That Failed; A Princess of Kensington (Savoy Theatre with many photos. of Walter Passmore, Henry Lytton, Agnes Fraser, Louie Pounds, Robert Evett and Rosina Brandram pp367 - 400); The Medal and the Maid (photo of Ruth Vincent - this edition Vol III No.XIV pp27 - 54 bound at end of volume), sl. shaken (NB p313 top of photo. cut out) (c)A bound edition (red cloth/ half leather binding) of PLAY PICTORIAL Volume 1 (1908: Nos. VI - X pp201 - 400) : Monsieur Beaucaire; If I were King; A Country Girl (with photos. of Rutland Barrington); The Light That Failed; A Princess of Kensington (Savoy Theatre with many photos. of Walter Passmore, Henry Lytton, Agnes Fraser, Louie Pounds, Robert Evett and Rosina Brandram pp367 - 400); The Medal and the Maid (photo of Ruth Vincent - this edition Vol III No.XIV pp27 - 54 bound at end of volume), sl. shaken (NB p313 top of photo. cut out)       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS125a PLAY PICTORIAL PLAY PICTORIAL No.10 pp361-400 “A Princess of Kensington” at the Savoy (May 1903) VG (a) PLAY PICTORIAL No.10 pp361-400 “A Princess of Kensington” at the Savoy (May 1903) VG       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS127 REES, Brian REES, Brian. A MUSICAL PEACEMAKER. The Life and Work of Sir Edward German. Kensal Press (1986) pp328, d/w, good condition         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS128 REES, Terence THESPIS A Gilbert & Sullivan Enigma Dillon's University Bookshop (1964) pp150 h/b with d/w       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS128b REES, Terence THESPIS A Gilbert & Sullivan Enigma (b) Dillon's University Bookshop (reprint, 2003) pp150 p/b       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS129a REID, Charles REID, Charles. MALCOLM SARGENT A Biography (1968). Hamish Hamilton pp491. Chapter 12 pp135-153: `With D'Oyly Carte'
(a) (1968 1st) hardback with d/w
(a) (1968 1st) hardback with d/w       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS129b REID, Charles REID, Charles. MALCOLM SARGENT A Biography (1968). Hamish Hamilton pp491. Chapter 12 pp135-153: `With D'Oyly Carte'
(b) (1968 3rd imp.) h/b, d/w
(b) (1968 3rd imp.) h/b, d/w       £9.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS129c REID, Charles REID, Charles. MALCOLM SARGENT A Biography (1968). Hamish Hamilton pp491. Chapter 12 pp135-153: `With D'Oyly Carte'
(c) (1970 6th imp.) h/b, d/w
(c) (1970 6th imp.) h/b, d/w       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK576 RIGBY, Charles JOHN BARBIROLLI. A Biographical Sketch of the Conductor of the World-Famous Halle Orchestra Sherratt, Altrincham (1948 reprint) pp191(chipped d/w within protective sleeve), contents good       £5.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS130d ROLLINS, Cyril. & WITTS, R. John. (compilers) (d) signed (Cyril Rollins) typed letter 20th September, 1972 to John B. Goldsborough re: supplements 1961/66 and 1966/71 (d) signed (Cyril Rollins) typed letter 20th September, 1972 to John B. Goldsborough re: supplements 1961/66 and 1966/71       £6.00 signed GANDS BOOK
BKS130c ROLLINS, Cyril. & WITTS, R. John. (compilers) Four Supplements only (1961-1966; 1966-1971; 1971-1976; 1976-1982: A4 spiral-bound photocopied booklet (for ease of reference)) (c) A4 spiral-bound photocopied booklet (for ease of reference) pp46       £18.00 photocopied spiral-bound booklet GANDS BOOK
BKS130a ROLLINS, Cyril. & WITTS, R. John. (compilers) ROLLINS, Cyril. & WITTS, R. John. (compilers) THE D'OYLY CARTE OPERA COMPANY IN GILBERT AND SULLIVAN OPERAS. Joseph (1962) pp186 + APPENDIX/INDEX pp26 (a) (1962 1st ed.) d/w (sl. grubby) ow VG copy       £100.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS130b ROLLINS, Cyril. & WITTS, R. John. (compilers) ROLLINS, Cyril. & WITTS, R. John. (compilers) THE D'OYLY CARTE OPERA COMPANY IN GILBERT AND SULLIVAN OPERAS. Joseph (1962) pp186 + APPENDIX/INDEX pp26 (b) (March 1962 2nd impression) d/w VG       £95.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK607 ROLLINS, Cyril. & WITTS, R. John. (compilers) THE D'OYLY CARTE OPERA COMPANY IN GILBERT AND SULLIVAN OPERAS Joseph (1962) pp186 + APPENDIX/INDEX pp26 ex-Pub. Lib., brown cloth, VG, minimum stamps     £30.00 ex-Pub. Lib. GANDS BOOK
BOOK571 ROUND, Thomas A Wand’ring Minstrel, I. The autobiography of Thomas Round Carnegie Publishing (2002) pp214 h/b with dustwrapper (presentation copy) NEW     £45.00 with d/w GANDS BOOK
BKS136a SAXE WYNDHAM, H. SAXE WYNDHAM, H. ARTHUR SULLIVAN with a chapter by Ernest Ford. Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians. Bell pp80 with photographic plates/chronological list of compositions:
(a) (1903 1st) VG copy, with intact spine, t.e.g.
