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Search on :CATNUM='PAL52A'. 1 entries found in GANDSPLAYSANDLIBS
CATNUM Author Title Description Comment PICTURE ISBN Price Type
PAL52a KELSALL, Freda LOVE CHILD A New Musical by Freda Kelsall and Christopher Irvin. The Amber Ring (2005) : The story tells of families living in a textile town, the mill-owning Cloughs, and the staunch chapel-going Holroyds, an unmarried mother, the hand-to-mouth Wilkies, and the relationship of sons and daughters whose destinies are influenced by the traumas of World War I.
It has fun, pathos and romance, and needs plenty of energy!
The original songs illustrate a journey from Music Hall style to the Charleston era, with at least fifteen roles for solo performers, (some can be doubled;) and a range of scenes to engage the full ensemble.
The show can involve 30 - 50 singers, actors, and dancers, accompanied by a pianist and a small orchestra. It can be simply staged, in an open area with set elements positioned by the cast as part of the action, combined with the creative use of sound, lighting, stylised costume, and minimal props; or there are opportunities for more complex and costly productions. In certain circumstances, permission may be granted to adapt the work to suit the needs of particular groups.
Love Child was commissioned in 2003 for final-year Performing Arts students at Huddersfield Technical College in West Yorkshire, England, and first produced at the Highfields Theatre in April 2004.
A new show to delight audiences for years to come
(a) Softback Vocal Score pp226     (a)£30.00 playslibs
Search on :CATNUM='PAL52A'. 1 entries found in GANDSPLAYSANDLIBS

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