(a) (1903 1st) VG copy, with intact spine, t.e.g.       £35.00 scarce GANDS BOOK
BKS136b SAXE WYNDHAM, H. SAXE WYNDHAM, H. ARTHUR SULLIVAN with a chapter by Ernest Ford. Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians. Bell pp80 with photographic plates/chronological list of compositions:
(b) (1903 1st) boards foxed, contents VG
(b) (1903 1st) boards foxed, contents VG       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS136c SAXE WYNDHAM, H. SAXE WYNDHAM, H. ARTHUR SULLIVAN with a chapter by Ernest Ford. Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians. Bell pp80 with photographic plates/chronological list of compositions:
(c) (1903 1st) part of spine strip missing top and tail but `Sullivan' intact., covers grubby ow good
(c) (1903 1st) part of spine strip missing top and tail but `Sullivan' intact., covers grubby ow good       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS136d SAXE WYNDHAM, H. SAXE WYNDHAM, H. ARTHUR SULLIVAN with a chapter by Ernest Ford. Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians. Bell pp80 with photographic plates/chronological list of compositions:
(d) (1905 reprint) t.e.g. spine faded ow VG+ (inscribed Jan. 14th 1908)
(d) (1905 reprint) t.e.g. spine faded ow VG+ (inscribed Jan. 14th 1908)       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS136e SAXE WYNDHAM, H. SAXE WYNDHAM, H. ARTHUR SULLIVAN with a chapter by Ernest Ford. Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians. Bell pp80 with photographic plates/chronological list of compositions:
(e) (1913) red cloth, very clean copy
(e) (1913) red cloth, very clean copy       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS136f SAXE WYNDHAM, H. SAXE WYNDHAM, H. ARTHUR SULLIVAN with a chapter by Ernest Ford. Bell's Miniature Series of Musicians. Bell pp80 with photographic plates/chronological list of compositions:
(f) SAXE WYNDHAM, Henry. SULLIVAN. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. Masters of Music edited by Sir Landon Ronald. Popular edition (1933) red boards unevenly faded, d/w frail, foxing on edges, ow VG
(f) SAXE WYNDHAM, Henry. SULLIVAN. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner. Masters of Music edited by Sir Landon Ronald. Popular edition (1933) red boards unevenly faded, d/w frail, foxing on edges, ow VG       £24.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS137 SCHOLES, Percy A. SCHOLES, Percy A. THE LISTENER'S HISTORY OF MUSIC. 3 Vols in one. Volume ii Sullivan pp154-155 with Millais photo (of painting). OUP (1930)         £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS138a SCHOLES, Percy A. SCHOLES, Percy A. THE MIRROR OF MUSIC 1844-1944. A Century of Musical Life in Britain as reflected in the pages of the MUSICAL TIMES. Novello (1947)
(a) Volume I only, dw pp523. Arthur Sullivan pp472/ Plate 62
(a) Volume I only, dw pp523. Arthur Sullivan pp472/ Plate 62       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS139 SCHOLES, Percy A. SCHOLES, Percy A. THE OXFORD JUNIOR COMPANION TO MUSIC. OUP (1954) pp435 brown cloth (includes section on Sullivan pp375-378 : Sullivan Facts and Incidents)         £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS140 SCHOUVALOFF, Alexander SCHOUVALOFF, Alexander (Compiled by). THE THEATRE MUSEUM: Victoria and Albert Museum. Preface and Introduction by Catherine Haill. Scala Books (1987), paper wraps pp144 G&S Section: pp62-65: Sullivan by `Ape'/ Gilbert by `Spy'/ Programme cover for PATIENCE at the Savoy Theatre, 17 Oct. 1881/ Clara Dow (1886-1969) as Phyllis in IOLANTHE, 1907/ Poster designed by Dudley Hardy for the first revival of THE YEOMEN OF THE GUARD at the Savoy Theatre, 1897/ Henry Lytton (1865-1936) as Bunthorne in PATIENCE, at the Savoy Theatre, 1901. VG       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS141c SCOTT, Clement (ed.) SCOTT, Clement (ed.). THE THEATRE A Monthly Review. NEW SERIES Vol.VI June to December, 1885. Carson & Comerford. Index pp2/ pp342, original publisher's binding with decorative cover and gilt tooling (`Comedy' mask at centre of front board) + 12 Photograph Portraits including MISSES SIBYL GREY, LEONORA BRAHAM, and JESSIE BOND in "The Mikado" : "Three Little Maids from School are We" opposite p109       £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS141d SCOTT, Clement (ed.) Scott, Clement (ed.). THE THEATRE A Monthly Review. Vol.V - NEW SERIES January to June, 1882 Dickens & Evans pp380. Fully indexed: ENGAGED with 1877 Haymarket & 1881 Court Theatre cast lists p48/ FOGGERTY'S FAIRY Criterion Theatre with cast list p104/ MADAME FAVART with 1879 Strand Theatre & 1882 Avenue Theatre cast lists p242/ TRIAL BY JURY at Sandringham pp181-2, report and cast list (NB Sullivan and Gilbert's)/ PATIENCE (in its 2nd year) report p379 + PLATE between pp128/9 :Leonora Braham as PATIENCE (with milk pail) original green cloth and gilt binding     £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS142 SEARLE, Ronald SEARLE, Ronald. DICK DEADEYE based on the drawings of Ronald Searle and the operas of Gilbert & Sullivan. Cape (1975). Pictorial boards, VG+         £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS143a SEARLE, Townley SEARLE, Townley. SIR WILLIAM SCHWENCK GILBERT. A TOPSY-TURVY ADVENTURE. With decorations by the author. And an Introduction by R.E.Swartwout, M.A. Alexander-Ouseley (1931) pp105 (a comprehensive Gilbert bibliography) :
(a) spine faded, back outer board stained, ow good copy scarce
(a) spine faded, back outer board stained, ow good copy scarce scarce     £70.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS143b SEARLE, Townley SEARLE, Townley. SIR WILLIAM SCHWENCK GILBERT. A TOPSY-TURVY ADVENTURE. With decorations by the author. And an Introduction by R.E.Swartwout, M.A. Alexander-Ouseley (1931) pp105 (a comprehensive Gilbert bibliography) :
(b) covers faded, spine split
(b) covers faded, spine split       £65.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK512 SHAW, Bernard OUR THEATRES IN THE NINETIES in Three Volumes Constable and Company. Revised and reprinted for this Standard Edition, 1932. Reprinted 1948
Volume I pp288
Volume II pp292
Volume III pp420 (Index pp387-420). Buff cloth, VG clean set
Many G&S references     £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS143X SHAW, Bernard SHAW, Bernard. MUSIC IN LONDON 1890-94 in Three Volumes. Constable and Company Volume I Revised and reprinted for this Standard Edition, 1932 pp302 t.e.g.
Volume II 1932/ Reprinted 1949 pp325
Volume III 1932/ Reprinted 1950 pp320 (Index pp287-320)
Many G&S references
Buff cloth, gilt lettering, all volumes VG       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK524 SHERSON, Erroll LONDON’S LOST THEATRES OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. With Notes on Plays and Players Seen There Blom (1969 reprint) pp392, no d/w, VG       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS144 SMITH, Geoffrey SMITH, Geoffrey. THE SAVOY OPERAS. A New Guide to G&S. Hale (1983) pp236   MINT copy with d/w     £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK604 Smith, Jonathan ILLUSTRATED SHEET MUSIC A Gilbert & Sullivan Guide. Arcadee Publishing (2007) pp48 250 limited edition (Nos.31 & No33)     £12.00 each (2 copies available) GANDS BOOK
BKS12 SMYTH, Dame Ethel MAURICE BARING. Heinemann (1938 1st) pp342 (references to G&S) SMYTH, Dame Ethel. MAURICE BARING. Heinemann (1938 1st) pp342 (references to G&S)       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146b SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(b) t.e.g., smooth paper, earlier edition (undated), superior reproduction of `Bab' illustrations, no d/w
(b) t.e.g., smooth paper, earlier edition (undated), superior reproduction of `Bab' illustrations, no d/w       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146c SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(c) good, clean boards, gilt lettering, no d/w
(c) good, clean boards, gilt lettering, no d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146d SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(d) dull /stained binding no d/w
(d) dull /stained binding no d/w       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146e SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(e) d/w (grubby) protecting VG copy with blue lettering
(e) d/w (grubby) protecting VG copy with blue lettering       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146f SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(f) fair copy no d/w
(f) fair copy no d/w       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146g SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(g) average copy, no d/w
(g) average copy, no d/w       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146h SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(h) (inscribed 9 Oct. 1943) blue lettering on very clean buff coloured boards, d/w (repaired)
(h) (inscribed 9 Oct. 1943) blue lettering on very clean buff coloured boards, d/w (repaired)       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS146i SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268 SONGS OF TWO SAVOYARDS (most copies listed below c.1926) Routledge/ Chappell pp268:
(i) 1954, blue lettering on very clean buff coloured boards, d/w (repaired), good copy
(i) 1954, blue lettering on very clean buff coloured boards, d/w (repaired), good copy       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS147 SPELLMAN, Sidney and Doreen SPELLMAN, Sidney and Doreen. VICTORIAN MUSIC COVERS with a Foreword by Sacheverell Sitwell. Evelyn, Adams & Mackay (1969) pp72 d/w         £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS148 STANFORD, Charles Villiers and FORSYTH, Cecil STANFORD, Charles Villiers and FORSYTH, Cecil. A HISTORY OF MUSIC. Illustrated. References to Arthur Sullivan. Macmillan (1925 New edition with corrections) pp384         £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK608 STEADMAN, David & TARRAN, Melvyn THE D'OYLY CARTE COOKERY BOOK. Cookery a la Carte NEW From 100 Stars of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company : Cookery a la Carte. Lavishly illustrated. Limited Edition. Foreword by Mike Leigh. Illustrations by Montgomery Flagg, Cynthia Morey & Geoffrey Shovelton. Hardback. The Choir Press (2016) pp218 + xvi     £24.99 GANDS BOOK
BOOK596 STEADMAN, Jane W. W.S. GILBERT'S THEATRICAL CRITICISM The Society for Theatre Research (2000) pp215 hardback decorative boards       £16.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS150b STEDMAN, Jane GILBERT BEFORE SULLIVAN. Six Comic Plays by WSG pp270 Routledge & Kegan (1969). Contains vocal score of AGES AGO with music by Frederic Clay.
(b) worn d/w
      (b)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS150a STEDMAN, Jane W. STEDMAN, Jane W. GILBERT BEFORE SULLIVAN. Six Comic Plays by WSG.pp270 Routledge & Kegan (1969). Contains vocal score of AGES AGO with music by Frederic Clay.
(a) MINT with d/w scarce
(a) MINT with d/w scarce scarce     £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS149c STEDMAN, Jane W. STEDMAN, Jane W. W.S.GILBERT A Classic Victorian & His Theatre Oxford (1996) pp374 good s/h copy       (c)£15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS149b STEDMAN, Jane W. STEDMAN, Jane W. W.S.GILBERT A Classic Victorian & His Theatre. Oxford (1996) pp374 :
(b) NEW with d/w
(b) NEW with d/w NEW     £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK568 STRATTON, Pauline MR. HILL the CHORUS MASTER A musical journey through the lives of three (i.e. Hill and his two sons) 19th Century Norwich musicians. Reeve, Wymondham, Norfolk pp224 (laminated wraps) (2001) ISBN: 0 900616 61 X (contains photograph of a young Arthur Sullivan in 1858       £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK619 SUART, Richard and SMYTH, A.S.H. THEY'D NONE OF 'EM BE MISSED Pallas Athene (Publishers) Ltd.(2004) pp192 signed by Richard Suart   ISBN 978 1 84368 036 9 £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK508 SULLIVAN, Arthur SULLIVAN'S DIARIES An Index to Sir Arthur Sullivan's Diary 1876-1900. Rhosearn Press (2007) pp105 (double-column A4) ISBN 978-0-9525532-5-0         £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK615 SULLIVAN, Arthur SULLIVAN'S THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD An Analysis by Sir George Grove. Cramer (1873) pp54. The Arthur Sullivan Society reprint (laminated wraps) newly-reset musical examples     £7.00 NEW GANDS BOOK
BKS152a SULLIVAN, Herbert and FLOWER, Newman SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Cassell (1927 1st) pp314 good copy       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS152b SULLIVAN, Herbert and FLOWER, Newman SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Cassell (1927 1st) pp314 good copy, but rear endpapers damaged (repaired)       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS152e SULLIVAN, Herbert and FLOWER, Newman SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Cassell New and Revised Second Edition 1950 pp306 spine rubbed head and tail, no d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS152c SULLIVAN, Herbert and FLOWER, Newman SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Cassell. New and Revised Second Edition 1950 pp306 VG copy with d/w       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS152d SULLIVAN, Herbert and FLOWER, Newman SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Cassell. New and Revised Second Edition 1950 pp306 d/w chipped/worn       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS152f SULLIVAN, Herbert and FLOWER, Newman SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Cassell. New and Revised Second Edition 1950 pp306 (f) probably ex Boots library, riveted hole in top of spine, spine torn along front edge, hotel rubber stamp inside rear board, foxing, no d/w       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS152g SULLIVAN, Herbert and FLOWER, Newman SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN Cassell. New and Revised Second Edition 1950 pp306 new endpapers, boards unevenly faded       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK521 SUTTON, Max Keith W.S.GILBERT. Twayne’s English Author’s Series. Sylvia E. Bowman, Editor Indiana University. Teas 178. (1975) pp150, h/b, no d/w       £60.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS153 TAIT, Viola TAIT, Viola. A FAMILY OF BROTHERS : The Taits and J.C.Williamson; a Theatre History. Heinemann, Melbourne, Australia (1971) hardback pp303 d/w VG         £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS154a TAYLOR, Ian (Compiler) TAYLOR, Ian (Compiler). THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN QUIZ BOOK. Luscombe (1974) pp92
(a) d/w
(a) d/w       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS154b TAYLOR, Ian (Compiler) TAYLOR, Ian (Compiler). THE GILBERT & SULLIVAN QUIZ BOOK. Luscombe (1974) pp92
(b) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns
(b) VG, d/w covered with sticky-backed plastic extending to pastedowns       £7.00 GANDS BOOK
(a) d/w VG+
(a) d/w VG+       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
(b) d/w clipped at front top
(b) d/w clipped at front top       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS63 TERRY, Madge GILBERT AND SULLIVAN AN OPERATIC GLOSSARY (ed. Madge Terry). Published by the Gilbert and Sullivan Society pp64 (1975)         £4.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS107 THACKER, Martin MANCHESTER SOUNDS. Journal of the Manchester Musical Heritage Trust. Volume 2 ~ 2001 pp172. Sullivan: The Manchester Connection by Martin Thacker pp89 - 112 (Librarian, Henry Watson Music Library, Manchester): article examines Sullivan's orchestral and theatrical links with the city: Calvert at The Princes Theatre, Halle, COX AND BOX + some ideas about the `plot' cemetery episode (1866) mentioned in Newman Flower's biography (SAS: His Life, Letters and Diaries (1927) pp49-50) (Cover: Caricature of Sullivan from THE BAILIE, no.167 (Glasgow, 29 Dec. 1875)         £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS34 THE DECCA BOOK OF OPERA THE DECCA BOOK OF OPERA. Foreword by Erich Kleiber. Werner Laurie (1956 1st) with d/w pp556. Contains synopses and discography of The Savoy Operas by Arthur Jacobs THE DECCA BOOK OF OPERA. Foreword by Erich Kleiber. Werner Laurie (1956 1st) with d/w pp556. Contains synopses and discography of The Savoy Operas by Arthur Jacobs       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK308 THE PARLOUR SONG BOOK THE PARLOUR SONG BOOK. A Casquet of Gems THE PARLOUR SONG BOOK. A Casquet of Gems. Edited and Introduced by Michael R. Turner. Music edited by Antony Miall. Joseph (1972) pp374 (includes The Lost Chord in F) (a)VG @ £20.00 (b)d/w worn, f.e.p. neatly removed @ £12.00       (a)£20.00 (b)£12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS125b THE PLAY & THE PLAY PICTORIAL THE PLAY An Illustrated Monthly (1904). (John Gielgud Ex Libris). ((b) THE PLAY (1904). (John Gielgud Ex Libris). THE PLAY pp164: No.1 Vol.I THE CINGALEE March 1904 (with C.Hayden Coffin anf Rutland Barrington); No.2 Vol.I VERONIQUE (Rosina Brandram); No.3 Vol. I THE FINISHING SCHOOL; No.4 Vol. I SERGEANT BRUE; No.5 Vol. I BEAUTY AND THE BARGE; No.6 Vol I THE CATCH OF THE SEASON (Zena Dare); THE PLAY PICTORIAL : No. VIII pp285-308 : A COUNTRY GIRL (Rutland Barrington, Hayden Coffin); Vol. IV No. XIX THE ORCHID (Part I) pp6 + ix-xx (George Grossmith, Jnr.); No. XX Vol. IV pp27-51 THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH; No. XXI Vol. IV pp55-80 + v.-vi. THE EARL AND THE GIRL (Henry Lytton, Walter Passmore; Vol IV No. XXII pp81-112 THE ORCHID (Part II) (with musical quotations from the shows). Handsome One-Volume collection bound in red cloth with fine gilt decoration on front board and spine Boards in gilt THE PLAY PICTORIAL (front and spine) Contents THE PLAY (1904) & THE PLAY PICTORIAL (from 1902).     £65.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS151i THE STRAND MAGAZINE THE STRAND MAGAZINE.Vol. XIV July-Dec. 1897 Edited by Geo: Newnes. Illustrated interviews LVI.- Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan. By Arthur H. Lawrence (Illustrations from Photographs and Facsimiles) pp649-658. Original blue boards (i) THE STRAND MAGAZINE.Vol. XIV July-Dec. 1897 Edited by Geo: Newnes. Illustrated Interviews LVI.- Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan. By Arthur H. Lawrence (Illustrations from Photographs and Facsimiles) pp649-658. Original blue boards       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS151g THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE 4 Volumes of THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE articles bound as one Jan. 1895 - Dec. 1896 : pp83 - 89 The Royal College of Music/ p97 Hayden-Coffin/ pp169 - 174 Interviews with Eminent Musicians : Sir Arthur Sullivan/ p175 Miss Jessie Bond/ Plate p242: "THE LOST CHORD" From a photograph by W. & D. Downey/ p253 George Grossmith/ p416 Ernest Bucalossi/ p72 Two Savoy Favourites : Miss Florence Perry and Miss Emmie Owen/ pp332-335 Chapel Royal (g) 4 Volumes of THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE articles bound as one Jan. 1895 - Dec. 1896 : pp83 - 89 The Royal College of Music/ p97 Hayden-Coffin/ pp169 - 174 Interviews with Eminent Musicians : Sir Arthur Sullivan/ p175 Miss Jessie Bond/ Plate p242: "THE LOST CHORD" From a photograph by W. & D. Downey/ p253 George Grossmith/ p416 Ernest Bucalossi/ p72 Two Savoy Favourites : Miss Florence Perry and Miss Emmie Owen/ pp332-335 Chapel Royal       £65.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS151 THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE : SIX VOLUMES in grey cloth library bindings . Edited by E. Hatzfield Vol. I : January to June, 1895 pp484 (some light foxing on edges): pp21-27 SONG : EDWARD GRAY. Words by Alfred, Lord Tennyson; Music by Sir Arthur Sullivan/ pp83 - 89 The Royal College of Music/ p97 Hayden-Coffin/ pp169 - 174 Interviews with Eminent Musicians : Sir Arthur Sullivan/ p175 Miss Jessie Bond/ Plate p242: "THE LOST CHORD" From a photograph by W. & D. Downey/ p248 Edward Solomon (with photo.)/ p253 George Grossmith also SONG p279: My Lady Nature's Little Joke/ pp403-5 August Manns (includes references to Sullivan's orchestral output)
Vol. II : July to December, 1895 pp524 (some light foxing on edges): ppp12-3 Chas. Coote and P. Bucalossi/ p170-1 Balfe/ pp172-3 The Story of The Bohemian Girl
p416 Ernest Bucalossi
Vol. III : January to June, 1896 pp428: p160 Albert Chevalier (with photo.)/ pp226-7 Norman Salmond (with portrait and costume photo. as Richard Coeur de Lion in Sullivan's IVANHOE)/ pp233-239 SONG His Lady. Words by R.S.Hichens. Music by Edward German
Vol. IV : July to December, 1896 pp424 : p72 Two Savoy Favourites : Miss Florence Perry and Miss Emmie Owen/ p136 Sidney Jones (with photo.)/ pp332-335 Chapel Royal
Vol. V : January to June, 1897 pp388 : pp196 -201 Royal Military School of Music, Kneller Hall
Vol. VI : July to December, 1897 pp428 : pp8-9 Sir George Grove/ pp269-271 Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company
      £100.00 6-VOL. SET GANDS BOOK
BKS151h THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE A Musical Monthly. Vol.IV July-Dec. 1896. Newes pp428. Article p72 (with photos.) : TWO SAVOY FAVOURITES : MISS FLORENCE PERRY and MISS EMMIE OWEN (original decorative bevilled boards) (h) THE STRAND MUSICAL MAGAZINE A Musical Monthly. Vol.IV July-Dec. 1896. Newes pp428. Article p72 (with photos.) : TWO SAVOY FAVOURITES : MISS FLORENCE PERRY and MISS EMMIE OWEN (original decorative bevilled boards)       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS162 THE VIKING OPERA GUIDE THE VIKING OPERA GUIDE. Edited by Amanda Holden with Nicholas Kenyon and Stephen Walsh. Preface by Sir Colin Davis. Viking (1993 1st) pp1305 NEW. Section on G&S (illustrated) pp1055-1072 NEW (usual price £60.00)       £45.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS181 THE YOUNG MUSICIAN THE YOUNG MUSICIAN Vol.7 : especially May, 1941 Vol. 7, No.8 : reference to AS's birthday (p117 with photo.) `Places, Please!' G&S `game' explained p119 : to be cut out of outer wrap. Green cloth         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS156 THEATRE OWNERSHIP IN BRITAIN THEATRE OWNERSHIP IN BRITAIN. A Report prepared for The Federation of Theatre Unions. London (1953) pp281 - includes Savoy Theatre p110         £40.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS157 TREBLE, H.A. ed. (M.A.) TREBLE, H.A. ed. (M.A.). SELECTIONS FROM W.S.GILBERT. Macmillan: The Scholar's Library (1944) pp212 pocket-size h/b, green cloth scarce   scarce     £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS158 TUCKER, Norman TUCKER, Norman (1910-1978). MUSICIAN Before and After Two Decades at Sadler's Wells. An Autobiography.Privately printed by J.Audrey Ellison (1978) pp206 (includes chapter : Gilbert and Sullivan and Iolanthe) paper covers         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS159 TURFERY, Cossar and PALMER, King TURFERY, Cossar and PALMER, King. THE MUSICAL PRODUCTION A Complete Guide for Amateurs. Light Opera, Revue, Musical Comedy and Pantomime. Pitman (1953) pp226 d/w (contains DC OC photos. of MK/GN/PF)         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK516 TURNER, J. Rigbie FOUR CENTURIES OF OPERA. Manuscripts and Printed Editions in the Pierpont Morgan Library (1983) pp132 Sullivan PIRATES p79 Sergeant Song and Chorus facsimile full score. Pierpont Morgan/Dover       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS160 UNTERMEYER, Louis UNTERMEYER, Louis. THE LAST PIRATE Tales from The G&S Operas (7). Illustrated by Reginald Birch. Harcourt, Brace and Cmpany. New York (1934) pp319 scarce   scarce     £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS161 VAN DER KISTE, John (compiler) GILBERT & SULLIVAN'S CHRISTMAS Sutton (2000) pp150 d/w   ISBN 0-7509-2265-6 £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS163 VOSE, John D. VOSE, John D. ONCE A JOLLY SWAGMAN. Tribute to Peter Dawson. The King of Song. pp167 (1987) (G&S recordings listed p154)         £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS145a W.S.Gilbert SONGS OF A SAVOYARD by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by the Author.
(a) Routledge (1891) with dedication to Sir Arthur Sullivan (1890) pp142. Original gilt-lettering and pictorial bevilled fawn cloth a.e.g
(a) Routledge (1891) with dedication to Sir Arthur Sullivan (1890) pp142. Original gilt-lettering and pictorial bevilled fawn cloth a.e.g       £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS145b W.S.Gilbert SONGS OF A SAVOYARD by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by the Author.
(b) Macmillan (1926) pp174, red cloth sl. worn, ow good
(b) Macmillan (1926) pp174, red cloth sl. worn, ow good       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS145c W.S.Gilbert SONGS OF A SAVOYARD by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by the Author.
(c) Macmillan Illustrated Pocket Classics (Dec.1926 reprint). Red cloth pp174
(c) Macmillan Illustrated Pocket Classics (Dec.1926 reprint). Red cloth pp174       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS145d W.S.Gilbert SONGS OF A SAVOYARD by W.S.Gilbert. Illustrated by the Author.
(d) (Dec. 1926 reprint) : maroon leather/ gilt lettering t.e.g. (inscription for 1943) pp174 FINE
(d) (Dec. 1926 reprint) : maroon leather/ gilt lettering t.e.g. (inscription for 1943) pp174 FINE       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK612 WAGNER, Richard MY LIFE by RICHARD WAGNER(authorised edition from the German) in Two Volumes Vol.I pp543 & II pp545-911. Constable and Company Ltd. 1911 red cloth, good condition   £50.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS164a WALBROOK, H.M. WALBROOK, H.M. GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA, A History and a Comment. Foreword by Sir Henry Wood. Illustrated by H.M. Bateman, W.H. Holloway etc. White (1922) pp154:
(a) (1922 1st) navy boards VG
(a) (1922 1st) navy boards VG       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS164b WALBROOK, H.M. WALBROOK, H.M. GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA, A History and a Comment. Foreword by Sir Henry Wood. Illustrated by H.M. Bateman, W.H. Holloway etc. White (1922) pp154:
(b) (1922 1st), light blue boards VG
(b) (1922 1st), light blue boards VG       £7.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS164c WALBROOK, H.M. WALBROOK, H.M. GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA, A History and a Comment. Foreword by Sir Henry Wood. Illustrated by H.M. Bateman, W.H. Holloway etc. White (1922) pp154:
(c) maroon boards (1922 1st)
(c) maroon boards (1922 1st)       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS164d WALBROOK, H.M. WALBROOK, H.M. GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA, A History and a Comment. Foreword by Sir Henry Wood. Illustrated by H.M. Bateman, W.H. Holloway etc. White (1922) pp154:
(d) maroon boards unevenly faded (1922 1st)
(d) maroon boards unevenly faded (1922 1st)       £7.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS164e WALBROOK, H.M. WALBROOK, H.M. GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA, A History and a Comment. Foreword by Sir Henry Wood. Illustrated by H.M. Bateman, W.H. Holloway etc. White (1922) pp154:
(e) maroon boards, VG (1922 2nd)
(e) maroon boards, VG (1922 2nd)       £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS164f WALBROOK, H.M. WALBROOK, H.M. GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA, A History and a Comment. Foreword by Sir Henry Wood. Illustrated by H.M. Bateman, W.H. Holloway etc. White (1922) pp154:
(f) light blue boards, unevenly faded (1922 2nd)
(f) light blue boards, unevenly faded (1922 2nd)       £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK617 WALKER, Frank A VERSE (OR TWO) TO OPERA AND OTHER MUSICAL DIVERSIONS A collection of comic verse exploring the absurdities of opera. Print2Demand pp129 laminated wraps     £8.00 NEW GANDS BOOK
BOOK614 WALKER, Raymond & SKELLY, David BACKDROP TO A LEGEND ( 8 supplements also available for extra £5.00) The Scenic Design of the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company Over 100 Years Publisher : Raymond J. Walker, 2018 h/b pp257   ISBN: 9 780952 99431 £70.00 NEW + £7.00 P&P GANDS BOOK
BKS165 WALMISLEY, Guy H. and WALMISLEY, Claude A. WALMISLEY, Guy H. and WALMISLEY, Claude A. TIT-WILLOW or Notes and Jottings on G&S Operas pp151 (privately printed c.1964) d/w         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS166 WELLS, Walter J. SOUVENIR OF SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN A Brief Sketch of his Life & Works. With Portraits, Facsimiles & Illustrations. Includes List of Works. Newnes (1901) pp104 very good copy, blue cloth with gilt lettering on front board     £65.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS167 WILLEBY, Charles WILLEBY, Charles. MASTERS OF ENGLISH MUSIC (a) Osgood (1893) pp302 with frontispiece engraving of Arthur Sullivan and pp102 article and further drawings
(b) (1896) pp302. Ex-Pub.Lib but in good condition with blue library binding boards.
BOOK600 WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA An Assessment Marion Boyars (1982 revised version) pp292 s/b       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BOOK622 WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA An Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Boyars pp292 (updated, 1982)         £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168a WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(a) 1953 (1st edition), d/w chipped and slightly `peeled' where label on front has been removed scarce
(a) 1953 (1st edition), d/w chipped and slightly `peeled' where label on front has been removed scarce scarce     £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168b WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(b) 1953 (1st edition), clean red boards , spine faded, no d/w
(b) 1953 (1st edition), clean red boards , spine faded, no d/w       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168c WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(c) 1953 (1st), red boards unevenly faded, spine faded, some extreme edges slightly `nibbled', no d/w, ow good
(c) 1953 (1st), red boards unevenly faded, spine faded, some extreme edges slightly `nibbled', no d/w, ow good       £8.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168d WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(d) 1953 (1st) boards bumped and waterstained, but text unaffected, no d/w
(d) 1953 (1st) boards bumped and waterstained, but text unaffected, no d/w       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168e WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(e) 1955 (2nd ed.) no d/w, foxing to edges, ow VG
(e) 1955 (2nd ed.) no d/w, foxing to edges, ow VG       £14.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168f WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(f) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd imp.) foxing to edges, d/w worn, but fine
(f) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd imp.) foxing to edges, d/w worn, but fine       £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168g WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(g) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd imp.), no d/w, bookplate
(g) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd imp.), no d/w, bookplate       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168h WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(h) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd imp.) flyleaf removed, d/w frail
(h) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd imp.) flyleaf removed, d/w frail       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS168i WILLIAMSON, Audrey WILLIAMSON, Audrey GILBERT & SULLIVAN OPERA A New Assessment. Illustrated and with many music examples. Rockcliff pp292 :
(i) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd Imp). (with colour photocopied d/w)
(i) 1955 (2nd ed. 3rd Imp). (with colour photocopied d/w)       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS169(d) WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Years - The Official D'Oyly Carte Picture History pp216 (1984) (d) d/w scuffed, ow VG       £25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS169a WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic. WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Years - The Official D'Oyly Carte Picture History (a) Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London (1984) pp216 : Hassell poster in centre of d/w (unlike US one below which takes up the entire d/w)       £40.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS169b WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic. WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Years - The Official D'Oyly Carte Picture History (b) Alfred A. Knopf , New York (1984) pp216d/w       £40.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS169c WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic. WILSON, Robin & LLOYD, Frederic. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. The D'Oyly Carte Years - The Official D'Oyly Carte Picture History pp216 (1984):
(c) Weidenfeld and Nicolson d/w laminated and stuck to pastedowns VG
(c) Weidenfeld and Nicolson d/w laminated and stuck to pastedowns VG       £30.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS170 WILSON, Robin and JEFFERSON, Michael WILSON, Robin and JEFFERSON, Michael. D'OYLY CARTE OPERA. A Pictorial History 1982-1995 pp35 (1994)         £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS171 WILSON, Woodbridge Frederic An Introduction to THE GILBERT AND SULLIVAN OPERAS From the Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library. Dover Publications, New York (1989) pp112 (b) presentation copy to to Sir Alexander Gibson     (a)£25.00
(b)presentation copy £30.00
BKS173a WOLFSON, John SULLIVAN and the SCOTT RUSSELLS A Victorian love affair told through the letters of Rachel and Louise Scott Russell to Arthur Sullivan 1864-1870. A Headlion Book (1984) pp130 d/w :
sl. blemish on back pastedowns, ow VG     £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS173 WOLFSON, John SULLIVAN and the SCOTT RUSSELLS. WOLFSON, John. SULLIVAN and the SCOTT RUSSELLS. A Victorian love affair told through the letters of Rachel and Louise Scott Russell to Arthur Sullivan 1864-1870. A Headlion Book (1984) pp130 d/w       £18.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS172a WOLFSON, John WOLFSON, John. FINAL CURTAIN. The Last Gilbert and Sullivan Operas Including the unpublished rehearsal librettos and twenty unpublished Gilbert lyrics. Chappell & Co. in Association with Andre Deutsch (1976) pp293 d/w, VG       (a)£26.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS172b WOLFSON, John WOLFSON, John. FINAL CURTAIN. The Last Gilbert and Sullivan Operas Including the unpublished rehearsal librettos and twenty unpublished Gilbert lyrics. Chappell & Co. in Association with Andre Deutsch (1976) pp293 :
(b) d/w, back board bumped top left, ow VG+
      (b)£25.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS172c WOLFSON, John WOLFSON, John. FINAL CURTAIN. The Last Gilbert and Sullivan Operas. Including the unpublished rehearsal librettos and twenty unpublished Gilbert lyrics. Chappell & Co. in Association with Andre Deutsch (1976) pp293 :
(c) Ex-Pub.Lib. (condition good) d/w good
(c) Ex-Pub.Lib. (condition good) d/w good       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS174 WOOD, Henry J. WOOD, Henry J. MY LIFE OF MUSIC With an Introduction by Sir Hugh Allen. Gollancz (1938) pp495 Musician's Pension Fund Presentation copy written and signed by Henry Wood, Television A.P. (Alexander Palace) February 11th, 1939. Also signed under frontispiece photo. (+ photo with reproduction signature; 2 cuttings including small photo. with Basil Cameron outside the Albert Hall; programme for Sir Henry Wood Memorial Concert, Royal Albert Hall, Sunday, March 4th no year date (with bust on cover))       £150.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS175f WOOD, Roger A D'OYLY CARTE ALBUM. A Pictorial Record of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas (f) Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Adam and Charles Black (1953) pp66 with 86 photographs with VG dustwrapper     (f) £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS175e WOOD, Roger A D'OYLY CARTE ALBUM. A Pictorial Record of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Adam and Charles Black (e) SECOND EDITION (1958) with 90 photographs pp68: VG, d/w worn       (e) £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS175a WOOD, Roger A D'OYLY CARTE ALBUM. A Pictorial Record of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Adam and Charles Black (1953) pp66 with 86 photographs (a) page repair, ow good, d/w       (a) £12.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS175b WOOD, Roger A D'OYLY CARTE ALBUM. A Pictorial Record of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Adam and Charles Black (1953) pp66 with 86 photographs (b) VG with colour photocopied d/w       (b) £15.50 GANDS BOOK
BKS175c WOOD, Roger A D'OYLY CARTE ALBUM. A Pictorial Record of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Adam and Charles Black (1953) pp66 with 86 photographs (c) VG, no d/w       (c) £9.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS175d WOOD, Roger A D'OYLY CARTE ALBUM. A Pictorial Record of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operas. Foreword by Bridget D'Oyly Carte. Adam and Charles Black (1953) pp66 with 86 photographs (d) ex-school lib., no d/w, from which the photo of Peter Pratt has been stuck to the front plumb board       (d) £6.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS176 WOODBRIDGE WILSON, Frederic WOODBRIDGE WILSON, Frederic. An Introduction to The G&S Operas from the Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library. Dover, New York (1989) pp112         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS177 WREN, Gayden WREN, Gayden. A MOST INGENIOUS PARADOX The Art of Gilbert and Sullivan. OUP (USA) pp 396 (2001) hardback with d/w   NEW     £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS178 WYMER, Norman WYMER, Norman. GILBERT & SULLIVAN. A Short Biography. Illustrated by Carol Barker. Methuen (1962) pp183 d/w         £15.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS180a YOUNG, Percy M. SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Dent (1971) pp304 (a) VG copy with d/w       £22.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS179 YOUNG, Percy M. YOUNG, Percy M. GEORGE GROVE (1820 - 1900) (friend of Sullivan). A New Biography. Macmillan (1980) pp344 d/w         £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS180b YOUNG, Percy M. YOUNG, Percy M. SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Dent (1971) pp304:
(b) d/w grubby and clipped (rear)
(b) d/w grubby and clipped (rear)       £20.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS180d YOUNG, Percy M. YOUNG, Percy M. SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Dent (1971) pp304:
(d) Ex-Pub.Lib , d/w, half-title page removed and re-stuck with sellotape, ow good clean copy
(d) Ex-Pub.Lib , d/w, half-title page removed and re-stuck with sellotape, ow good clean copy       £10.00 GANDS BOOK
BKS180e YOUNG, Percy M. YOUNG, Percy M. SIR ARTHUR SULLIVAN. Dent (1971) pp304:
(e) Ex-Pub.Lib hardback with bound dustwrapper, pastedowns marked, ow VG
(e) Ex-Pub.Lib hardback with bound dustwrapper, pastedowns marked, ow VG       £12.00 GANDS BOOK
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